Hooded Figure in the Dog Park

Commander / EDH DarthBrett


DarthBrett says... #1

Help eliminate cards if you will.

November 4, 2013 10:11 p.m.

Sietingz3 says... #2

I would consider Celestial Convergence , as it gives you another win-con. +1 for the Night Vale reference.

November 7, 2013 7:55 p.m.

DarthBrett says... #3

Thanks. I don't think I want to add Celestial Convergence . I think it would be destroyed before I had a chance to do anything with it.

November 10, 2013 11:33 a.m.

DarthBrett says... #4

I would like to add Collective Restraint and Boon Reflection . What cards do you think I should cut or should I at all?

November 10, 2013 12:45 p.m.

hackerheck says... #5

Serra Ascendant would be awesome in this deck

December 11, 2013 7:46 p.m.

DarthBrett says... #6

I agree completely. What do you suggest I take out?

December 11, 2013 7:50 p.m.

nickless says... #7

Nice deck! I'm just not sure whether the reanimator theme is actually worth it. You might just be better of with running ramp instead of Reanimate etc. While cards like Inkwell Leviathan are valid reanimation targets in legacy, it simply doesn't do enough in Commander to deserve a spot and additional slots for the reanimation setup - it's 'merely' a clock and only half as efficient as in legacy. The same is true for Sharuum the Hegemon (as you don't run any targets for her) and probably Phyrexian Delver , Restoration Angel or Divinity of Pride / Blood Baron of Vizkopa - depending on the alternatives. All of them are far worse than e.g.Serra Ascendant so if you're looking for a spot for her, those are the cards i'd consider cutting.
Your pillowfort package could be improved as well. No Mercy (and probably even Dissipation Field and Aurification ) are considerably superior to Norn's Annex or Collective Restraint . If you feel like sticking with the taxation effects though, i'd at least swap out Norn's Annex for Sphere of Safety as the Anne is by far the worst, it literally only helps against swarm strategies.
Overall it's a nice approach though and with potential improvements pretty strong :)I'd be glad to read your thoughts on my Oloro deck Oloro Esper Goodstuff as well :)

December 17, 2013 5:54 p.m.

DarthBrett says... #8

Norn's Annex literally only helps against people who are attacking you. I would say that it has a lot more potential than Sphere of Safety . Collective Restraint is extremely good and has helped me in countless games. That being said I would like to add No Mercy and Dissipation Field because those are good as well.The reanimator theme helps with some early win combos but is weak. I think I'll take out Sharuum the Hegemon because as you said, she has hardly a thing to target, and Inkwell Leviathan due to shear mana.Sorry if I seemed sassy.

December 17, 2013 11:50 p.m.

iceiceiceMTG says... #9

youre missing Beacon of Immortality ! also a simple Clearwater Goblet can help plenty. i also like Dissipation Field here, Norn's Annex never seems to work when i play it. Other players run white more than you'd think...

December 18, 2013 2:20 p.m.

DarthBrett says... #10

Perhaps it's my play group that allows Norn's Annex to work.

December 19, 2013 10:41 p.m.

jriedl says... #11

I run an Oloro EDH deck right now too. I would cut out either the guildmage or the deadeye navigator for Shattered Angel . It allows you to gain life really fast, especially if you're playing with a lot of other players.

December 20, 2013 3:22 a.m.

DarthBrett says... #12

That's an awesome card. Probably the Deadeye Navigator because the Vizkopa Guildmage facilitates an infinite combo.

December 20, 2013 11:41 a.m.

DarthBrett says... #13

So basically, I just took all of your advice. I scrapped the reanimator theme and put in a bunch more pillow forting goodness. Sorry for getting all sassy against your advice. Just had a vision for this deck that didn't quite work out.

January 19, 2014 2:58 a.m.

Skimm3r says... #14

Very nice build, I like all of the stalling going on here (and the night vale reference in the name :P). I would say that Sorin Markov would have a good place in this deck, to gain life, and the 10-life-limit for opponents would be devastating (basically adding another Magister Sphinx ). Also, why isn't Beacon of Immortality in here... I mean, really, that would be legendary in so many situations, especially considering it's EDH.

January 19, 2014 10:24 a.m.
January 28, 2014 11:22 p.m.

iceiceiceMTG says... #16

I recommend reconsidering some of your enchantments, in some situations i feel that they can't be all that effective. Most notably Sphere of Safety Collective Restraint and Archmage Ascension . Idk i feel like i i drew these cards I would be in a worse spot having played them, besides that I dig it

January 29, 2014 12:10 a.m.

DarthBrett says... #17

I was thinking about using Crucible of Worlds and Armageddon because I saw them used in another esper deck. Crucible of Worlds also can get really nasty with Strip Mine .

June 17, 2014 10:20 a.m.

cerealkyra says... #18

Blood Baron of Vizkopa is obviously nice due to its protection, but it rarely becomes a 10/10 because of how burst-y damage is in commander. Divinity of Pride comes with flying and is more then likely switched on when it hits the board, especially with Oloro at the helm. And nothing beats Hatred -ing someone to death for over 100.

June 29, 2014 3:20 a.m.

DarthBrett says... #19

Divinity of Pride is too difficult to play, mana wise. It just wasn't possible to play a lot of the time. Plus you can get kind of cool combos with Intuition , grabbing Blood Baron of Vizkopa , Unburial Rites , and Magister Sphinx . Thanks though for the advice.

June 29, 2014 3:26 a.m.

Never look at the hooded figures in the dog park. never bring your dog to the dog park. the dog park is off limits. +1 mate.

July 7, 2014 2:08 a.m.

aznb01777 says... #21

Paradox Haze and Chalice of Life  Flip / Chalice of Death  Flip would be a nice addition, you can check mine out for other potential cards, my deck gears towards lockdown more though Oloro, Sit Back and Win

July 8, 2014 11:48 a.m.

DarthBrett says... #22

Oh, wow, Paradox Haze looks really awesome. I'll see if I can find a spot in my deck for it.

July 9, 2014 2 p.m.

phillip4422 says... #23

I have to say I'm a little disappointed, i bought and rebuilt the oloro deck the minute it came out, great commander. I like deadeye combo with ashen rider, but that casting cost is steep as hell, venser, the sojourner is a way better option, or both perhaps, but you gotta have vesner. also, ashes to ashes is sick in this deck.. exile 2 crearures for 3 mana? Yes please! I saw someone list paradox haze, this is in my deck and a must. You gain 4 life per turn, and if you run copy enchantment, that's 6, and if rhox is out, it's 12 per turn.. If you go with paradox, think of running indulgent tormentor, can you imagine facing that guy with multiple upkeeps? I also think you should run divinity of pride as suggested. If worse comes to worse, grab a bunch of the dual lands that come into play tapped, slows your side a tad, but makes casting everything easier and oloro naturally buys you time. Also, look into phyrexian arena, for some extra card draw for cheap. If mana is an issue, look into the sapphire, pearl, and jet medallions, dragon arch, cloud key, and urza's filter. I'm shocked to not see brainstorm... baleful strix is a great card, grand arbiter Augustin IV is an absolute must, deep analysis should have consideration along with survival cache, i put ajani, caller of the pride in mine for giggles. I see you have render silent.. silence for one is a turn forfeit.. it's great in 1 vs 1. Massacre wurm is great all day,... stormscape familiar is multi cast reduction. Mother of ruins is fantastic for one mana. Chromatic lantern MUST be run in all 3+ color edh... Rhystic study is a great mana handcuff or your card draw (their choice), obzedat, ghost council is nice in this deck as well, and teysa, envoy of ghosts has a hefty cast, but when their creatures deal combat damage to you, those creatures are destroyed and you get a 1/1 token for your troubles... oh and she has vigilance and protection from colors... curse of the swine is good too, yeah they get creatures in return, but their creatures are exiled and cannot be fished from the grave. Geist of Saint traft should get a little thought, but then you would want to attempt to make him unblockable, which means adding cards for it. Storm tide leviathan is heavy to cast, but if your opponents creatures don't have flying (and it's unlikely they have islandwalk), their board is locked down. I also like to run pemmin's aura with arcanis, the omnipotent, or merieke ri berit, not necessary for your deck, but it's sick if you do it. I also run damnation and wrath of god, ratchet bomb and nevinyrral's disk just incase things get out of hand. Elbrus, the binding blade is money in multiplayer. That's just a few suggestions

August 9, 2014 6:46 p.m.

DarthBrett says... #24

Phillip4422: I really hope you are not calling my deck a disappointment. I'm really very bugged by your comment. It seemed more patronizing and rude more than anything else, and it seemed like you were telling me how to build my own deck rather than giving suggestions. I'm sorry but you seem very rude. In truth, the idea of an oloro deck should not be to gain literally as much life as possible. It is to gain just enough life so cards like Oloro, Ageless Ascetic , Drogskol Reaver , Felidar Sovereign , Test of Endurance , Archangel of Thune , and other such cards to work. I've tried Chromatic Lantern . Honestly it's much too bulky and my land base doesn't fail enough to warrant it.

August 10, 2014 6:16 p.m.

phillip4422 says... #25

I wasn't being rude and spent quite a bit of time on writing out those many really good cards. I personally didn't realize that the sovereign was legal (it just seemed so unfair in this format that I assumed it wad, never looked it up) if it's legal I'm putting it in mine. There are alot of cards on that list I provided that should be in many decks.. ashes to ashes makes ton of sense in this deck. My suggestions don't "gain you as much life as possible", it's a ton of control. I run several of the same cards you do as well.

August 10, 2014 10:08 p.m.

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