Gorgosaurusrex says... #2
I would definitely cut Triton Shorestalker . 1 damage per turn will not help you win the game, and you have no enchantments or bestow cards to buff him. I would also cut Omenspeaker , as any creatures in your deck are lightning rods for removal and will not do much (Aetherling is fine as he can protect himself).
I would add 2 more Islands (or Scrylands, ideally), 1 more Inspiration , and 1 more Dissolve . Control decks should always be at 24+ lands.
May 13, 2014 7:06 p.m.
Lordfishyy says... #3
@NoogarBafer Unfortunately, the Chimera isnt that great and it doesnt really fit with the deck. Thanks Anyway!
@Gorgosaurusrex I have been getting a lot of comments saying i should add more lands, and people have said that i should cut the shorestalker (and i will cut the shorestalker). However, im not trying to ignore comments, but decks that run more than 23 lands can be VERY inconsistant, and 5 out of 6 playtests i have enough lands to play more than 3/4 of the nonland cards in my hand, if not all, so i unfortunately dont see how the mana is a problem. I will also consider getting rid of the omenspeaker for more inspiration and dissolve.
Thanks everybody for the comments (bonus points if you upvoted!)! I always appreciate these comments, even if i dont always agree with them.
May 13, 2014 7:25 p.m.
Arorsthrar says... #4
If you want to add lands, add some scry lands as they help a lot with consistency. Also, the land-consistency ratio is a quadratic curve, meaning there is a point where too much land is bad, but from my playtest a, you aren't there yet. 24-25 seems like the right number.
May 13, 2014 7:31 p.m.
Arorsthrar says... #5
And 4 AEtherling in one deck is unheard off. Id run 2 max and and then add two lands.
May 13, 2014 7:32 p.m.
Lordfishyy says... #6
Thank You Arorsthrar (and Gorgosaurusrex, because you also suggested scrylands). thats a good point. i will add 4 scrylands (half blue, obviously), and also run 20 islands.
However, this deck will not last FOREVER on counter spells and bounce, so if i am to cut down on the AEtherling i need another win/con that preferably has high power (maybe flash... i fancy that idea). 2 aetherling isnt that bad, but i cant run just 2 win cons (my deck wont last that long). I will do some research and find something to replace it :)
May 13, 2014 8:48 p.m.
NoogarBafer says... #7
How is the Chimera not great in this deck? You are running all counter spells and two different creatures so obviously this isn't competitive. The deck name is specifically "How To Be Annoying 101" and the most annoying non-competitive standard card I can think of right now is Perplexing Chimera . Whenever I play it, my opponent always groans, and it can be a very helpful card showing some of the newer players what the "stack" actually is. This is me just thinking what would be a good addition to your deck, and promoting the Chimera because its a hilarious card, not trying to be negative. But, your welcome for the recommendation.
May 13, 2014 8:49 p.m.
Lordfishyy says... #8
Because Perplexing Chimera isnt actually that fun to play, in my opinion (though it seems that way), and i actually DO want to win games (casually, obviously), so i unfortunately have to say no (but i like your thinking on that).
May 13, 2014 9:12 p.m.
Captain_AHat says... #9
Since you're playing mono U you could consider Scourge of Fleets Yes, he will attract removal but since he has an ETB it might be worth it to bounce all their creatures and still have a threat, unlike the overload mode of Cyclonic Rift .
May 15, 2014 2:19 p.m.
Lordfishyy says... #10
What do people think of having 1 or 2 Jace, Memory Adept in the mainboard? it would make the deck a bit more expensive, but still along the lines of budget, and could be a fun win/con. i already have one in the sideboard (for when the opposing deck has tons of creature removal).
May 16, 2014 12:24 p.m.
IDK... It could be benificial with one, but 2 i think would spike the price just out of reach ( not that I know ur budget.) Maybe try a Jace, Architect of Thought , He would minorly shut down some attacking creatures until his ultimate. (but it would be a while) And he would reduce urtotal CMC if thats ur thing.
May 16, 2014 2:19 p.m.
Also, I would run the U/G Scry and stick in a Kiora, the Crashing Wave in. She is much more effective at shutting down creatures then Jace I realize, and her ultimate is WAY better and easier too reach. And it would still help keep up the scry u got going there.
May 16, 2014 2:24 p.m.
Lordfishyy says... #13
@GGtop Unfortunately, i dont really like Kiora that much and there is nothing i would take out for it, and even with 4 scrylands the mana would be too inconsistent. Same with jace except 4 mana.
Thanks for the suggestions anyway! Also if you like the deck please +1
May 16, 2014 2:46 p.m.
Lordfishyy says... #14
What do people think of removing either Dissolve or Nullify or Syncopate from the deck and adding more bounce? I've been playing with this deck lately and found that hands with more bounce do better than hands with more counterspells (such as Nullify or Dissolve ).
Also need to watch out for RTR cycling out next month... so will eventually need replacements for Syncopate and Inspiration ...
NoogarBafer says... #1
Perplexing Chimera ?
May 13, 2014 7:04 p.m.