Deck Tech
The Base
This deck is based off of Micheal Major's Grand Prix 1st place deck, it performed very well and I was motivated in trying to making it better. This version is a complete copy except it takes away the 2x Whelming Waves and 2x Anger of the Gods for 4x Jeskai Ascendancy. After testing the normal U/R mill I found that I just wasn't capable of killing fast enough. I tried numerous way to speed the deck such as completely removing the bounces and Anger for more card draw like Divination, but it didn't cut it. The best part about it is that the 27 lands made it super easy to splash the for it.
So Why Does it Work?
The Ascendancy "loot" effect allows us to dig deeper into the deck and mill 2 more cards every spell we cast. Essestially it is exactly what we want. This allows you to mill the 50 or so remaining cards even quicker. For example a gold fish hand contains 3-4 lands, 1-2
Magmatic Insight
or Tormenting Voice and a Jeskai Ascendancy. So all-in-all I think that ascendancy can be better then Tutelage in most cases.

The Goldfish
You you will most like draw into tutelage and/or Ascendancy so having a hand full of card draw isn't perfect but can also be a goldfish which is the awesome part of this deck. So the perfect play would be.
(On the Play)
T1: Evolving Wilds
T2: Island, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
T3: Last Tri Colour Needed, Jeskai Ascendancy
T4: Land, Sphinx's Tutelage, Tap Jace, Mill 2,
Magmatic Insight
, Mill 6
T5: Land, Tap Jace and Transform, Mill 2, Tormenting Voice, Mill 6,
Magmatic Insight
, Mill 6, Treasure Cruise, Mill 8, Jace Flasback
Magmatic Insight
, Mill 6T6: Draw a few more cards andWin!
Of course this won't happen against agrresive decks that will kill you first but you can delay with a Disperse and/or Anger of the Gods and/or
Send to Sleep
and milling two off of ascendancy every disruption spell helps to wins games while also searching for more answers. There are many other goldfish as well and you are consistently able to draw everything you need.

Overall when this deck is in action it is in action and it tends to win big and also lose big as well. The deck seems to have a slight weakness to Abzan and specifically Dromoka's Command. Playing around the command is cruical to a win or loss and playing a second enchantment before you think he will it is a key part of the deck.
Thank You
Thanks for reading and if you wouldn't mind leaving a comment on what could be improved as I am intrested in every person's opinoin. Upvotes as always are welcomed and appreciated.