Hi everyone I've been meaning to build a U/R deck based around thing in the ice and bedlam revelar with them both being horrors and all. Any suggestions are more than welcome. Thanks! :)
**The mainboard
Leans for towards combating aggro decks. Select for inspection, unsubstantiate, and gone awry hopefully let me survive the first few turns, slowing my opponent's momentum.
Anticipate needs no introduction, card draw and scry. Grip of the roil acts as both tempo and card draw, two birds in one stone.
Void Shatter, Disallow and Scatter to the Winds, straight counter spells, 10 total, no more needs to be said.
Engulf for that mid-game mass bounce, again to stop my opponent running rampant.
Now onto the creatures: Thing in the ice, 0-4 blocker with a mass bounce effect and bedlam revelar 3-4 with a 3 card draw effect, both have good synergies with instance/sorcery decks like this. Just one torrential gearhulk, great late game, but I need to survive to get to 6 mana plus it's pricey AF. no dollar :(
Enchantments wise I run 3 fevered visions, with all the bounce I'm playing it's a great way to tick my opponent down and keep the engine running by drawing me cards.
Jace, just the one of, he's sorcery speed, but in the right situation will be great as both card draw and bouncer (as skinny as he is) (bad joke I know).
Now onto the sideboard:
My idea was to make it so that I change my deck from a counter-aggro deck, to a counter-control deck.
Dynavolt tower will be key in generating energy from my instances and burning my opponent in the process.
Shock is a cheap burn my opponent for two damage at one mana + easy energy made from dynavolt.
Harnessed lightning is again easy energy, and can take out some huge creatures later on with the cumulative energy I'm generating.
Glimmer, card draw and energy, can't complain.
Negate, needs no introduction, great against control.
One more Torrential as it's more viable against control which is more likely to get to mid-late game.
One Docent because: 1. he's a horror and he suits the theme, 2. I just want to play him 3. if I can protect him against removal he is a decent win-con. :)