Holy Union Version 2.0
Theros Ready! —Sept. 16, 2013
Theros has been fully spoiled and has allowed me to bring Holy Union back into the light! I made the best changes that I saw but always room for improvement. Suggestions and +1's are always welcome. Thanks.
Oh man, you dont know how happy I am to hear that the deck played so well for you! I feel really good about the fact that I could construct something that even someone ive never met could feel comfortable playing and pull some wins. The card suggestion is solid so I will be working on moving it into sideboard soon. Hopefully you gave me some shoutouts while winning! Lol. Thanks for the comments and support.
August 3, 2013 4:36 a.m.
herossurrender says... #3
Yeah no problem man, and yeah i told those who asked to visit your deck tech on tapped out. Also im not really feeling Angel of Serenity In the current deck tech. I was thinking about running 22 lands, -2 serenity, -1 thune. (only because i have 2 and cant afford a 3rd atm) and running 3 Centaur Healer Only worried about that now i will have no board wiping cards. But serenity is a late game card that requires 7 mana, and only at 2 i either dont have enough mana, it doesnt get into that late of a game, or i dont draw her. Although i was able to play her once and she won that game for me. So idk, centaur is just so good imo, 3 drop for 3/3 and heals 3. Let me know what you think. Or if you have a thune you wanna give away send it my way haha would put it to great use. Other than that thanks again for that awesome deck tech!
August 3, 2013 5:49 a.m.
Hey I like the build a lot very nice synergy look to it as well. I am thinking about rotation and was thinking of going in a direction like this. What do you think about Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and Scavenging Ooze and Soulmender ?
August 4, 2013 12:24 a.m.
Thamk you for the compliment. All three of those choices are good. If you're not having to run ramp then Soulmender is a great one drop. I dont have them because the elves help me get my threats out faster. Scavenging Ooze is really good if you can get a lot of creatures in the graveyard, maybe in a self mill deck, but I'd rather have the wurm that can build off of my lifegain. As for trostani, he was good with Doomed Traveler , Call of the Conclave , and Advent of the Wurm . I could see how one could make a case for it in this type of deck but I gave that slot to the smiter. Still all good choices, just depends on your playstyle.
August 4, 2013 7:51 a.m.
I used my M14 Life Deck to have a go, and luck allows me to win your deck 3-2 in 5 matches.
You have various synergies in your deck and I enjoy playing it as well. One thing I felt was that Angel of Serenity came out thrice in my playtest and it only managed to be out once. Not so sure if it is chance or anything, but in 2 cases I had trouble casting it before creatures overran.
I was playing with your mainboard, and I noticed you have Pacifism in your sideboard. Pacifism is cheap but in some cases you may want to consider Arrest ...
August 4, 2013 12:37 p.m.
herossurrender says... #7
@paralukeI feel the same, Angel of Serenity is good if you can get her out, and she has saved me, but i feel the 7 drop is just too costly but like i said, it has saved me from a loss.
August 5, 2013 7:18 a.m.
This deck is getting better and better, I really like it!
I playtested it and was surprised how well it is doing against a variety of decks.One thing I can not forget: I was losing against was a Blood Baron of Vizkopa , as the opponent kept killing my Deadly Recluse to block it. Any idea against the Baron with this deck?
August 5, 2013 8:09 a.m.
Loving this deck. But would putting in 2x Rogue's Passage make this deck better? You would just have to swap 2 lands
August 7, 2013 10:04 p.m.
herossurrender says... #10
I like the idea, i was thinking about running 4 Temple Garden 6 plains 6 forest and 4 of some other land, just havent narrowed it down yet... but for now since this deck is for post rotation and i dont have any Sunpetal Grove anyways the 4 guild gates are fine.
August 8, 2013 12:58 a.m.
Strawberries says... #11
Rootborn Defenses
does a little more in this deck list to me than Rogue's Passage
and Mutavault
make excellent lands to consider adding.
August 8, 2013 3:02 a.m.
@herossurrender Tweaked the deck a bit Silence of the Angels agree with rootborn defenses being good for the deck you can get board wiped by ratchet bomb but Brave the Elements is there to guard against early game removals with can stall many a good combo deck.
August 8, 2013 3:16 a.m.
What about Trostani, Selesnya's Voice instead of Bubbling Cauldron
August 13, 2013 12:49 p.m.
herossurrender says... #14
I finally have the whole deck put together :D tested a lot of things. But i think if you are going for a life gain, mid range deck this is the perfect deck tech. Although i have been running into problems with the first hands. I find myself drawing hands that cant really do anything for a while. Like, for example, 1 Temple Garden 1 plains 1 Elvish Mystic 1Fencing Ace 1 Fiendslayer Paladin 1Heroes' Reunion and like idk another Ace, or a Angel of Serenity or a Bubbling Cauldron So yes in theory the hand isnt totally bad but i hate when i start off a game with something like this. The mana is there its not bad, 3 mana on turn two. But i have a fencing ace with no Unflinching Courage No Voracious Wurm present, like i just have to stall until i get something. So ill just end up putting fiendslayer down turn three after fencing ace then hope i get a wurm for my reunion, or some mana, into a thune. I know not every hand is going to be, 3 mana a thune, reunion,wurm, fencing ace, then draw into a unflinching courage xD But im just saying it feels slow sometimes. Do you have any ideas on how it could be faster? Sure if i take some dmg i can just heal so i dont have to be too worried but... Nonetheless i still love the deck :D
herossurrender says... #1
Well played this deck, sadly without my Archangel of Thune but i should get them in the mail soon xD anyways. There was a good amount of people at my fnm so i played against a variety of decks, there was 5 rounds, i won 3 in a row, i felt so good, the deck was comfortable to my play style, a little aggressive (i ran aggro before this) and loved the life gain combos. Then i went against a control (forget which type) and they won, but this deck is post rotation, i wasnt running Sunpetal Grove it was strictly this deck tech. So of course the 300$+ pre rotation should do well xD But i won the next and went top 8 and sadly lost :) but it was a good night. So 4/1 overall im very pleased with the deck, no one suspected the deck tech, i fear it may gain popularity xD Also for control's plains walkers Pithing Needle works well, although i would have won against the control, i played Angel of Serenity which would have won the game for me but he played his 3rd counter (in a row) and she went to the graveyard. A friend recommended Savage Summoning to sideboard it against controls. Let me know what you think. Other than that thanks for this awesome deck :)
August 3, 2013 3:37 a.m.