Horobi's Wild Ride

Commander / EDH trashpile


Lloyd156_BLUE says... #1

I REALLY like this deck, seems like it would be very annoying to play against. +1

October 2, 2014 7:42 a.m.

nosohryuforyou says... #2

Looks like a lot of fun. +1 from me.

What about Infernal Harvest ? The setback is huge if it misfires, but it could clear the field for an alpha strike.

October 10, 2014 3:18 p.m.

trashpile says... #3

Infernal Harvest was one of the cards that got me to put this deck together, initially. It backfired hardcore, haha.

Thanks for the suggestion though, I really appreciate it!

October 10, 2014 7:18 p.m.

nosohryuforyou says... #4

Yeah, it is pretty risky, haha.

I would definitely drop a couple of the cycling lands to make room for Maze of Ith and Mystifying Maze if you have them. They carry their own weight even without Horobi on the board. For me, they're auto-includes in every EDH deck.

Do you end up using Drain Life and Consume Spirit more often to hit creatures or players? Exsanguinate is probably better for hitting players.

October 11, 2014 11:16 a.m.

trashpile says... #5

The mazes are a good call. I'm definitely planning to pick them up at some point.

Drain Life /Consume Spirit tend to end off way more games than they should for me. I think literally the only reason I used either or over Exsanguinate is due to the fact I can ping creatures. I'll test it out next time I play.

Once again, I appreciate the help.

October 11, 2014 12:35 p.m.

nosohryuforyou says... #6

No problem :)

Another useful card that could take on added value here is Dauthi Embrace . Without Horobi on the board, it's a great way to make your creatures (or your allies' creatures) unblockable. Add Horobi and you get a repeatable Murder .

October 12, 2014 12:50 p.m.

metalevolence says... #7

I think this deck lacks good ways to actually kill opponents. If you're dumping 10+ mana into your drain life anyway, there are more powerful options. Stupid stuff like Army of the Damned and Rise of the Dark Realms just put a ton of power on your board, enough to end the game in 2 or so swings. Geth, Lord of the Vault also turns mana into board presence.

Also, on the subject of big mana, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is really, really good.

November 7, 2014 2:42 p.m.

trashpile says... #8

First of all, thank you for the suggestions. As usual, any advice is appreciated.

I disagree with your claim, though. I'm usually able to kill an opponent within a reasonable amount of turns via a few methods, 'Drain Life for X' being one of them. (Usually that's after activating the -3 Sorin Markov ability.)

Horobi itself can win through general damage, I can reanimate one of my opponent's fatties (pretty common in my play group), or just a general beat down with some of the larger creatures. It's not too difficult when there is nothing able to block/attack in the first place (once again, happens often enough in my play group).

Secondly, I follow a certain philosophy when building this deck - things need to hit the ground running. I have found that more often than not, opponents are more than happy to reverse Horobi's ability on me. This means that unless my creature/spell can do something the turn it comes in, I'm usually boned. (Exception being in utility/pressure such as Steel Hellkite, but even that is up for debate.) Army of the Damned usually ends with me on the receiving end of a brutal stomping because of this/the speed of the decks I tend to play against. Also, due to in-and-out board state, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx tends to at most break even when facing my friend's aggressively formatted decks. Rise of the Dark Realms and Geth, Lord of the Vault are good since they roll out on the spot, but I have yet to properly test either due to common usage of Homeward Path in my play group as a reanimation/control deterrent.

That being said, I can see where you're coming from so I really do appreciate the critique. If you have any questions and/or more suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them.

November 8, 2014 5 a.m.

TransMarx says... #9

very unique Commander deck I like it a lot :D

November 20, 2014 4:11 a.m.

killbobbuider says... #10

I had a question about Horobi, deaths wail and Cauldren of Souls. If you board wipe with Cauldron of souls, wouldn't the creatures just come back due to "Persist"?

November 22, 2014 12:50 p.m.

trashpile says... #11

Due to Horobi's ability, the creatures die from being targeted by the Cauldron before its ability resolves. I believe the same thing would happen if you were to Murder a creature in response to Cauldron of Souls being tapped.

November 22, 2014 4:56 p.m.

killbobbuider says... #12

Thanks for clearing that up for me! love the deck idea, +1 from me

November 22, 2014 10:41 p.m.

Peacecam says... #13

January 2, 2015 6:05 p.m.

00caco says... #14

do u like black dicks to go with ur black decks?

January 12, 2015 11:59 a.m.

trashpile says... #15

Peacecam - Awesome card, but I try to follow the french ban list as well as the normal one.

January 13, 2015 10:52 p.m.

marioman77 says... #16

Dash hopes ? Great deck i tried making a sixty with him ! not posted on here , check out my decks if you have a moment

January 26, 2015 12:34 p.m.

trashpile says... #17

marioman77 - Thanks! I checked out your decks as per your request, quite a penchant for infect! I dig it.

I gave a suggestion on your Zedruu deck, hope it helps.

January 26, 2015 1:30 p.m.

marioman77 says... #18

Thanks it my newest one is Eleves of plenty don't know how it will work , but thanks for looking at them let me know if there any that you want me to look at thanks again

January 26, 2015 2:48 p.m.

marioman77 says... #19

I think darksteel plate works well with horobi , makes him indestructible if i have it right

February 13, 2015 8:31 a.m.

trashpile says... #20

Yo marioman77 thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately it doesn't work. Darksteel Plate needs to be equipped in order to be used; 'Equip [cost] means [Cost]: Attach this Equipment to target creature you control.'.

The targeting requirement causes Horobi to explode.

February 13, 2015 7:34 p.m.

llamaglama01 says... #21

Lol if ur opponent is not playing a creature strat...

February 13, 2015 7:54 p.m.

marioman77 says... #22

Darksteel myr might be fun !

February 14, 2015 9:59 a.m.

Gorky says... #23

Oh this is so evil... I love it :3

+1 for this :D

February 16, 2015 8:07 a.m.

Arvail says... #24

Nice little build. The only thing I can think is Vampiric Tutor. A little on the pricier side but such a nice card.

March 11, 2015 7:49 a.m.

SturWulf says... #25

What about cards that are indestructible? What is your solution for those? Just curious because a lot of people I know play those types of decks/cards.

March 11, 2015 11:40 a.m.

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