A more reliable wincon that comes up more often than a single copy of Secure the Wastes could help you a ton, honestly =P
1-2 Sphinx of the Final Word maybe?
May 9, 2016 10:28 a.m.
Also, to infinitely recycle your deck you need more than one Learn from the Past
May 9, 2016 10:30 a.m.
AntiSanity says... #4
Any deck running and instant speed spells wants Thing in the Ice Flip as well as Rise from the Tides
May 9, 2016 11:47 a.m.
skandia4444 says... #5
Awenna The combo is to Learn from the Past, then Not Forgotten to put it back on top of your library, then cast it again when you need to, and repeat when you draw Not Forgotten again. Also, I will test Sphinx of the Final Word and see how I like it as I agree that it is a great win con.
AntiSanity Thing in the Ice Flip is really good for sure, although i would likely put them in the side against aggro so as to keep their spot removal as dead draws game 1. The reason they aren't included is due to price. I am going to add budget to the categories as this is essentially a budget standard deck (i got the Secure the Wastes copies when they were a buck). Rise from the Tides would be really cool and i might try it out, but it is susceptible to a next turn board wipe or Declaration in Stone whereas casting a lethal Secure the Wastes on their endstep wins on my turn
Thanks for the comments guys!
May 9, 2016 7:55 p.m.
I play a similar style of deck, and I've found that it's really soft to Gideon, lumbering falls, strong value plays (especially graveyard interaction) and good agro decks (humans). A couple of cards that I've found to help deal with the things I described above (and that I think are underrated in decks like ours) are ojutai monument, celestial flare, and descend upon the sinful. If you'd like, I'll be glad to provide you with my thought process. Otherwise, I hope this helps. Cool build, best of luck in the future.
May 9, 2016 8:31 p.m.
skandia4444 says... #7
sdevarney Those are exactly the decks that hose me. Aristocrats, aggro, Lumbering Falls and planeswalkers. I am going to start trying to tune the sideboard specifically against these decks so i will look into the cards you mentioned. Against aggro, i am thinking more cheap big butts just to stall out and make them go wide. Gideon is a huge problem, Descend upon the Sinful may be what i need, as right now i have to hope they animate him or wait for a Quarantine Field. I like Celestial Flare for dealing with the falls because by the time they are animating it the board is generally clear. Thanks for the interest!
May 11, 2016 7:26 p.m.
It might even be worth it to consider the monument main-deck. It blocks lumbering falls, it kills a Gideon if your opponent doesn't tick him up, and it survives our wrath effects which, by the way, it lets us do on turn four.
May 11, 2016 8:38 p.m.
skandia4444 says... #9
sdevarney good point. I can wrath turn 4 with Mage-Ring Network but with Ojutai Monument i would still have mana open to play something on turn 2. I think i will start with it in the side for when they board out removal (otherwise it would be a removal magnet game 1 being the only creature) but if I like it i might mainboard it.
May 12, 2016 7:01 p.m.
i think you might need to put in a couple of Dragonlord Ojutai just to have a secondary win condition.
May 25, 2016 7:40 p.m.
skandia4444 says... #12
Lordeh ojutai is definitely an amazing win con but he doesn't really fit the creatureless theme or the budget of this deck. The second win con is having your opponent deck themselves. I appreciate the suggestion though!
May 28, 2016 10:03 a.m.
With all the draw spells, I'd investigate the possibility to have a couple Sphynx's Tutelage and mill them to death.
skandia4444 says... #1
I got absolutely destroyed by RG eldrazi ramp at fnm tonight. Thinking of testing out some secret sideboard tech in the form of Mizzium Meddler to save a land from Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger and as a funny unexpected way to steal my opponents buffs game 2.
April 29, 2016 11:41 p.m.