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Horizon Mage of Thune! (Bant midrange)

Standard* Combo GWU (Bant) Midrange



This is my take on the Bant standard combo. Ideas from the version here: http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/rc/266

The deck has two modes: beatdown and combo.

The combo isn't a secret, but in case you haven't seen it:

Fathom Mage, Horizon Chimera, and Archangel of Thune all have "whenever [X], do [Y]" and the abilities form an optional loop that allows me to draw most of my deck, gain a ton of life, and have giant creatures. This play usually occurs on turn 6 or 7 with a Fathom Mage on the board, with Horizon Chimera or flash it in at end of turn. Play Archangel of Thune on main phase, evolving the Fathom Mage and triggering the combo loop. Then swing with a huge flying trampling chimera!

But it is a three card combo, so not too hard to disrupt. Plan B is midrange. If your opponent spends time killing Loxodon Smiter, you get to build your combo and stomp the game in one blow. If they kill the Fathom Mage, then the remaining beaters get the job done over a few turns.

I would suggest to anyone who wants to play this, replace Boon Satyr with Courser of Kruphix. The life gain triggers Archangel of Thune and your army gets out of hand really quickly. Consider Scavenging Ooze for the same reason

M15 update! I don't have time to build or play right now, but one card seems like an obvious addition. Try replacing all but 1 Fathom Mage with Chord of Calling. maybe add another chord over something else, though I'm not sure what yet.


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Took this deck to an event wed., thu., and fri. of this week,

I don't play terribly often, so it was nice to pack a few games in during spring break.

The deck did alright, but struggled against black, which is of course most of the standard net-decks faced at the events.

Got a little silly/greedy with it at the end adding fuse cards with other colors, but it worked out really well.

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 5 Rares

9 - 10 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.19
Tokens Boar 2/2 G, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance
Folders Fathom Chimera of Thune
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