How Aluring~~ (Competitive Aggro/Combo Elves)

Commander / EDH abby315


hoggyhay222 says... #1

I ended up with an extra Cloudstone Curio if you're still interested btw :)

July 17, 2016 2:06 p.m.

abby315 says... #2

hoggyhay222 Do you have a Pucatrade?

July 17, 2016 11:33 p.m.

hoggyhay222 says... #3

I do not D:

July 17, 2016 11:44 p.m.

abby315 says... #4

hoggyhay222 Ah, I'd rather not initiate a trade with no protection since mail is still a fickle thing (especially since things get lost on their way to my PO Box more often than I'd like :c). Thanks for offering though!

July 18, 2016 12:21 a.m.

hoggyhay222 says... #5

Haha well, I was just offering to just send it to you for free :P

But no problemo!

I've added a couple things to my list now, I'm just trying to figure out if/how a couple cards fit in.

July 18, 2016 12:29 a.m.

abby315 says... #6

hoggyhay222 Oh! That's exceedingly kind of you; sorry for misreading that haha. I didn't expect that!

Still I would only take it if you're sure you have no plans for it, or want it! I'd love to be able to add it to Ezuri but again I can't guarantee that mail gets to me so I'd feel awful if it got lost and you had no recompense. You can just send me a message if you decide you'd like to send it anyway and I'd give you my address!

And I'll take a look at your deck to see what goodies you got and if I have any suggestions for em :)

July 18, 2016 4:36 p.m.

hoggyhay222 says... #7

I have no idea how to private chat on this site xD

But yeah, it's all yours. It's not that much more to ship w/ tracking, so you should probably receive it.

July 18, 2016 4:55 p.m.

P4nd3m1c says... #8

So Cloudstone Curio and all your other bouncing related stuff Wood Elves, Sylvan Ranger, Soul of the Harvest, Gilt-Leaf Archdruid, Dwynen's Elite, Elvish Harbinger, Eternal Witness, Farhaven Elf, Elvish Visionary, Elvish Pioneer, and sort of Devoted Druid really only work because of Aluren I gather...? If so, how effective is that strategy compared to my tapping sub-strategy in "It's Okay. They're just Elves." deck? I definitely have more of an artifact and enchantment thing going on, but you have a lot more creatures.

August 8, 2016 5:02 p.m.

P4nd3m1c says... #9

Also, no Planeswalkers? Garruk Wildspeaker and Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury work great in my deck. Garruk, Caller of Beasts works better in your creature heavy build, but perhaps you simply aren't a fan of them... Freyalise would help immensely with Gilt-Leaf Archdruid, by the way.

August 8, 2016 5:07 p.m.

abby315 says... #10

P4nd3m1c: Bouncing is just a good subtheme with elves. With Aluren it gets pretty nuts; but both Aluren and those elves you named are also good on their own and really fun.

Devoted Druid is in there because if you can use Ezuri's ability a couple times first, she can keep the pumps going another 5-6 times--she just dies EoT if you don't bounce her.

But yeah. It's good to be able to bounce elves for free, basically. I've found it's a great strategy for staying in the game if your creatures die and being more flexible overall.

Planeswalkers: yeah, I used to have Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury in here and I might put her back in because her ult is great, but I wanted to cut most of the 4+ cards that didn't have a massive impact on the board so that I could consistently have explosive starts.

That's also why there are so many creatures compared to your deck; makes it easier to have enough elves so that my tutor'd Priest of Titania or Elvish Archdruid can put out massive mana and win early.

Like it says in the description, this deck was built specifically against Wrath of God because my typical playgroup has at LEAST 7 can't-regen or exile boardwipes between them. So it's built to hit fast and early, and be able to win out of nowhere even if I have only a couple unassuming elves on board. (People don't target you when you've only played Elvish Mystic, Elvish Visionary and Farhaven Elf, but then I can play Umbral Mantle and Priest of Titania--or search for her--in one turn and take three people out in one go.)

Anyway, I'll look back into Freya if a different card feels underwhelming, because I DO love Gilt-Leaf Archdruid--that's one of the only cards in the deck that doesn't fit my building philosophy but is in there anyway because it's just so /funny/.

I couldn't figure out what tapping sub-theme you meant in your deck, but I do recommend at least just one thing like Cloudstone Curio if you're looking for cards to try out!

August 10, 2016 3:34 p.m.

P4nd3m1c says... #11

So if your deck is Wrath of God proof, why still have Ambush Commander?

August 14, 2016 12:05 p.m.

abby315 says... #12

P4nd3m1c: he can create a massive surge in mana for cards like Priest of Titania, and can usually end the game since I'll have 5+ hasty elves to pump.

No need to be afraid of wraths with him. Just leave up 2 mana to sac himself to his ability and save your lands. It's pretty foolproof.

August 14, 2016 3:49 p.m.

P4nd3m1c says... #13

I didn't know that the ability worked on him too. Maybe I'll reconsider him...

August 14, 2016 5:42 p.m.

abby315 says... #14

P4nd3m1c Do! He's a lot of fun. I mean, I wouldn't put him in a completely streamlined combo oriented deck because he's 5 mana, but I like to have some other fun paths to victory and he's definitely one of them.

August 14, 2016 10:56 p.m.

hoggyhay222 says... #15

Let me know how Selvala goes after long term testing. I'll admit I have a fair amount of reservations.

August 27, 2016 7:58 a.m.

zeusbad says... #16

you are probably looking for Survival of the Fittest

January 7, 2017 3:06 a.m.

DarkMagician says... #17

August 9, 2017 8:05 p.m.

abby315 says... #18

DarkMagician at worst it finds a land, which is sometimes necessary since I'm not running many, at best it finds one of the combo pieces: Cloudstone Curio, Umbral Mantle, or Staff of Domination.

August 9, 2017 9:41 p.m.

DarkMagician says... #19

Also I just want to point out that you don't need a creature with power 5 or greater to go infinite with Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, all you need is her, Umbral Mantle and three mana.

August 10, 2017 6:07 a.m.

Shane.Allen says... #20

Really good deck made very well, those elves are so hard to fight and have always been a thorn in my side all my years in magic. A+++

November 21, 2017 9:01 p.m.

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