Honor Valor Glory (BW Knights)

Standard* FullmetalWes


ScaryHairyBear says... #1

Ooh, love it! I'm making a similar deck. Take a look at it, and add what you from it to your deck: Black/White Huge Damage Combo Deck!

May 16, 2018 5:13 p.m.

Talltail says... #2

What is the point of running Danitha when you don't have any auras and equipments to get value from?

May 21, 2018 6:59 p.m.

FullmetalWes says... #3

@Talltail She’s definitely not necessary at all and I’ll probably take her out but 3cmc for a 2/2 with three abilities that’s also a Knight is good enough to deserve a spot.

May 22, 2018 12:56 a.m.

With very few black permanents, is Knight of Grace a good fit in this deck? Just curious how you've seen it play out. Love the deck, +1 from me!

May 25, 2018 5:05 p.m.

FullmetalWes says... #5

@FlyingSeaMonkeyOfDeath I’ve been considering trying to add black permanents to help but nothing right now seems worth it. It’s still a great card without a black permanent but hopefully the next set will bring something good to help out. This deck is very solid from just Dominaria so it should only get better!

May 27, 2018 10:59 p.m.

corboman says... #6

Looks good. I think Danitha is definitely the card that's out of place, given the lack of equipment and auras. If it were me I'd probably drop Danitha, Kwende, and 1 Angel of Sanctions for 3x Metallic Mimic to get your curve down a bit and have more on the field for your Histories.

How have the Shalai's worked out? Seem like a good answer to Settle the Wreckage. Blood Crazed Paladin is another good Settle answer.

May 31, 2018 11:04 a.m.

FullmetalWes says... #7

@corboman I totally agree with you there. I'm gonna start trading for mimics and see how they work in this.

Shalai has been amazing. Her, then Angel of Sanctions the next turn is great and Dauntless Bodyguard to protect Shalai gives my opponent a headache. Her answering settle is huge but Bloodcrazed Paladin won't help since they get exiled, not die. Thank you for the suggestions!

May 31, 2018 5:27 p.m.

corboman says... #8

Ah, you're right. Bloodcrazed only helps against fumigate - my bad.

May 31, 2018 5:32 p.m.

Naj187 says... #9

Nice job buddy! Yeah, I'd like to see how that deck does against blue white or my constrictor deck.

June 16, 2018 4:34 p.m.

Stazeeee says... #10

Looks good. Elenda, the Dusk Rose might be a card to consider. At least in the sideboard vs decks with a lot of creature hate.

June 17, 2018 10:17 p.m.

Talltail says... #11

In standard as it is at the moment if you a. are not on the play or b. unable to get a Benalish Marshal t3 on the play, both Dusk Legion Zealot and Dauntless Bodyguard seem really really weak against the Chainwhirler, Soul-Scar Mage interaction. Just wondering if you sideboard out these cards in the mono-red or Red/Black aggro?

Also, when the red aggro decks come up against this deck do they use Glorybringer's exert ability against Shalai, Voice of Plenty?

June 18, 2018 1:25 a.m.

FullmetalWes says... #12

@Talltail Those are great questions! I actually just updated the deck to include the Dusk Legion Zealot to add another black permanent source for Knight of Grace and replaces himself, but I would side him out against red. Although for the bodyguard I actually ended up leaving those in but in the future I’ll be taking them out against red.

The only red deck I played against was mono red and I never saw a Glorybringer although he did sideboard for game 2 and that might be what he put in. Shalai is there to stop Settle the Wreckage which is maybe this decks biggest weakness. I’ll keep an eye out against glorybringer cause that’s a real threat for sure. Any suggestions for additions are welcome! Thanks!

June 18, 2018 8:43 a.m.

_dylanng says... #13

Do you think Selfless Squirehas any business in here?

June 27, 2018 9:29 p.m.

FullmetalWes says... #14

@_dylanng That's a great card that I never knew about but that's only legal in Commander/EDH decks and this deck is Standard. Thanks!

June 28, 2018 8:13 a.m.

Stazeeee says... #15

I wonder if 3 Unclaimed Territory might suit your deck better than the 3 Evolving Wilds. You can name knight or angel and hit all your creatures. It won't come in tapped and should help solve any mana issues being able to cast Benalish Marshal on turn 3.

I'm curious how well the Kitesail Freebooter and Josu Vess, Lich Knight are performing for you. I'm a big fan of freebooter but with so much cheap removal it usually doesn't make a big enough impact for me. Some combination of Doomfall and Vraska's Contempt might work for you in those slots mainboard. Doomfall is flexible and can stay in against control or creature match ups. Plus you don't have to worry about them getting the card back.

Personally I like Lyra Dawnbringer over Angel of Sanctions mainboard as it's a gg card against red and a lot of aggro decks. Then I would sideboard Angel of Sanctions or Ixalan's Binding in for lyra against control. Like you said though either angel has it's merits mainboard.

July 2, 2018 8:59 a.m.

Stazeeee says... #16

After some testing I'm not so sure Unclaimed Territory would be better than Evolving Wilds since you want to hit History of Benalia on turn 3 and it doesnt help there.

July 2, 2018 11:19 a.m.

Talltail says... #17

What about Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip in the sideboard? Against control, this card is just excellent as it gives you consistent card draw without the life loss having a large impact. Also, is there any reason why you think Cast Out is better here than Vraska's Contempt?

July 3, 2018 2:13 a.m.

FullmetalWes says... #18

@Stazeeee I thought the exact same thing, my original build had Unclaimed Territory but I found that I really wanted access to early black mana for Fatal Push and Cast Down plus it didn't help with playing history on turn three like you said. Biggest reason I chose Evolving Wilds over a tapped dual land was for the revolt trigger for push.

Funny enough I actually haven't played with the Kitesail Freebooter since I added it here but the reasons I want to use him are: he adds another black permanent for Knight of Grace, allows me to see my opponent's hand (which is helpful in any match up), he helps with game 1 against control and removal. 3 great reasons to use him and it's important he has 2 toughness to survive any incoming Goblin Chainwhirlers. I rarely even draw Josu Vess, Lich Knight, but when I do he can be pretty amazing, people tend to overlook his menace and they don't leave enough blockers lol. Also he's a great card to have if all my creatures get hit by Settle the Wreckage because they just ramped my lands enough to pay his kicker cost for another win-con.

Doomfall and Vraska's Contempt are great sideboard cards but I tend to like Cast Out over contempt, but that's just personal preference. There are certain matches contempt would be much better so I'll try and pick up at least 2 of them. I'll be playing around with Doomfall for sure.

Honestly the biggest reason I run Angel of Sanctions instead of Lyra Dawnbringer is because I already had 3 AOS and 0 Lyras and she's pretty pricey. So I'm going to be trading for Lyra because I'll definitely want them after Amonkeht rotates out. Thanks for your suggestions! Very helpful.

July 3, 2018 10:55 a.m.

FullmetalWes says... #19

@Talltail That's a great suggestion! I was recently thinking of how I could add card advantage against control and that would be perfect.

I chose Cast Out over Vraska's Contempt because I really like cycling and I think it's more consistently helpful for mainboard, although if my opponent is playing green I prefer contempt (because of things like Thrashing Brontodon). Things like Cast Out and Seal Away are great for Knight of Malice. After rotation in October I'll totally run contempt. Thanks!

July 3, 2018 1:56 p.m.

Talltail says... #20

FullmetalWes Thanks. Also, Vona, Butcher of Magan seems like he would also be very good against control, being able to blow up Teferi, Hero of Dominaria and other problematic permanents. He could maybe be run in the main board in place of one Dauntless Bodyguard because of how weak the bodyguard is to most forms of red aggro and Goblin Chainwhirler in particular. Secondly, aside from new lord Valiant Knight are there any cards that you think would make this deck? Maybe Infernal Reckoning in the sideboard until Kaladesh rotates? Finally, have you ever tried knights in modern? There is a good decklist on this site: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/03-04-18-knights-of-the-round/

July 3, 2018 5:38 p.m.

FullmetalWes says... #21

@Talltail Vona does seem good against control so I’ll consider that for sure.

Valiant Knight is going to be a great addition to this deck and I can’t wait. I don’t see a reason to run Infernal Reckoning at all, but that might change if Standard gets some new nasty colorless creatures. However that card is amazing against eldrazi Tron in Modern.

That Modern knight deck list is really great, but totally not in my budget. Although if you take out coal and cavern of souls the deck isn’t too pricey, I added to my Modern folder. Thanks again!

July 4, 2018 12:39 p.m.

Barebareman says... #22

Hey there!

Have you tried Aryel, Knight of Windgrace, i know you put it in the Maybeboard...I'd definitely play her over 2 Kitesail Freebooters and keep those in the sideboard. I think her ability to produce knights even after attacking makes her really valuable, plus, she makes for an excellent source of removal with all of those vigilance knight token.

I feel you may have tried her already but I have a hard time not seeing her in a BW knights deck. I have an abzan Legendary knights deck in which I use her and she is always a threat that needs to be removed or the opponent ends up just falling behind so I feel she'd be more than great in your setup.

July 5, 2018 4:31 p.m.

Talltail says... #23

@FullmetalWes In the current standard environment Infernal Reckoning hits crewed vehicles, karnstructs and also exiles Scrapheap Scrounger permanently.

July 5, 2018 6:47 p.m.

FullmetalWes says... #24

@Barebareman It's really funny you say that because I love Aryel and I only took her out just two days ago for Valiant Knight. I still want to use her but can't find room, I can't replace Kitesail Freebooter with her because that will throw off the mana curve quite a bit and I'm worried I'll end up with too many hands with 4cmc cards that I won't be able to play quickly enough...but maybe she would be good against control? I'd like to know your thoughts and I will continue testing it out. Thanks!

@Talltail I totally forgot about vehicles! Exiling Heart of Kiran and Scrapheap Scrounger are great reasons to run it sideboard. Thanks!

July 6, 2018 8:21 a.m.

Barebareman says... #25

@Fullmetalwes yeah i supposed it would give you a bit too many 4 drops for the aggressiveness that the deck requires. Maybe see how the Valiant performs, and try doing 1 of each? I'm not sure about sideboard for control cuz if they want to get rid of it they just will and i'm not sure it's much better than your current control hate in the side. You could try putting it in there for those occasions or to deal with some mid-range decks.

Maybe the new Cavalry Drillmaster instead of your Freebooter? It's a 2/1 knight that can give you a really strong turn 2 hit with your bodyguard, or protect one of your better knights later on in the form of the first strike bonus. Also benefits from your valiant knight and I think it's much more aggressive than the freebooter. Maybe keep the freebooter in the side instead of 1 of the Duress and 1 of the Arguel's Blood Fast? I'll let you think on that but I think it could be a valuable common to add in this list after looking at it for a little moment.

July 6, 2018 7:25 p.m.

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