How To: Align Hedrons

Modern The_Redpill


The_Redpill says... #1

neosapien I've thought about it, but I was reading somewhere that because you exile the cards face-down, you technically can't prove that it exists in the exile zone, because only face-up cards are considered "there."

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about this

March 2, 2016 12:25 a.m.

neosapien says... #2

My hopes... MY DREAMS!!!

March 2, 2016 12:40 a.m.

chaosumbreon87 says... #3

I might want to test this further but Do you think Serum Powder would work? draw a new start and exile some hedron along the way.

March 11, 2016 1:10 p.m.

The_Redpill says... #4

chaosumbreon87 I think it would work to some degree, but as you said - you wanted to test it, so maybe you could test it out with Powder and get back to me?

March 11, 2016 1:38 p.m.

chaosumbreon87 says... #5

Ok after some playtesting, the hedrons with powder work but the problem is draw power. Here is my version if you want to playtest using this site or if anyone wants to playtest it further:

. Any questions on card choices and ill be happy to answer

March 13, 2016 12:04 a.m.

The_Redpill says... #6

chaosumbreon87 I'm only on mobile, so play testing isn't an option. What you have looks good though

March 13, 2016 12:16 a.m.

sylaess says... #7

How are you supposed to erase through hexproof?

May 3, 2016 12:52 a.m.

chaosumbreon87 says... #8

hexproof affects opponents. youre thinking of shroud sylaess

May 3, 2016 3:49 p.m.

MikeTG says... #9

For the auramancers, what do yo think abut Hex Parasite ? Makes the same job, faster, and can kill planeswalkers!

June 14, 2016 1:36 p.m.

The_Redpill says... #10

MikeTG I was actually looking for a replacement for the Ferropedes, and this is great! Thanks!

June 14, 2016 5:54 p.m.

pitch_gold says... #11

Looks like you need to move into black Secret Salvage this will free up slots for by removing Erase, Plea for Guidance and Purify the Grave and Pull from Eternity. Actually you might be able to get rid of most of the non-pillow fort white cards.

January 20, 2017 8:40 a.m.

zezgotpwned says... #12

no serum powder for T0 exile and/or T1 gy with pull?

February 8, 2018 7:03 p.m.

through my own testing, ive found azor's gateway to be better than serum powder. its way less of a brick when you draw it.

February 8, 2018 10:58 p.m.

benelas16 says... #14

Honestly...Coming from a turns player...The best thing you can do is roll a hedron alignment out there and use it to cycle through your deck. The card is ridiculous because of the scry itself. When you power through your deck and toss away cards during clean up and delve out spells you know you're doing something right. It's super duper easy to win.

April 14, 2018 10:51 p.m.

I love alignment right now but there arent enough powerful dig cards right now to justify the deck. search for azcanta was great but with dig's banning, taigam's scheming is a horrible choice but gets the job done. I might consider adding green or red in the future for dredge/loot shenanigans but keeping track of blood moon/sun/magus/chalice/relic is exceptionally difficult. I might try shifting this to UW control with jace replaced with hedron alignment as the win con

April 16, 2018 1:46 a.m.

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