How Bernie Sanders Plays Magic

Commander / EDH PurePazaak

SCORE: 229 | 117 COMMENTS | 28894 VIEWS | IN 103 FOLDERS

Wouldn't Yisan, the Wanderer Bard help you out? with the proliferate capacity of your deck, you'd be pumping high CMC creatures in no time!

February 24, 2016 7:56 a.m.

PurePazaak says... #2

@TheAmazingSalsa I completely forgot about Yisan, the Wanderer Bard. I'm definitely putting him in. Thanks for the suggestion!

February 24, 2016 12:37 p.m.

Frobnic says... #3

Cloudstone Curio!

Aluren + Cloudstone Curio = Infinite EXP-Counters, infinite ETB effects!

March 6, 2016 3:17 p.m.

PurePazaak says... #4

@Frobnic While Cloudstone Curio works perfectly with Aluren, it is not quite as good without my creatures being free. That being said, it's still a great card and I'll be looking for a place to fit it in. Thanks for the suggestion!

March 6, 2016 3:28 p.m.

Alright This deck is awesome. The synergy is great. And the Photoshopping is spot on. I love it.

June 5, 2016 10:57 a.m.

PurePazaak says... #6

@DeathbyCards200 - Thank you for your comment! The synergy in here came after many alterations ever since I first bought the precon deck. Someone in my playgroup, which we call The Herd, had already bought the Mizzix deck and, as I didn't want to get the same one as him, I was upset. That's not the case anymore (I usually win xD)

As for the photoshopping, I used a free program called GIMP. Here is a link to that download.

June 9, 2016 9:29 a.m.

EtchedMyr says... #7

I was inspired by your list, I hope you enjoy this little gift.

June 16, 2016 12:23 a.m.

PurePazaak says... #8

@Tomiix - I honestly have no idea what to say... that is beautiful! I've included your image in my description, along with credit where credit is due. Very hilarious work - thank you so much!

June 16, 2016 1:26 a.m.

windexnose44, dude this deck is great well thought out and well made! I love the Bernie Art!

June 19, 2016 9:45 p.m.

PurePazaak says... #10

@ Shadow_of_The_Dark_Sun - Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback. +1's are great, but comments are much more useful.

As for the art, I cannot take credit. That's all Tomiix.

June 19, 2016 11:17 p.m.

PurePazaak says... #11

I created all but the altered card, in case that was unclear.

June 19, 2016 11:18 p.m.

Crayfish says... #12

I would cut Kira, Great Glass-Spinner if I was you. I used to think she worked great in my Ezuri-claw deck, but then I realized its the first of any spell or abillity, so you could potentially miss out on giving something counters with Ezernie. Courser of Kruphix, Spinebiter, Fatespinner, and Chord of Calling have all worked well in my deck, so maybe they would work too! :3

June 21, 2016 12:50 p.m.

you could play guilder BERN( to buff any creature with multiple +1'S give him a paradise mantle and boom a semi infinite way to tap and untap(as long as you have an extra source of mana) gyre sage's extra mana should get you a few untaps

June 21, 2016 10:40 p.m.

Even better use guilder bernie's effect on gyre and you definitely have infinite mana if you bring a magewright's stone or a bounding krassis/deadeye navigator

June 21, 2016 10:44 p.m.

Crayonmuffin says... #15

Ol' Bern infecting the minds of the simple minded. SO on theme. Love it.

June 21, 2016 11:44 p.m.

EtchedMyr says... #16

@windexnose44 Oh wow... what a response! Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. .

June 22, 2016 3:02 p.m.

PurePazaak says... #17

@ Crayfish - Welp... totally misread Kira, Great Glass-Spinner. Luckily I haven't purchased her yet. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll make the cut when I get home. Out of your suggestions, I'm leaning towards Fatespinner. How does she fare in your playgroup? Is she just an immediate target? How effective has she been for you? Let me know.

@ sanguinecretus - alright, so Gilder Bairn. This is a card that I see often. I've thought a lot about it, but I just needed ways to get it tapped every game. Convince me to put it in. Give me some good tap engines (I see you've already suggested Paradise Mantle; good thought).

@ Tomiix - what can I say, I'm a sucker for good Photoshop. It's certainly added to the feel of the deck. I love the idea of this being a community project, so it's awesome that someone besides myself made that contribution.

June 22, 2016 6:36 p.m.

Crayfish says... #18

-windexnose44- I totally misused Kira a couple times, and it sucks she can be so detrimental. Fatespinner is actually new in my Ezuri-claw deck (she replaced Kira, lel), but she was in my Jalira, Master Polymorphist deck and she definitely could pull her own. She tends to become the center of attention when she hits the board, and often takes the spotlight off bigger threats you can build up. Even if you only get one round of her ability, its still really powerful. I personally love Fatespinner in any deck I play her in.

Glad I could save you the $15. :3

June 22, 2016 7:07 p.m.

PurePazaak says... #19

@ Crayfish - It's a lot like Shroud vs Hexproof, I suppose.

Alright, you've convinced me. Making the switch tonight. Thanks again for the suggestion!

In general, I would like to get more creature tutoring in the list (things such as Chord of Calling, et al) for finding Sage of Hours. If anyone can think of things I can cut for those types of spells, that feedback would be most welcome!

June 22, 2016 10 p.m.

Crayfish says... #20

A few other suggestions for you while I'm thinking about it:

-Cut Slippery Bogle. While he is nifty, replacing him with another tutor to nab Sage of Hours might be a better option. Bogle doesnt have infect and has no built in evasion.

-Drop Viridian Corrupter for Reclamation Sage. I know you are going for an Infect-y build, but corrupter can only rid you of an artifact, while for the same cost Reclamation Sage can also hit enchantments.

-Cut Unified Will. You can squeeze in another tutor, and the situational counter is never the greatest, depending on your meta.

-Loaming Shaman and Etched Oracle are two that I have been on the fence about for a while. Loaming Shaman doesn't trigger Ezuri, and felt very "meh" to me, but with enough tutors can be pretty powerful. Etched Oracle also seemed like a big investment to reap his rewards. You will probably trigger Ezuri with him, but you have to invest power into him that doesn't stay, unlike Fathom Mage who draws insane amounts of cards AND keeps that extra power. Its up to you on these two.

-Some other cards that I run that you might be interested in: True-Name Nemesis, Whisperwood Elemental, Sagu Mauler, Progenitor Mimic, Scute Mob, Beguiler of Wills.

Well, thats my $0.02 for now. Enjoy! #EzernieForPraetor

June 22, 2016 10:35 p.m.

Markbass says... #21

Pure gold. +1 you made me laugh

June 23, 2016 8:39 a.m.

PurePazaak says... #22

@ Crayfish - You, sir, have done your research!

I was actually considering adding more one-drops in here. Cutting Slippery Bogle would be counterproductive to that (promised xD) end. I'd love feedback on that, from anyone here. However, let's assume that I am not putting in those creatures for now, and I will address your comment accordingly.

You're right about Bogle. No infect, no evasion. The mana cost is not the same as a tutor would be, so it's not a purely equal cut, but it is something I will definitely consider.

As far as Viridian Corrupter goes, that's tough. I see the increased utility of Reclamation Sage, but losing infect is a hit. I feel like the infect subtheme of the list is waning. If it gets too low, then there's really no point in playing that meta. Right now there are 6 (7 if you count Thrummingbird) infect creatures in here. I really don't want to go lower than that. The takeaway: replacing Corrupter with Sage is a good move, but I will have to find somewhere else to shove a Spinebiter or something similar.

Unified Will is in there because i didn't want to be ridiculously chumpy with my counterspells. I don't want them to be too god, i suppose. My playgroup is already on the brink of flipping tables due to the deck. But cutting it for a tutor isn't a bad idea. I have a fair amount of counterspells in here that are better than this, but not op.

I totally recognize that Etched Oracle is inferior to Fathom Mage. I'm with you on that. However, card draw is still a lovely thing. That being said, I will weigh it against other creatures i would like in the build. I do disagree on Loaming Shaman. He doesn't trigger Ezuri, true, but after a wipe or just after my creatures have been killed off one by one, he puts them all back for me to use again. I rarely use Shaman offensively.

I just traded my True-Name Nemesis like last week -.- But anyhow, I won't add it because it doesn't do anything once it's down. I really want creatures that can continue to be effective and utilitarian after they hit the table. Whisperwood Elemental and Sagu Mauler have crossed my mind before. The problem with Whisperwood is that if i manifest a non-creature... well crap. I value my counterspells, as they save me from wipes. Without them, I am very exposed. Sagu Mauler and other morph creatures are definitely in the back of my mind. I'm just weighing those out, as well. What are some good targets for Progenitor Mimic? Convince me to put it in. Scute Mob is cute but is really just a target, esp. in the early game. Beguiler of Wills is control, and not really what I'm looking for here - gotta keep myself just a little nerfed in order to maintain friendships!

Your hashtag utterly and completely made me crack up. If I were able to upvote comments on this site, that'd happen. Thank you so much for all your suggestions!

June 23, 2016 9:08 a.m.

PurePazaak says... #23

Sorry, forgot to properly tag you, Crayfish.

June 23, 2016 9:12 a.m.

PurePazaak says... #24

@ Markbass - Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I figured I might as well have fun with this thing, and I was bored one day so...

June 23, 2016 9:14 a.m.

windexnose44 you have inspired me to make a Donald Trump themed deck based around Narset, the most perfectly Donald Trump commander there is! If you want to check it out you can, I left a link to your deck in the description. I hope that you enjoy!

How Donald Trump Plays Magic

June 24, 2016 1:40 p.m.

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