Hopeful Eidolon, the True Hero

Standard slooperman


EnragedAtlas says... #1

Change out Gods Willing with Brave the Elements as all your creature base is White.

February 24, 2014 1:51 p.m.

slooperman says... #2

I like God's Willing because it triggers Heroic! You Think that would be worth it?

February 24, 2014 1:56 p.m.

RCMetalhead says... #3

Ok well overall your deck is going in the right direction for what you want. If I was to make any suggestions, I would greatly consider adding in at least two more lands. Also, I know they're pricey, but if you can put in 4x Hallowed Fountain and 4x Temple of Enlightenment it'll greatly help you with color sorting and also Hallowed Fountain not coming in tapped is great for Aggro decks.

Second, I would put another Aqueous Form and 2 more Ethereal Armor . If enchantments is what you want, you want max of those. The two Ephara's Enlightenment is decent. The Ordeal of Thassa I would take out, personally.

Now for creatures, I would personally take out the Nyxborn Shieldmate , the Ghostblade Eidolon and the Daxos of Meletis . Not that they're bad cards but you can do so much more in this deck than those cards can do. I would greatly suggest 4x Favored Hoplite and at least 3 Fabled Hero because they are just so good. Also really consider Eidolon of Countless Battles . For it's bestow it'll just be a big powerhouse to any creature it enchants and for 3 mana it'll be a pretty big creature.

Hope this gives you a better idea of what will work better for you. If you were Selesnya Heroic I would be able to help you a lot better since I have a Selesnya Heroic deck myself, which you're more than welcome to check out and give your opinions on it! =) Heroes of Setessa

Your deck has good potential though! +1 from me

February 24, 2014 1:58 p.m.

slooperman says... #4

Thanks! I have two fabled Heros and 4 Eidolon of CB and 1x fountain and 2x temple coming in a trade this week. What else would you take out?

February 24, 2014 2:04 p.m.

RCMetalhead says... #5

You're welcome! And well, I don't know how useful it is to you, but I would take out the Judge's Familiar . It's good for Midrange/Control, but no so much for Aggro, and I would either put two more Hopeful Eidolon or 2x Soldier of the Pantheon .

February 24, 2014 2:38 p.m.

Logics says... #6

More lands and less entering tapped. This deck is supposed to be aggresive, yet 1/3rd of the time your lands are entering tapped, possibly up to half. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx also feels out of place. With such a low CMC you don't really need it. For your lands, I would run 4 Hallowed Fountain , 9 Plains , and 7 Island putting you at 20 lands. Also I would drop Hopeful Eidolon in place of Gift of Orzhova . Finally, I would drop the Dissolve . Again your an aggro deck and want to be playing on your turn, and not having to save mana for their turn. Gods Willing and Mizzium Skin should be more than enough to protect your creatures and do more for you while being cheaper.

March 1, 2014 10:26 p.m.

slooperman says... #7

Thanks! I will take a look at the gift of orzhova! I probably wont spring the cash for another fountain, so for taking out the three guildgates and nykthos, I will put in 2 of each island and plains. So far playtesting, land hasnt been an issue. I need around 4, to actually win the game by turn 6 or 7. Would u think adding more protection like Brave the Elements would be beneficial?

March 1, 2014 11:04 p.m.

slooperman says... #8

March 1, 2014 11:04 p.m.

Bestach says... #9

Mizzium Skin feels like all 3 should be sideboard. If you are bestowing Eidolon on t3 you already have resistance to removal, and against a lot of decks its just not that good. I also have no idea why you have hidden strings, since you have no inspired creatures and could just have more auras or aggressive creatures. Soldier of the Pantheon is one potential option. The downside of being untargetable by Gift of Orzhova is pretty minor.

Ghostblade Eidolon could also be an interesting option, since its bestow is reduced by Hero of Iroas and Double strike could be extremely strong both by itself, or bestowed on a big creature.

If anything, I would play one more Ephara, and possibly consider more Azorius Charm or even Detention Sphere . Even Spirit of the Labyrinth or Brimaz, King of Oreskos could be strong, depending on how much you want to spend, and what you want to curve into.

March 10, 2014 4:46 a.m.

jaggthemiller says... #10

first off.you deffently want 20 lands. you want to drop Hidden Strings for Azorius Charm ..take out Favored Hoplite for 2x Fabled Hero / 1 Island and / 1 Ephara, God of the Polis ..i would take out one Eidolon of Countless Battles for 1 Gift of Orzhova ..

March 10, 2014 5 a.m.

AndyReveler says... #11

This deck has potential, but first it needs to sort out some balancing issues:

  1. Theme/Goal - It looks like it has to many things going on here: Heroic, Defensive, Enchantment base, Random God. Some of these ideas contradict or don't mesh well together. You need to decide on one main idea and a support idea. If you want to do heroic then you'd want to be more aggressive with a few defense spells for support, If you want to be an enchantment deck the heroic could be a good support as would devotion, ect.

  2. Creatures - Your deck looks like it wants to be aggressive, but just isn't fast enough, nor are the creatures cheap enough or plentiful. Your enchantments and spells support this, but are just too numerous and you have too many defensive spells. I would add another set of one drops, Hopeful Eidolon and Nyxborn Shieldmate are great for this deck since they can be bestowed later game. Another set of two drops would definitely help out as well Battlewise Hoplite , Fencing Ace and Precinct Captain are good contenders for this spot. You have good three drops already I would just bump up Fabled Hero to a 4 of and that should put you at 26 creatures which is great for an Aggro/Heroic/Enchantment deck, tho I would take out Archetype of Courage because you really don't need it and Ephara, God of the Polis just slows the deck down.

  3. Spells - Since your gonna be an aggro deck, and more specifically, a HEROIC aggro deck, you are of course gonna want aggro enhcantment/pump spells to enable heroic. 14 spells would be good here tho you could always decrease your creatures to add more spells, maybe only have 1 set of 2 drops or 1 set of 1 drops to increase your spell count, it will take away your speed, but add to your power. If you include one of the enchantment creatures i suggested as another 1 drop then it kinda makes this part easier. 4Ethereal Armor 4Aqueous Form 4Gods Willing /Brave the Elements and 2Gift of Orzhova should be good.

  4. Land - Ideally you want 22 if your highest drop is gonna be 3, 20 if you reaaaaallly think you could pull it off, tho i wouldn't suggest it, especially if your gonna sideboard other high cost cards like detention sphere, which is a fantastic card to have sideboard.

I have an idea of how i would make/play your deck, but rather than just telling you what to do, my intention is to help suggest things to help improve not only you as a player, but as a deck builder. The guideline I am suggesting, should you choose to follow it, should look like this: 24 creatures 14 Spells 22 Lands.

March 10, 2014 6:15 a.m.

slooperman says... #12

Thanks for the advice everyone! I will look into touching this deck up some more.

March 10, 2014 12:17 p.m.

slooperman says... #13

Bestach: Thanks for the advice. I don't think I will use Ghostblade Eidolon simply because of the six cost bestow. Ideally, my deck is swinging for lethal damage. Currently, Hidden Strings is used to keep my creatures untapped, as well as my land for casting protection spells. Not to mention that it triggers my heroic undertone to this deck. I sideboarded Soldier of the Pantheon for when I play decks that have multicolor removal and creatures.

jaggthemiller Thanks for the advice. I am definitely looking to drop some stuff off for some extra land. However, if I drop the Favored Hoplite , I would be losing my only one drop creature. I envision my deck dropping a creature on turn one and the latest by turn two and start bumping.

acousticcancer Thanks for the help! The theme of my deck is enchantments with a heroic undertone. I do want a pretty fast deck and hopefully swing for the win by turn 6 or 7. I will definitely consider your advice!

Thanks guys!

March 10, 2014 12:36 p.m.

jaggthemiller says... #14

well dude this si coming from someone whos been playing enchantment deck my whole time iv been doing magic..and that 1 drop believe it or not i was never looking at wining my game it was my 2 drop . 3 drop monster..next turn enchant..(in your case gifts) and have mizzium sin as backup..even when i went to fnm or played my friends (competitively)..my 1 drop was never a helper..but each is his own and its your deck you can do what you want

March 10, 2014 1:57 p.m.

slooperman says... #15

jaggthemiller Thanks. I will consider your advice!

March 10, 2014 2:21 p.m.

jaggthemiller says... #16

just remember though, you need the lifelink in these kinda decks if you dont get it..you are bound to lose sooner or later

March 10, 2014 2:24 p.m.

Roguebolt0 says... #17

I didn't look too hard but the one thing i will say from making many decks like this one, is that you need bare minimum 20 creatures preferably more. you prob want 24 to 26 creatures. other wise you get the games where your creatures are removed and you just keep drawing auras.

One more thing i would suggest green unless you need the removal in blue. It gets you Unflinching Courage and Selesnya Charm and this deck looks like 3 drop maximum but Garruk, Caller of Beasts is very good for refiling your hand with creatures.

anyway good luck with the deck!!!!

March 11, 2014 12:42 a.m.

slooperman says... #18

Roguebolt0 yes, i am currently readjusting my deck to contain more than 20 creatures. I will update this when I finish getting the pieces I need. I am using U/W mainly for Aqueous Form so that I can hopefully win as quickly as possible. However, I have thought about changing to Selesnya. I will wait after trying it out in FNM's to make the final call. Thanks for the input!

March 11, 2014 12:48 a.m.

jaggthemiller says... #19

dont fall into pressure though if you want to stay azorius then stay it dont change to selesyna just because you have a few more options..keep your own deck and style.because it still works.because there is u/w..u/w/g..g/w or defently not reccomended g/u ..but those are your options ..just do what makes youy happy and what you like playing with

March 11, 2014 1:51 a.m.

AndyReveler says... #20

What jaggthemiller said, play a deck that you built, in the style you want to play that makes you happy. I personally don't like playing blue, so I'm playing Selesnya Mid-aggro, built the way I like to compliment my playing style, but that doesn't mean I should convince you to play it or that it may even be right for you. If you happen to make the switch or splash, do so because it's what you really want. Allow outside influence to help you fine tune or make better, not to overhaul whats already there.

March 11, 2014 3:41 a.m.

sir_nibb says... #21

Try adding 2 - 4 more lands, and see how it feels, 20 seems kind of low, you won't have the mana for your early game combat tricks, and will be susceptible to early game spot removal, and some 2 for 1s which can hurt.

March 14, 2014 9:59 a.m.

slooperman says... #22

You have any suggestion on what to remove? sir_nibb

March 14, 2014 12:38 p.m.

sir_nibb says... #23

Make some of your 4ofs 3ofs, you'll still get them a good percentage of the time. Like think about it this way. "Do I really need 4 of X card. Or do I just want 4 of x card." If it were me, i'd drop 1 - 2 Gods Willing if not move it to the sideboard entirely.

March 14, 2014 6:35 p.m.

AndyReveler says... #24

So hows the deck play?

I disagree with sir_nibb entirely, Gods Willing is such an amazing card that i decided to mainboard all 4. It's useful in against almost any deck.

March 16, 2014 7:34 p.m.

slooperman says... #25

Thanks for the input guys. acousticcancer Currently, playtesting with friends, my deck runs quite well. Bumping up to 22 land is very efficient. Struggle against monoblack, orzhova, anything black and uses Thoughtseize haha. Any suggestions?

March 21, 2014 11:18 p.m.

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