

The Uncastables

The main creatures that are out-of-colour for the deck, and therefore only casted via Unburial Rites. This actually happens quite often, with Mulch and Grisly Salvage fueling my graveyard

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  • Sphinx of Uthuun - card advantage while also providing the graveyard with some quality fodder as soon as he drops.
  • Sire Of Insanity - cripples opponents while barely having an effect on me; the main things I lose out on are Mulch and Grisly Salvage (and the rare 1-of Vraska the Unseen), but hardly a disadvantage comparatively. causes Angel of Serenity to most likely return the exiled cards to the graveyard instead of the hand, based on the enemy's mana pool. also can easily discard creatures to power Lotleth Troll before they are thrown out.

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The other main creatures of the deck. Pretty self-explanatory;

  • Angel of Serenity - removal that is amplified if sire is out - essentially changes the text to "return the exiled cards to their owners graveyard)
  • Obzedat, Ghost Council - constant pinging that furthers the gap between my life total, and my opponent's. difficult to remove as well.
  • Blood Baron of Vizkopa - similar to obzedat, he is difficult to remove, and most decks I face are some sort of black or white variant/splash.
  • Thragtusk - the usual shenanigans, life gain and a heavy board presence.
  • Banisher Priest - some more much-needed removal on a stick. fights off aggro decks early game. should probably be Fiend Hunters but I don't own any haha.
  • Shadowborn Demon - as a 1-of, removal on a stick again amazing. especially on a 5/6 flyer for 5 that can be hardcasted. the 6-creature requirement is met quite easily by this style of deck.


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The main cogs of the reanimation engine. Jarad's Orders is an unusual pick as it is a rather expensive sorcery-speed cast, but it is a tutor nonetheless. It's a stronger choice in my deck due to the possibility of Sire Of Insanity/ Sphinx of Uthuun being a dead-draw, whereas Orders can throw it out for me if Lotleth Troll is absent.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 9 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.73
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Player Killer, Beast 3/3 G
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