How to Abuse ETB effects

Standard flyguy


Schmuckey says... #1

Deathrite Shaman to abuse graveyards and you can think about using Satyr Wayfinder I run a competitive golgari reanimate deck. Check it out! Golgari Perfected love the junk idea +1

February 17, 2014 11:45 p.m.

Schmuckey says... #2

Nvm I see you have deathrite lol

February 17, 2014 11:46 p.m.

flyguy says... #3

Thanks a ton for the upvote- You are number 10!

My friend plays a golgari dredge deck that features Satyr Wayfinder , and it works for him really well for him. However, he is much more focused on dredge than me, so I'm a bit skeptical. If you can find something to take out, I'll definitely add it in, but right now your suggestion is on the fence.

Again, thanks a ton!

February 18, 2014 1:18 a.m.

chrisdavis says... #4

I like the deck. +1 I would suggest adding in Rescue from the Underworld . I use to run a deck like this and the only problem I saw with the deck is that nothing actuall is on the BF unless you whip Giant Adephage or Armada Wurm . With Rescue from the Underworld you can keep the creature on the BF as an blocker when needed and attack with the creature your turn. (assuming you cast it on the OPP. turn). Also Satyr Wayfinder actually gets the job done. Some times I would whip it as an blocker and get more creatures in the graveyard.

February 25, 2014 11:35 p.m.

flyguy says... #5

@chrisdavis- Thanks for the comment, suggestions, and upvote! I apologize for not commenting sooner (computer issues). What I have found is that Lotleth Troll , Sylvan Caryatid , and occasionally Pack Rat do have a decent presence on the battlefield. I have tried running Rescue from the Underworld , and it has worked well, but I cut it just due to lack of spots and occasional lack of things to sac. Also, Satyr Wayfinder is out due to it being a 2-drop. However, if you can find room to put either of them in, I would do so quickly (looking at Angel of Serenity ).

Again, thanks a ton.

March 2, 2014 3:41 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #6

you are forgetting Medomai the Ageless I run 2 of them in my reanimator.

March 20, 2014 10:07 p.m.

flyguy says... #7

@GamerSonX- Wow! I never thought about that. That's huge! I'm gonna play around with that. It doesn't have a spot yet, but it probably will soon.

March 20, 2014 10:09 p.m.

flyguy says... #8

Thanks for the upvote, too.

March 20, 2014 10:10 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #9

I also run Aurelia, the Warleader but never really got the use from here yet.

March 20, 2014 10:30 p.m.

flyguy says... #10

I'm a bit more wary about her. I love her, but she just seems weaker.

March 20, 2014 10:31 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #11

I use Kiora, the Crashing Wave and Kiora's Follower in mine for mana help plus the follower can untap the whip to bring something else out if need be.

March 21, 2014 6:10 p.m.

flyguy says... #12

@GamerSonX- I'm a bit wary about those just because I don't think Deathrite Shaman and Sylvan Caryatid are consistent enough to make blue mana...

March 21, 2014 6:27 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #13

that's understandable, I put in one-ofs of Breeding Pool and Watery Grave just incase, I haven't had too much of a prob but like I said mine isn't competitive or anything, I stick with my aura hexproof deck for competitive.

March 21, 2014 8:18 p.m.

flyguy says... #14

I don't really think I want to splash another color, but that may just be my preference.

March 21, 2014 10:50 p.m.

Pterozacktyl says... #15

Yes. This. +1

March 26, 2014 6:45 p.m.

flyguy says... #16

Thanks a ton Pterozacktyl! I'm glad you like it.

March 26, 2014 6:47 p.m.

Pterozacktyl says... #17

Totally gnarly. Nice concept! Journey into nyx should bring some new b/g toys.

March 26, 2014 11:17 p.m.

Pterozacktyl says... #18

March 26, 2014 11:20 p.m.

flyguy says... #19

Yes, I'm really excited for JOU. Worldspine Wurm wouldn't work IMO because he would get shuffled back into the library every time he is dredged or discarded. If only...

March 27, 2014 8:55 a.m.

Pterozacktyl says... #20

Yeah, that's a valid "duh" point which I overlooked. JOU should be awesome! ...hopefully.

March 27, 2014 11:27 a.m.

scare983 says... #21

haha, wow, I didn't even know I commented on this lol I just stumbled upon since i was trying getting back into reanimator and was looking into some decks. Glad I helped though! looks amazing! may take some ideas too if ya don't mind ;D i prob chose the dragon and aphedage knowing my mind tho lol. +1 if i havn't already!

April 11, 2014 11:56 p.m.

flyguy says... #22

Thanks a ton scare983! Good luck with your deck, let me know how it works out!

April 13, 2014 12:17 a.m.

scare983 says... #23

Glad to be apart of this long journey! Speaking of journies. Journey to Nyx holds much promise for reanimation which is always fun haha. I actually have some propositions to help forward your deck into more consistency as well as damage for control decks and such

I think adding one more Obzedat, Ghost Council would severely help. I actually recently learned that his effects go on the stack instead of the whip's effect. So, he does not get exiled forever. And if he dies, ya can keep whipping him back for a sturdy card that never gets exiled.

I also think you should think more highly of Angel of Serenity instead of Ashen Rider . Having Ashen Rider as sideboard could also be an option if you love him so. Angel of Serenity is just a perfect card. It can slow down aggro decks, as well as return creatures from your grave to your hand! which is amazing towards a control deck where it isn't possible to whip a creature back. You would most likely be able to hard cast the creatures you bring to your hand. always a +.

Besides adding one more Commune with the Gods , i think that's all for now. agian, the whip is the main goal for reanimation decks for standard, you need to get it! Obzedat's Aid is good, but doesn't do the same job such as lifelink and haste. I'm not saying its bad, but maybe cut down on it.

FInal suggestions:

-1 Obzedat's Aid

-1 Medomai the Ageless

-1 Ashen Rider

+1 Obzedat, Ghost Council

+1 Commune with the Gods

+1 Angel of Serenity

April 13, 2014 2:21 p.m.

flyguy says... #24

Thanks a ton for the comment!

My thoughts:

Commune with the Gods is already a 3-of, and with Grisly Salvage being a 3-of, I think one more would be a bit redundant.

Obzedat, Ghost Council and Angel of Serenity have both been really, really consistent and good fatties (typically, I just end up exiling my own stuff from my grave with angel for Lotleth Troll 's sake instead of bouncing other creatures, which I only occasionally do). However, so is Ashen Rider . I really like the rider's pure bit of removal which can hit Detention Sphere among other things. As for medomai, I only recently included him, so I haven't had a ton of time to figure it out, but he's been really great so far.

Obzedat's Aid has also been really good, especially when I need a big blocker that shouldn't be whipped or just against orzhov with BBoV in the yard. It is also critical when whip is gone due to something like Pithing Needle , Slaughter Games , Surgical Extraction brought in by someone who cheats but is clever enough to convince me that it is standard legal, etc.

Well, time to tweak the sideboard:

-1 Utvara Hellkite +1 Obzedat, Ghost Council (for control/ grindy midrange)

-1 Glare of Heresy , +1 Angel of Serenity (for aggro that is weak when bounced or when Lotleth Troll shines).

Again, thanks a ton!

April 13, 2014 2:42 p.m.

Arbadel says... #25

I have been playing standard reanimator for a while now, and the main problems I have faced are... To had the reanimation spell in my hand, and to be able to make the creature to stay in the board. Sure, Whip of Erebos is cool and you have lifelink too, but you never get to keep the creature to have some kind of board presence and your opponent knows beforehand what are you up to (And the whip can be easily disrupted too)

Commune with the Gods and Grisly Salvage sure fills your graveyard quickly, but most of the times my Obzedat's Aid goes to graveyard too when playing those... When Unburial Rites was in the format this wasn't a problem at all, in fact you wanted to cast it from your graveyard

I have been trying a reanimator version with Lotleth Troll and Jarad's Orders as graveyard fillers, with a fairly decent win rate and have been thinking to add Nyx Weaver as a recovery system as soon as hits Mtgo

May 6, 2014 2:47 p.m.

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