This started out as a fun $50 budget build around Ebony Owl Netsuke. I always loved this little guy and wanted to put something together that was fun for the kitchen table or to surprise some people at Modern FNM. Over time I've made some upgrades and it's become one of my favorite decks to run. The reactions are always worth it, win or lose.
I'm open to suggestions. Some cards are obvious includes like Force of Negation or Chalice of the Void but are just a bit too steep for the time being, especially to run multiple copies.
January 8th, 2020:
The deck is sleeved up and all together. After looking at everything swapped out x3 Folio of Fancies and x1 Temple Bell for x4 Lightning Bolt. After some time I'll be able to judge what issues the deck really has. I'm anticipating splashing into white to cast Rule of Law.
January 21st, 2020:
After running a couple of games, the deck rully hums. Ebony Owl Netsuke and Runeflare Trap are such big hosers on their own, I've yet to see Fevered Visions really contribute anything. The ability to Boomerang or Eye of Nowhere your opponent's first land drop as early as possible can really get us ahead on setting the machine up. Added in Exhaustion, this spell serves multiple purposes in the spot of 3rd spell we cast, the opponent is likely tapped out with little on board. This rips away their turn, adds a card to there hand during their draw, and gives us another crack at finding the right hoser.
I don't think the deck needs white mana, we'll stick to Izzet. Did a little fixing swapping an Island out for 1 more Mountain.
January 26th, 2020:
A few edits to the Sideboard. Running a few less of Tormod's Crypt and included Spellskite as a safety net for our favorite Owl. Blood Moon has yet to become relevant but the deck itself runs mostly basics so it's mostly insurance against Modern Lands.
June 3rd, 2020:
It's been a while since I updated the status of the deck here. Over the past couple months, Hoot Hoot has seen some games, mostly kitchen table against friends with similar powered Modern decks. Hoot Hoot always performs and gives everyone a tough time with its unconventional win style. I've now purchased the actual cards for the sideboard, yet haven't used them. I anticipate that if any of my friends were to seriously attempt to fight against this deck they would run more artifact removal or counterspells. However, until this is the case Hoot Hoot is doing just fine.
June 20th, 2020:
Hoot Hoot is not doing fine. The deck is extremely vulnerable to fast aggro decks. Recently exposed, I'm looking for answers to this problem. Vapor Snag seems like a quick fix, possibly even strong enough to replace Eye of Nowhere in the mainboard.