@Arbadel- Thanks for the upvote! Let me know how your reanimator goes! As for your issue with board presence, I haven't really found that a problem. Normally, Lotleth Troll
is good enough as a blocker to give enough board presence and Obzedat's Aid
helps a ton. Also, massive life swings with Whip of Erebos
usually put me in a decent spot, though you are right that it can easily be disrupted. Do you have any idea how to fix that issue? Normally, I can remove Deathrite Shaman
or Scavenging Ooze
fast enough.
As for your issue with too much dredge, I find that I have significantly less dredge than other reanimator decks, and I'm not usually incredibly upset when Obzedat's Aid
goes away.
Nyx Weaver
is a great suggestion. I don't know where I stand on that. Let me know how that goes for sure. I might have to try it out.
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flyguy says... #1
@Arbadel- Thanks for the upvote! Let me know how your reanimator goes! As for your issue with board presence, I haven't really found that a problem. Normally, Lotleth Troll is good enough as a blocker to give enough board presence and Obzedat's Aid helps a ton. Also, massive life swings with Whip of Erebos usually put me in a decent spot, though you are right that it can easily be disrupted. Do you have any idea how to fix that issue? Normally, I can remove Deathrite Shaman or Scavenging Ooze fast enough.
As for your issue with too much dredge, I find that I have significantly less dredge than other reanimator decks, and I'm not usually incredibly upset when Obzedat's Aid goes away.
Nyx Weaver is a great suggestion. I don't know where I stand on that. Let me know how that goes for sure. I might have to try it out.
May 6, 2014 6:50 p.m.