Honey Badger or Die!!! M15 updated!!
Even though it's a two drop, the haste is nice. I would definitely recommend Impetuous Sunchaser
February 4, 2014 8:06 p.m.
logicdecker says... #3
Too low creaure count and too many buff spells/enchantments. High removal decks can be hard problem. +1 anyway.
February 5, 2014 7:37 a.m.
So trying the thing out creatures are an issue right off the bat not enough also mana was an issue because you could not react when yourguys get small after eot and die to 1 damage removal, you may need to slow your tempo down just a little add 4 mystics for that sweet ramp that could be either another badger put out to avoid devour flesh or that extra mana for a regen or a indestructible type card because you can't let them have an inch with this deck so in short maybe take this deck into maybe izzet instead of gruul. Still run the red bloodrush and titans and madcap buy also run mizziun skin or clodfin and judges familiar since they are both 1 drops it would open you up to aqueous form also to pitch lands for consistency . And there are a ton of 2 drop and 3 drop heroic flyers if you find you don't have enough 1 dropcreatures. All in all tho I'm surprised you didn't put in Rakdos cackler since he is a 2/2 for 1 or the militant druid 2/1 for 1
February 5, 2014 8:38 a.m.
Stomping Ground will end up making the deck, i will be trying different things with the deck to try to get around removal spells as dizzzyme
February 5, 2014 12:29 p.m.
logicdecker says... #8
As you use alot of pump spells you can use Arena Athlete for more evasion or you can use Wild Beastmaster for zoo (but on other side they are like magnets for removals). Also you can use Skarrg Guildmage for longer games but i think they will be useless most of time with 20 lands. After all you can use new Fanatic of Xenagos , as only fatty guys you have are Ghor-Clan Rampager . And i suggest put 1 Plummet in sideboard because many play monoblack with Desecration Demon nowdays and they are very dangerous for no removal/low creature decks.
February 5, 2014 2:04 p.m.
logicdecker says... #10
Well you can drop 1 Giant Growth and 1 Titan's Strength for 2 more Fanatic of Xenagos . Or you can drop 3 Phytoburst because its sorcery for 2 Fanatic of Xenagos and some other creauture or maybe land. 23 pump is too much for creature oriented deck. I suggest to stick to 8-12 spells of that kind because: well you dont want to have full hand of pump and 1 creature.
February 5, 2014 5:17 p.m.
Warriors' Lesson for potential card draw. Synergies well with trample.
February 5, 2014 5:19 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #12
The one thing I would point out about Wild Beastmaster is that, yes, they are removal magnets, but there is no risk of having your Bloodrush thwarted by removal as there is with basically any other creature. As long as you wait until her trigger is on the stack to use Bloodrush, your other creatures will still receive the pump even if she is removed. With almost any other creature, your opponent can wait until you pump them and then 2-for-1 you with removal.
February 5, 2014 5:28 p.m.
i think that i am going to try the wild beast master
February 5, 2014 5:31 p.m.
logicdecker says... #14
ChrisHansonBiomancin Isn't removal will be fist priority on stack? It will be like that:trigger ability-bloodrush-removal <-. as removal will be fist after it nothing will happen.
February 5, 2014 5:39 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #15
My mistake, your other guys still get the pump from the last known power of Wild Beastmaster but the Bloodrush pump would not apply if she is removed before it resolves.
February 5, 2014 5:56 p.m.
This looks awesome +1!
Only thing I would say is that Gladecover Scout may not be the best one drop here. It is definitely sideboard-able, but I tend to enjoy more power on turn one. Instead, I might add Dryad Militant or Rakdos Cackler . For a more risky move, Hero of Leina Tower might work.
February 5, 2014 6:50 p.m.
when the set drops on MTGO i will build it with the changes to the creatures flyguy
February 5, 2014 7:03 p.m.
ill give Chandra, Pyromaster a try as well as Satyr Rambler
February 6, 2014 12:28 p.m.
No Phytoburst . And add more first drops Legion Loyalist , Rakdos Cackler or Dryad Militant
February 9, 2014 5:32 a.m.
AussieBloke says... #23
Heh, I versed a guy at FNM who was using this deck and Anger of the Gods and Devour Flesh were the only things keeping me alive because he ran 4x ,Gladecover Scout . I would up those to 4 personaly because the average deck can't hit them (at least before sideboarding). Also, Mending Touch could help keep your guys alive. I like Hero Of Lenia Tower for lategame mana sink power, maybe in sideboard though. Looks great though.
February 9, 2014 10:49 p.m.
i have built this deck in paper form,i can do 44 dmg by turn 5; ive learned to giant rowth in response to anger of the gods :b
February 9, 2014 10:54 p.m.
killkong1211 says... #25
Have you considered/tested Pyrewild Shaman
For one colourless more on his Bloodrush than Rubblebelt Maaka
it gives you an option to return for 3 on dealing damage to your oponent.
Petro_std says... #1
the chant is getting dropped for more blood rush, i may true wild beastmaster
February 4, 2014 7:24 p.m.