Holy Union Version 2.0

Standard* boston89


ygamretuta says... #1

post-rotation sideboard: 2x Naturalize , 2x Oblivion Ring , 2x Encroaching Wastes , 2x Pithing Needle , 2x Rest in Peace , 3x Witchstalker , 2x Bramblecrush

July 22, 2013 5:54 a.m.

ygamretuta says... #2

oops, Oblivion Ring is not post-rotation. You might wanna consider Ranger's Guile for it. I also recommend putting in Kalonian Hydra (so good with Archangel of Thune ) and Voracious Wurm (again so good with Kalonian Hydra and Archangel of Thune

July 22, 2013 5:56 a.m.

Lame_Duck says... #3

Blind Obedience instead of Imposing Sovereign ? Obedience affects artifacts, gives you extort and, as an enchantment, is less vulnerable to removal; unless you really need that 2/1 body, Obedience seems better.

July 22, 2013 6:40 a.m.

GraysonMatter says... #4

I think you might need a bit more lifegain mechanics for Archangel of Thune It is probably hard, but maybe even running one or two Path of Bravery could help.

July 23, 2013 12:14 a.m.

boston89 says... #5

@ All

Please excuse my lack of responses. I will get to everyone soon. I have just been really busy with work. Thanks again for helping make this deck the best!

July 23, 2013 12:56 a.m.

Sloan155 says... #6

Sunpetal Grove is going to rotate

July 23, 2013 1 p.m.

boston89 says... #7


You are correct. I have yet to figure out a replacement for them but will be switching them soon. Thank you

July 23, 2013 2:24 p.m.

Spootyone says... #8

I like the changes, man. Especially the Deadly Recluse . I was hesitant putting him in my deck but I'm so happy I did! But I have to ask, why no Loxodon Smiter ? Or are you planning on keeping him in the side for now?

July 23, 2013 3:45 p.m.

boston89 says... #9


Thank you for your comment. The centaur flows with the lifegain part of the deck better than the smitter. I lost Thragtusk to rotation so its the next best thing I had to replace it.

July 23, 2013 4:32 p.m.

Spootyone says... #10

Okay that makes sense. Yeah, I feel people who ran thrag before are going to be having serious withdrawal after rotation lol. I like this deck though, so +1!

July 23, 2013 4:39 p.m.

yak300 says... #11

I really like this deck, nice work! G/W was always my favourite color combination.

Coming back to the sideboard suggestion of ygamretuta: Wouldn't it be more useful to use Sundering Growth instead of Naturalize , as it has the same effects, the hybrid mana is no problem with this deck and a small chance of populating the wurm token?

July 25, 2013 11:50 a.m.

flashter says... #12

Good change of cards I am liking the flow with the angels when I update I am thinking of going with life gain ramp and 4Ajani, Caller of the Pride for double strike also using things like Archangel of Thune & Fiendslayer Paladin & Unflinching Courage not really sure just yet still looking for replacements for SelesnyAggro going to be losing quiet a bit when rotation hits.

July 25, 2013 12:20 p.m.

meecht says... #13

This might have been addressed earlier, but why not use Selesnya Guildgate instead of Transguild Promenade ? Both come in tapped, but Guildgate doesn't have the "pay 1" requirement.

July 25, 2013 3:32 p.m.

boston89 says... #14


Probably going to use the guildgates in place of the Sunpetal Grove that are going to rotate out soon. Thanks for the sugesstion.

July 25, 2013 4:05 p.m.

Strawberries says... #15

Curious as to how you are playing the Centaur Healer ? Seems awkward to me (who hasn't played this deck so please don't be offended) when you could have Loxodon Smiter , as well as when you have Unflinching Courage and Fiendslayer Paladin already. How does Deadly Recluse perform in the mainboard? I feel like Fencing Ace would be really nice in here, but it all depends on what you mostly play against. Thoughts on Imposing Sovereign vs Blind Obedience ? Also are you not interested in Angelic Accord ? It seems like it might promote better syngery with Centaur Healer and would fit well with Fencing Ace , Fiendslayer Paladin , and Unflinching Courage . 4 Lay of the Land seems a bit much to me, it's usefulness is so high variance in my opinion with the Transguild Promenade and Elvish Mystic I'm just not sure 4 is the right number, do you feel you need some added assurance for the double white and green cards?

July 25, 2013 4:32 p.m.

Strawberries says... #16

I also really 1x Door of Destinies in this type of deck, don't want to depend on it, but if it's online with Archangel of Thune the counters will outrace any deck I imagine. Rootborn Defenses seems like a great sideboard option, I believe it will help a lot vs a Planar Cleansing or the more prevalent Supreme Verdict (both of which the deck appears to be weak too right now.)

July 25, 2013 4:40 p.m.

Zephiel says... #17

I should probably say now if someone before me hasn't that Seraph of the Sword, Deadly Recluse, and (especially) Lay of the Land are all really bad. If better replacements seriously can't be found, then I weep for next season.

July 25, 2013 7:54 p.m.

boston89 says... #18


Thank you for the questions. Theymake me really look at my deck and give it reason. The Centaur Healer s are there in place of the rotated Thragtusk . The life gain they present is still good even though Restoration Angel is also out and help trigger Archangel of Thune . While the smiter may have a bigger body and in some aspects, a little better affects, the healers have better synergy I think. On the Deadly Recluse opinion, a death touch creature that also has reach is nothing to laugh at. It makes attackers think twice which in turn gives me time to improve my board presence. While Fencing Ace is a good suggestion that I did over look, I feel the defense power I have in the recluse is to good to replace. I acctually had Imposing Sovereign in before someone suggested Blind Obedience but did the swap because they had a good point. If you want to know why just look in the comments but it was mostly because of the ease in removability in the sovereign. Angelic Accord seems like a good card I may playtest to be honest, thanks for that. And finally, the Lay of the Land s are in there in a playset for mostly mana fixing and sustainment. Could I bring them down to three, probably but I feel more comfortable having the playset because of all of the removal that can take out the elfs. I am still messing around with the land so its not all set in stone but for now this seems to work rather well. Thanks again for making me think through my decisions.

July 25, 2013 9:56 p.m.

boston89 says... #19


While I have to admit that Seraph of the Sword is not as good as Restoration Angel , that doesnt make her a bad card. In fact her ability to block and remain intact is awesome. Besides the downside of low toughness, I see no downside to the recluse either. Deathtouch and reach is a blocker from hell if the enemy wants to keep a key attacker alive. The only card I can agree that is bad is Lay of the Land I do wish the had a better land fetch. Nothing personal but I dont see any validity in what you said about the other two cards.

July 26, 2013 12:44 a.m.

Zephiel says... #20

In fact her ability to block and remain intact is awesome.

That would be true if she had Vigilance, but she doesn't.

Besides the downside of low toughness, I see no downside to the recluse either. Deathtouch and reach is a blocker from hell if the enemy wants to keep a key attacker alive.

No, it's a bad combat trick is what it is. Recluse's power is too low to use it as an attacker and, as a blocker, it's effectively the same as a Celestial Flare they can see coming and can plan around.

Finally, if you have any remaining doubts, look at any competitive list that runs the Recluse. It's run either in sideboard or in mono green where options for creatures are limited. It may be too early to tell for Seraph of the Sword but, if Cho-Manno, Revolutionary is any indication, that sort of ability isn't good enough for Standard.

July 26, 2013 1:32 a.m.

Spootyone says... #21

I think you both have good points. Seraph of the Sword is a 3/3 flyer for 4 mana, which is a fair cost. Add to that the fact that she can be a wonderful blocker makes her a decent card, in my opinion. You are right, Zephiel, that vigilance would make her a phenomenal creature, but I don't think that without it, she is useless.

As for Deadly Recluse , I personally run it in a 4-color deck that focuses on G/W weenies. I like the recluse for it's removal ability, but also for its abillity to evolve my experiment one, and (if need really be) deal an extra point of damage. So I think it has its place in decks that aren't always mono-green. That being said, I can see how Celestial Flare could actually be more reasonable in this particular deck. double white cost, yes, but you probably can handle that given your colors and land. The only downside is its inability for you to choose (like when declaring blockers), but both seem reasonable.

July 26, 2013 1:49 a.m.

Zephiel says... #22

You are right, Zephiel, that vigilance would make her a phenomenal creature, but I don't think that without it, she is useless.

Oh I'm not saying she's useless. I'm saying she's not constructed playable.

July 26, 2013 2:13 a.m.

antystenes says... #23

I suppose Wasteland Viper would be much better than Deadly Recluse

July 26, 2013 10:25 a.m.

meecht says... #24

I would recommend putting Deadly Recluse in the sideboard and mainboarding Selesnya Charm . Also, use Arrest over Pacifism in the sideboard.

July 26, 2013 10:38 a.m.

boston89 says... #25


Recluse over the viper hands down. While the bloodrush is there, the recluse has reach.


Dont see the logic behind putting the recluse in the sidboard over the charm. The charm is better suited to come out of the sideboard to address a problem.

July 26, 2013 11:48 a.m.

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