Horror, Carnage, and Annihilation. All are Rakdos.
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 122 | 100 COMMENTS | 14583 VIEWS | IN 44 FOLDERS
TheLivingCME says... #2
Hey bro! This deck looks great (even if I'm not that competent in this format :P)!
Have you tried Gray Merchant of Asphodel? It could hit for a huge chunk of life!
April 15, 2016 8:56 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #3
TheLivingCME I had not considered Gray Merchant of Asphodel. My one concern is my deck is somewhat based around not having permanents, but if I get a controlling start he could come in handy. I'll definitely keep him in mind while I playtest.
Thanks for the comment man! May I ask is there any particular reason you haven't gotten into EDH? Don't like the format? Money for cards? (I think this particular reason could be used for a lot of people). Just wondering. I would definitely say try it sometime, you may become addicted.
April 15, 2016 3:11 p.m.
TheLivingCME says... #4
I didn't get into EDH mainly because none of my friends plays it, unfortunately. I'm sure it's a nice format to play, and one can build something good with just a little investment, but all the people I know and play with are focused on Modern. :/
April 16, 2016 6:10 a.m.
Love the Diablo III photo.~Haven't gotten the game yet,but I will eventually.
I'm fond of this deck.Mainly that you're being able to successfully use Lord Rakdos.Of course,+1 :).
EDH is less expensive than Modern,but it can be just as expensive.I don't have a deck for EDH yet because I've focused so much on Modern and other 60-card constructed formats.Well,I have one,but it's incomplete(on TO).
April 16, 2016 10:48 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #6
RedJokr just a heads up only get Diablo 3 when you don't have anything else to do. You will become addicted and the rest of the world will fade away.
As far as expenses go I agree with you, but mainly on the scale of mana bases. Lands are usually the most expensive thing, and being that this one doesn't need fetchlands and only one shock it's fairly low.
EDH is such a fun format when you can play with other people at your power level. There are consistent turn 3 and 4 EDH's out there, but if you can play against fun people the jokes, jankness, and overall style of the game makes memeories.
Any possible suggestions for this deck? Anything in the maybeboard that you think should be main and possible card suggestions to take out?
April 16, 2016 4:11 p.m.
XD.Probably during the summer.EDH never really needs fetches or shocks which is always a good thing.Luckily,I'll eventually work on Omnath, Locus of Mana,but not yet.
As of now,I can't think of anything ;/
April 16, 2016 7:53 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #8
RedJokr - Hopefully the price doesn't fluctuate by the time you read this. But the checkout price of this deck on TCG at this present moment is 666. Not sure if it is just awesome flavor for the deck, or if I should throw it away and never speak of it again haha.
May 10, 2016 9:23 a.m.
spoonieluv1023 says... #10
Awesome deck. If it were me running this, the only changes I would make would be to add Repercussion and a couple more damage sweepers like Pyroclasm. I used to run a deck that centered around Repercussion and Death Pits of Rath with a LOT of damage sweepers. I love your make everyone sacrifice stuff theme with this though. +1.
May 15, 2016 10:28 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #11
Thanks for the up vote and comment spoonieluv1023! I absolutely love Repercussion and will find a place for it. In play testing I haven't had but so much problem with creatures but will consider more board wipes in my colors. I've also been considering whether I want to fully surround this deck around Rakdos the Defiler or have him as an alternate or just a scary presence. Right now I'm somewhat in between and in play testing it shows. Any possible suggestions?
May 15, 2016 11 p.m.
spoonieluv1023 says... #12
I think you would be good with either Rakdos or Mogis commanding. You could branch out into another color, or choose one of the other red/black legends, but, in my opinion, that would cause the deck to lose a lot of it's flavor and/or it's effectiveness. You are not all-in on creatures, so Grenzo, Dungeon Warden would be very hit-or-miss. Kaervak, the Merciless has a bulls-eye the size of Texas on it. Malfegor only has a one shot ETB sacrifice ability (although, he might make a decent piece of the 99). Mogis and Rakdos fit the theme of the deck perfectly. I think you're good.
May 15, 2016 11:18 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #13
spoonieluv1023 thanks for the suggestions and insight. I've been thinking of changing a couple things in the deck (nothing like theme or flavor, maybe just a more linear theme with more ramp and overall hate), and the cards you brought up are pretty awesome. Thanks again man!
May 15, 2016 11:32 p.m.
spoonieluv1023 says... #14
You are more than welcome. I'm glad to help. I'll add this to a folder so if I think of anything else, I will comment.
May 15, 2016 11:35 p.m.
whiledpayne says... #15
no Kaervek the Merciless? Master of cruelites? also maybe consider running Greed or Phyrexian Arena if you arent getting enough draw. The few suggestions i really love the deck and good job on the description
May 18, 2016 7:15 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #16
whiledpayne - First off thanks for the suggestions!
Kaervek the Merciless and Master of Cruelties were considered, but the first seemed really expensive being that there isn't a lot of ramp in the deck, the second seemed somewhat out of place without haste. I am looking to change the deck a little bit wit more of a linear theme of pure hate, and of course will take these into consideration. Draw power didn't seem nearly as necessary with all of the hate cards, but again will take a good hard look at the deck.
Thanks for the look and comment, and the compliment on the description. This is the only deck that I went the extra mile, means a lot that you said something about it.
May 19, 2016 1:53 a.m.
Great deck, +1 from me i'm really liking the flavor of this deck and that diablo picture is just rad. Rakdos is a great commander and it seems you put alot of work into optimizing this list, way better than my current Rakdos deck lol.
Some cards that I think would help you out though or that worked well for me.
Heartless Hidetsugu this guy does have a target on his back, but it's there for a good reason also handy for those annoying lifegain decks.
Sewer Nemesis fits your horror theme quite well, and gets even scarier if Rakdos attacks all those delicious permanents.
Overseer of the Damned can generate a lot of tokens if your opponent has a full board.
Void a favorite of mine.
Smokestack if you don't like permanents then you may like smokestack, a bit more of a stax card for a Rakdos list but this can be punishing for your opponents.
Viashino Heretic great for artifact hate.
Skullclamp if your creatures are going to be sacced might as well draw some cards, if you can reliably get this into play you should be able to draw more than enough.
Promise of Power this card is great for card draw and if you attack with Rakdos you still get to keep the token since it's a demon.
Anyway just some idea's I had for your deck, it really is a great Rakdos list so if you don't use any of these suggestions, no worries.
May 31, 2016 12:24 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #18
Destroya - first off thanks for the compliments and suggestions!!
Heartless Hidetsugu - isn't a terrible suggestions. Losing life and making them sack permanents seems like a great card.
Smokestack - the only reason it wasn't included was the continuous sacking of my permanents. My commander I can at least choose to attack, Smokestack can truly backfire, but does work into my theme very well. I will take a closer look into it.
Sewer Nemesis - I like and will find a place for.
Overseer of the Damned was taken out because I thought Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and Grave Titan were better token generators. Granted the way my theme goes it might be better to have as many as possible.
Void seems really situational. In my colors though I'm not sure what else I have for non-creature permanents.
Viashino Heretic was in the original list but taken out to meet the 100 card limit. I will definitely reconsider putting him back in.
Promise of Power I never really considered, but the utility is there. I will consider that card.
I personally don't care too much for Skullclamp in this deck. I think there are better cards that can fit the card slot. I will look at the card though and reconsider.
I am looking to make the deck into a more linear theme of pure hate cards, whether to focus on my commander, or on destruction type cards and Rakdos the Defiler sits there as a backup threat. I just haven't had the time lately, but will try to sit down on the deck in the next couple days. If you're interested I'll definitely tag you with the update. Thanks for the suggestions, plus the compliments on the description. I definitely went further with this particular deck as far as the description goes, and it feels good to know people notice it.
May 31, 2016 3:38 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #19
Neat list man. Thumbs up!
Have you seen my other-Rakdos list? #GotPain?
August 14, 2016 10:58 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #21
I love this deck. So flavorful. I hope you are doing well :-) Check out my newest abomination... I mean creation:
August 18, 2016 5:17 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #25
I was trying to avoid a lot of complete land destruction (meaning too many of my own), unless Black Market has enough counters on it. Thanks for the suggestions lefty117. I'll consider them.
Pheardemons says... #1
RedJokr This is the deck I was telling you about. I know I tagged you in the other Rakdos deck, but this one is redone and I believe is much better. Let me know what you think about the deck and/or the description whenever you get the time.
ComboCrazy Just like above I know I tagged you in the other one, but I'm trying to make this one the Ultimate screw you deck. I know you advised Leyline of Punishment but I don't like it for this one as I want/need to gain life here. I do have Erebos, God of the Dead and Tainted Remedy in the maybeboard to make up for that. If you have the time let me know what you think of the deck and description.
Sk0oMa Hey man I hope you don't think I'm blowing you up, I just thought this was going to be the EDH I'd fall in love with and was wondering if you had any suggestions on the deck or description to help make it better in any way. Whenever you get the time please let me know.
Red_X I know we haven't hit up in awhile (Aside from your superfriends deck), but when you get the time please let me know what you think of this deck and the description. Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated!
TheLivingCME I know you're not much of an EDH person (I would advise you to get into it it's fun man), but I'm pretty sure you like themes and thought you would appreciate what I tried to do here. Of course any possible suggestions or comments on the deck or description would be appreciated.
FOR ALL OF YOU and anyone else that decides to take a look I will go more in depth with specific cards once I get some sleep and after work. Please feel free to ask any/all questions and I will get to them as soon as possible. Thank you!!
April 15, 2016 7:21 a.m.