Hopping on the Superfriend's Bandwagon

Commander / EDH Burgdawg


GreenGhost says... #1

Needs Karn Liberated and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. Also you should get rid of oath of Chandra, unless you're using it for flavor reasons.

January 27, 2016 9:56 p.m.

Burgdawg says... #2

I do love Karn Liberated and no I was just playtesting all the oaths to see how good they are and I agree that Oath of Chandra can get the axe. Are you sure about Ugin, the Spirit Dragon? His wipe hits my planeswalkers, which is why he wasn't in here in the first place.

January 28, 2016 12:23 p.m.

Razulghul says... #3

I'd trade out Sorin, Lord of Innistrad for Sorin, Solemn Visitor just as a personal preference. His ultimate is more difficult to come back from also better for multiplayer and the token having flying is relevant in my experience. I'd also consider Bitterblossom to keep a steady stream of blockers coming out.

March 10, 2017 3:44 a.m.

Burgdawg says... #4

dlamars- ooo good point about the ultimates, I used to have them both but was like "oh the token gen is +1 for this guy and -1 for this guy" and stopped my thinking there. I'll swap em. Nice suggestion about Bitterblossom constant flying blocker generator. Now what to cut for it....

March 10, 2017 4:24 a.m.

Winterblast says... #5

I'd rather play The Abyss if you only want Sorin's ultimate emblem. The question is, do you want something to produce tokens steadily (then the +1 is better) or do you want something that makes everyone sacrifice every turn...I wouldn't play a planeswalker if the + ability isn't that good and you only want the ultimate. Of course, doubling season and the like can help, but there are better choices.

You might also want to include Ensnaring Bridge and Moat to disable attacks, Maze of Ith does a good job as well.

And I wonder why I see no Gilder Bairn here? Doubling counters on ANY permanent is definitely worth it.

March 10, 2017 5:25 a.m.

Burgdawg says... #6

Ah see that was my thinking on the Sorin's too, Winterblast. I'll have to play around with both and decide. This deck used to run Dueling Grounds which worked because I can keep up with token generation and if Atraxa is out, people don't like to swing their biguns into her. Ensnaring Bridge is interesting... I have some ways to remove it when it comes time to swing to victory and I often play with a small hand late game. Thanks for Gilder Bairn, not in there because I didn't know it existed. :P now what to cut what to cut...

March 10, 2017 5:45 a.m.

Winterblast says... #7

You can always remove the no attack cards with Venser as soon as you find him. I didn't know about Dueling Grounds, I think I could play that myself!

I would cut Thrummingbird because it doesn't have enough Impact. In the early game, when you can easily deal damage, you won't have much to use proliferate and in the late game you won't deal damage with it.

I would also cut spot removals in favour of global effects. Karn Liberated is a nice spot removal if you really need one. You should probably have a look at the planeswalker choices too...at first I wanted to play basically all planeswalkers I own but you have to check if you really want them for at least two of their abilities whenever you might draw them.

Steady Progress could be cut because it's just a one time proliferate cantrip. There are better spells for cmc 3. It's always the same - is this card worth the cost in a format that allows pretty much all cards? And if it isn't, does it do enough for the overall strategy to justify ist use? Sometimes I need to cut cards that I liked for some reason and if I really want to play them, I try to build a deck in which that car really shines.

March 10, 2017 6:16 a.m.

Burgdawg says... #8

Ok Winterblast, I got a query for you. I see you point with getting rid of spot removal, but the main reason I wanted spot removal was due to things such as Eldrazi that are indestructible menaces, so I would like some removal that exiles. I'm adding Terminus, but I'm thinking I'll replace Teferi, Temporal Archmage with either Karn Liberated or Ajani Unyielding. Karn exiles any permanent, while Ajani exiles only creatures while having more useful abilities in the other 2 slots. Thoughts?

March 10, 2017 9:48 a.m.

Winterblast says... #9

If you think eldrazi are the problem, stuff like humility, ensnaring bridge and peacekeeper help more than removal...of course, better would be to prevent them from being cast in the first place, because they have these nasty cast effects.

Maybe you find some different solutions in my own atraxa deck, but it's a whole new stategy and play style compared to yours.

March 10, 2017 9:58 a.m.

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