This is my take on Azorius Control. Azorius has been my favourite since I was introduced to magic and I love the control mindset. Please feel free to comment with ideas on changes in cards/numbers to discuss. Also, I know there are no Tome Scour in the deck, it is just my favourite card.
The current iteration of the deck runs 0 main board creature spells, making all of your opponent's removal spells dead cards and giving you pseudo-card advantage. It also abuses the power of
Mage-Ring Network
for saving up mana over drawn out games as well as 1 copy of
Learn from the Past
and 1 copy of Not Forgotten for infinite deck recycling.

The deck follows a pretty straight-forward draw-go strategy. Aim for 3-4 lands as well as some 2/3 mana removal/counters in your opening hand. Selectively deal with threats (on your opponent's turn preferably) and aim to board wipe turn 5. Turn 6 you want to cast
Dragonlord's Prerogative
if you can and pull ahead in card advantage. From there, maintain board control and be patient. Any excess mana should be dumped into
Mage-Ring Network
. When they are tapped out or you are confident it will resolve, cast Secure the Wastes on their end step for enough guys to kill them in one swing. If your Secure the Wastes does get countered or if you are running out of gas, simply
Learn from the Past
repeatedly to infinitely recycle your deck (unless both copies end up in your graveyard). If your Secure the Wastes gets exiled, you will have to be careful and win the slow way by casting
Learn from the Past
repeatedly until your opponent is out of cards.
Turn 1 is obviously a land drop. I want to hit all my land drops until at least turn 6.
Turn 2 Is also a land drop, holding removal/counters until my opponents turn, when I will use them to deal with the most imminent threats.
Turn 3 Is mostly the same as turn 2
Turn 4 Is mostly the same as turn 2
Turn 5 I want to land Planar Outburst
Turn 6 Is when I should start looking for a chance to resolve
Dragonlord's Prerogative
FNM history:
2013-11-15 (first fnm ever): 1-3-0
Lost to mono black devotion splash green, mono blue devotion and orzhov midrange.
2014-01-10: 3-1-0
Lost to mono black devotion splash green.
2014-02-14: 2-2-0
Lost to Mono black devotion and 4 colour walkers
2014-03-14: 2-0-1
Decided to tie and took second.
2014-03-21: 2-2-0
Lost to Jund and mono black aggro
2015-07-24: 2-2-0
Took 6th. Lost to Rally the Ancestors combo and Izzet Thopters
GAME DAY 2015-08-09: 2-2-0
Took 5th. Lost to Mono red aggro and Sultai control.
2015-08-23: 2-0-1
Decided to draw with the other guy who was 2-0. He beat me in the matches we played for fun with Abzan rally
2016-04-15: 3-1-0
Lost to bant collected company
2016-04-29: 2-2-0
Lost to UW humans and RG Eldrazi ramp
GAME DAY 2016-04-30: 1-2-1
Lost to WG humans and UG collected company. In the game I tied I was one turn away from lethal against jund.
GAME DAY 2016-04-30: 3-1-0 got 5th narrowly missing cut to top 4
Lost to WG humans