Hoplite's Fortune

Standard Scopes


Ordeal of Heliod would work well in here. Triggers heroic and once you hit three counters you gain 10 life.

October 18, 2013 8:55 p.m.

Scopes says... #2

Yeah the Ordeal's fire off very quickly in this deck, but I want to keep the card draw. I suppose I could -2 Wavecrash Triton and +2 Ordeal of Heliod , or drop one each of Chosen by Heliod and Ordeal of Thassa . I'll have to playtest a bit and see how it works out.

Thanks for the input!

October 18, 2013 9:31 p.m.

Arnny1212 says... #3

not a bad deck. I thought about going blue because of the variety of ways to draw cards; the only downside to this deck is the control capabilities but is compensated for drawing cards, increasing the chances of drawing the cards needed. you can tap their creatures and it seems that your deck is meant to kill opponents quickly. before they can gain an advantage over you.

October 18, 2013 9:46 p.m.

Scopes says... #4

Arnny1212 Thank you! That is exactly the strategy for this deck, you can even improve the card advantage by playing Triton Fortune Hunter , I might drop 2 of the Wavecrash Triton to slot those in.

October 18, 2013 9:53 p.m.

Scopes says... #5

I dropped 2x Fabled Hero and 1 Wavecrash Triton and added 3x Triton Fortune Hunter . The Hero is nice but seems to come in a bit late to be as useful as the other +1 Heroics.

October 18, 2013 10:01 p.m.

Scopes says... #6

Considering -1 Island -1 Plains and +2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx .

October 18, 2013 10:05 p.m.

Arnny1212 says... #7

Fabled Hero is not a bad heroic creature. the facr that he has double strike helps kill opponents easier when enchanted with Aqueous Form and building counters overtime.

Also, check out my Heroic deck. I would like to hear some thoughts in regards to which two cards should be on my deck from the side board. The humans' Heroic path to immortality

October 18, 2013 10:15 p.m.

Scopes says... #8

It is a good card, just plays too slow for this deck.

October 18, 2013 10:43 p.m.

Arnny1212 says... #9

ah, i hear ya. the chances that you would keep drawing islands is something you don't want to take a risk with. understandable.

October 18, 2013 11:07 p.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #10

Ditch 2x Wavecrash Triton add 2x Hidden Strings . Nothing compares to having 4 mana on turn 2. For those who don't fully get the mechanic: Turn 1 play Favored Hoplite , Turn 2 play Hidden Strings untap both of your land, cipher to Favored Hoplite . play Aqueous Form tap your other land for 1 floating mana, Combat phase, deal damage, cast hidden strings, untap both your land, then play Triton Fortune Hunter every turn you do combat damage, draw a card when you untap Triton Fortune Hunter .

I have taken every one of these cards into consideration when I made my deck, I just liked the idea of an all human deck though :P

Also while your at it Blind Obedience adds no value to your deck in any standard game very few playable low cost artifacts, and Blind Obedience does not generate even close to the amount of life gain that Ordeal of Heliod would generate + it triggers heroic. removing it for something like Swan Song or Ordeal of Heliod would be more beneficial.

October 19, 2013 9:24 p.m.

Scopes says... #11

That's actually a great idea, I've been trying to figure out how to bring in Hidden Strings without losing too much card draw. I will definitely drop Wavecrash Triton and I might juggle a few other spells to fit in 3 or 4 Hidden Strings .

Blind Obedience I thought would be good to slow down aggro as creature also enter the battlefield tapped, eliminating haste, mutavault, ghost council and 'therling. I should probably put a Pithing Needle or 2 in there somewhere...

I've also considered Safety Sphere but it is pricey.

October 19, 2013 11:16 p.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #12

@Scopes swap Pithing Needle with Blind Obedience no haste deck is going to do more damage to you then this can do to an enemy + the 2 CMC for Blind Obedience is never going to be played over your 2 cost creatures when you have a Hidden Strings , Aqueous Form or Ethereal Armor you can play on it. I'm only suggesting removing Blind Obedience because it only suggests extending the longevity of the game when a card like Ordeal of Thassa in your hand will just accelerate your game. That is why I originally suggested putting Ordeal of Heliod instead of Blind Obedience it both increases the longevity by giving you life, and increases the acceleration by targeting a heroic creature.

October 19, 2013 11:37 p.m.

Scopes says... #13

Point taken, I'll do some updating tomorrow. Thanks! =D

October 19, 2013 11:48 p.m.

Scopes says... #14

Actually I just yanked 2x Bident of Thassa as the card draw is already strong enough without it and there are better uses of mana on turn 4.

Also took out the 2 Wavecrash Triton so now I can fit 4x Hidden Strings

October 19, 2013 11:57 p.m.

I_H8_U_M8 says... #15

Yea, Bident of Thassa became pretty useless with 4x Triton Fortune Hunter lol, well Good luck with this version of the deck, Mine just cycled from the top deck list :P +1

October 20, 2013 midnight

Zamarneim says... #16

I've got a deck that's a lot like this too, check it out: WUmanity Aggro

October 20, 2013 11:50 a.m.

MaliciousMac says... #17

How is Hopeful Eidolon working for you as an aura? As ridiculous as it may sound, being a 4-drop seems a little too high, haha. And maybe Brave the Elements over Rootborn Defenses in the side?

+1 from me though [:

October 23, 2013 4:44 p.m.

DrewKungFu says... #18

@I_H8_U_M8 (comment #10)

Unfortunately you are unable to produce 3 mana during a single phase on Turn 2 with Hidden Strings .

"106.4. When an effect produces mana, that mana goes into a players mana pool. From there, it can be used to pay costs immediately, or it can stay in the players mana pool. Each players mana pool empties at the end of each step and phase."

So during your first main phase T2 you could float one mana, but once you pass priority and move into Combat phase, your mana pool empties.

October 23, 2013 5:38 p.m.

DrewKungFu says... #19


Just after posting I realised you're probably floating mana during your combat phase....

Hidden Strings is that good.

my bad.

October 23, 2013 5:46 p.m.

Scopes says... #20

MaliciousMac I added Hopeful Eidolon along with Bioshift , the thought being you could bioshift counters over to the eidolon or in the late game you could bestow it on to Fabled Hero and it's serious threat. Lifelink on a double striking heroic with counters coming from everywhere and it counts toward Ethereal Armor as well.

I will try to make room for Brave the Elements in the sideboard, but Rootborn Defenses is there to protect against Supreme Verdict which bypasses protection.

October 23, 2013 6:40 p.m.

MaliciousMac says... #21

Ahh, I gotcha. Nice, nice.

October 23, 2013 7:05 p.m.

nhammen says... #22

Interesting idea for Hopeful Eidolon . But I think that Nivmagus Elemental would be a better option. Then when your ciphered Hidden Strings is cast, you can trigger two creatures' heroic abilities, and add 2 counters to Nivmagus.

October 26, 2013 8:47 a.m.

Scopes says... #23

nhammen Good point - You could also feed Bioshift to Nivmagus Elemental early on when it's not worth shifting counters.

I was working on my B/U deck last night and added Nivmagus Elemental to it, but it work way better in this deck. Thanks!

October 26, 2013 9:07 a.m.

Scopes says... #24

Keeping Hopeful Eidolon though, the chance of swinging 7/7 Lifelink on turn 2 is too good to pass up.

October 26, 2013 9:34 a.m.

Felixlives says... #25

Gods Willing >Brave the Elements in heroic decks. Im currently running a rework of Heroic Hoplites and Gods Willing rocks it triggers heroic it gives protection and it scrys that is awesome.

October 26, 2013 10:32 p.m.

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