1st place! Sorry for the late post but I was busy this past week.
Match 1: Red White Allies. This deck takes up about 30-40% of my meta.
Game 1: I let him resolve some of his early stuff, but Horribly Awry had to come down on Latern Scout, Munda bit the dust, and Angelic Captain with 3 allies out caused me to boardwipe. Dropped Ojutai, he had no removal, so I went to town, gathering counterspells for anything that he would play. 1-0
Game 2: A pair of early game Douse in Gloom offset his early aggro with munda. I had gathered from small talk that he had four munda's, so I played Infinite Obliteration after disposing of one. That made it hard for him to keep up with my Necromaster Dragon, which was really doing work in making blockers. 2-0
Match 2: Red Green Landfall. This deck was based on a prerelease deck that I had made and then sold to him for about $25 after going 3-0-1 at the prerelease.
Game 1: An early Embodiment of Fury made it hard for me to keep my life total up. I dropped below ten before I could stabilize. I got cocky when he was at 5 life, swining with my Ojutai without backup counters. Of course, he plays Fiery Conclusion on it, reloading for a next turn win with Valakut Predator. 0-1
The next two games are not worth describing. It basically went: He kept a bad hand with a single landfall creature and the rest land, I killed everything he played, then demolished him with PLA. 2-1
Match 3: Green White Allies. This occupies about 10-20% of my meta.
Game 1: His Kor Entanglers, which he said is the reasons for his success, did nothing. All of his creatures died, and Ojutai's Command was an all-star. 1-0
Game 2: Grasp of Darkness took care of his Veteran Warleader and several win cons came out to clean him up. 2-0
Mainboard MVP: Dragonlord Ojutai - Won me 3 of my 7 games, provided pressure in another.
Sideboard MVP: Douse in Gloom - Sideboarded in every game. Killed 4-5 creatures total all night.
Mainboard Loser: Foul-Tongue Invocation Never used it, as they always had too many creatures.
Sideboard Loser: Dispel Never used him, but against the 2-3 mardu dragons decks in my meta, it's necessary.
Runner-Up for the 75: Ojutai's Command Commanded the game, and drew me cards. Yay!