The main goal of this deck is to grind opponents out by setting up a sturdy Pillowfort of enchantments and Hatebears, hammer the board with Stax and other oppressive effects, and to control the board (or at least represent the ability to control the board). We try to get opponents to attack and interact with each other instead of us as a result, while we build our evil death fort, then swoop in late game and finish them off with beatdown bombs or other wincons. Of course in doing so, we usually become the arch enemy, but that's ok too, as this deck is comfortable in a 3v1. I'm not really a blue player and I generally don't like to make other players feel terrible so this deck is a bit of a departure for me.
Oloro is our general, mainly for access to Esper colors, but the eminence life gain has its benefits that I've tried to build around a bit. We can cast him for the card draw if necessary, but he'll mainly sit in the command zone.
Like all decks, it’s always a work in progress, though it's mostly tuned up now, both for my play style and playgroup. We like to play semi-competitively, though we all agree to not put in anything TOO degenerate. By Command Zone standards, I’d guess this is a power level 7 or probably 8. That said, it's not nice. At all. This is my "Every once in a while" deck, because if I played it all the time, I wouldn't have a playgroup anymore. As such, I may have pulled back the reigns a bit on power level at times, and there's a lot of cards for the deck that I don't own, that I'm not in a hurry to rush out and get.
I've tried to be thorough as to why I selected each card, and also why I didn't choose a lot of cards as well. I'm getting my sea legs a bit in EDH now, but really I don't get to play often so I still may make some mistakes, either in evaluation or in practice. As such, suggestions and discussion are always appreciated, especially because this is my first Stax/Pillowfort deck, and because I don't tend to play blue. I'm sure I've misevaluated some cards, but as I said, while I recognize the Archtype is mean I don't want to go TOO far because my group is definitely not playing cEDH. On to the deck!

One of the first things we want to do to make the table groan is start stacking up effects that start with "Players Can't" or even better, "Opponents Can't". If we can set up pieces of our board early, we're going to be way ahead by midgame.
Cards in the Deck
- Static Orb
- REALLY locks down the table. Best to cast when we have a couple rocks on the board.
- Winter Orb - Another lockdown Orb that works best when we have some rocks online.
- Torpor Orb - The last of our Orb trilogy, this one is less oppressive to the table, but completely shuts some decks down.
- Crawlspace - Does a great job of shutting down decks that go wide from swinging at us.
- Solemnity
- This one is a meta call, but it synergizes well with Dark Depths.
- Ashiok, Dream Render
- Shuts down Tutors, Fetches, and the like... and as a bonus, neuters graveyard strategies to boot. His -1 ability could be a bit of a nombo with The Immortal Sun, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.
- Linvala, Keeper of Silence - Completely oppressive Angel that puts an end to creature ability shenanigans.
- Hushbringer - Torpor Orb on a flyer that lifelinks. Perfect fit.
- Grand Abolisher - When it's my turn, you're gonna need to just sit back and watch.
- Strip Mine
- I know you don't have a lot of lands, but I'm not gonna be able to let you keep that one.
- Wasteland - Or that one. Sorry not sorry.
- Maze of Ith - Blanking a creature attacking us every turn for effectively 1 mana (since this doesn't tap for mana) definitely feels good.
- Kor Haven - Blanking a creature attacking us every turn for effectively 3 mana (since we pay 2 and don't tap this for mana) still feels good. Not as good, but still good.
- Bojuka Bog - Pretty staple GY hate.
Stax Maybeboard
- Tangle Wire - Super good card, I just don't own one. Once I get it, what should I take out?
- Trinisphere - Another great card I don't own.
- Moat - Wanna loan me $549.99?
- Magus of the Moat - Affordable (in dollars) Moat, on a creature. I thought about running this, and making all my creatures flyers. But I didn't.
- Teferi's Moat - Narrower, but it also doesn't lock down the entire board, just keeps one color off your back.
- Damping Sphere - Totally shuts down lands like Cabal Coffers, Gaea's Cradle, and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Fortunately, I could save the slot because no one in my meta runs lands like this usually.
- Stasis - Staple card. I don't own one, but as bad as it sounds the white border and terrible art make me hate it. It should still be in the deck probably.
- Humility - Reoccouring theme: Cards I don't own.
- AEther Snap - This card is very much related to my meta, and is sometimes in the deck when I know I'm going to face Atraxa Superfriends starring Doubling Season all night long.
- Damping Engine - If things go the way they're supposed to, we will be the one controlling more permanents, so this would mainly just hit us and allow the board to catch up.
- Hushwing Gryff - One mana more expensive Hushbringer with flash. In some decks this is clearly better, but in this deck I doubt anyone will be taken by surprise by a Stax effect.
- Tocatli Honor Guard - Hushbringer without lifelink or flying.
- The Wanderer - Really considered putting this in, not only does it keep us from getting burned, it's got two activations of exiling big dudes. It's just not exactly "oppressive". What could I replace to put this in?
- Kunoros, Hound of Athreos - Shuts down all graveyard strategies, chopping decks like Meren, Karador and Muldrotha off at the knees. Just couldn't make room for it.
- Blazing Archon - Good flying beater with a relative static ability. 6WWW is just way too much, even using Gilded Lotus to come up with the white.
- Void Winnower - Man I really wanted to run this one. Its effect is so weird and fun, and it hits like a truck. But like above, though WAY easier to produce, 9 mana is just too much.
- Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir / Silent Arbiter / Kambal, Consul of Allocation / Aven Mindcensor, etc. - There's a lot of Hatebears out there and they're all good in some way, but I did have to narrow it down eventually. These didn't make the cut for one reason or another.
- Tectonic Edge / Dust Bowl / Ghost Quarter - Thought about running these, but opted to run more basics instead. Mistake?

Part of setting up an effective wall around us will be making opponents pay an ever-increasing admission fee to hang out. Taxing spells, taxing attacking, taxing everything. Between the Stax restrictions and the Pillowfort taxing, opponents should look elsewhere, at least in the early/mid game.
Cards in the Deck
- Ghostly Prison
- One of my favorites, swingtax works so well in my meta and the art is so freaking cool.
- Propaganda - It's literally just Ghostly Prison but Blue. Super great art, as well.
- Windborn Muse - You guessed it, Ghostly Prison on a 2/3 flyer.
- Norn's Annex
- Not quite as good as the above 3, but same concept.
- Aura of Silence - A great early play (the earlier the better), severely slowing down artifact ramp. And if someone tries to remove it, you can blow something up at instant speed.
- Grand Arbiter Augustin IV - The reduction to our own spells is nice and helps counteract Thalia a bit for us, but the real reason this is in is making all our opponents spells cost one more, putting them further behind.
- Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
- Her tax is symmetrical, but it is harder on them than it is on us.
Pillowfort/Tax Maybeboard
- Pendrell Mists - Just need to get one of these. Completely destroys go wide decks.
- Energy Flux - This one is pretty heavy, but the symmetrical effect might hit us a tad too hard.
- Sphere of Resistance / Lodestone Golem - Both great cards, I just down't own them yet.
- Sphere of Safety - Potentially more expensive to swing in than Ghostly Prison or Propaganda, but more expensive to cast, as well.
- Thorn of Amethyst - Another card on the "www.cardkingdom.com" list.
- Defense Grid - This card has been on the borderline of inclusion, but ultimately I don't want to neuter my own removal, or (more importantly) our counter protection to save our board.
- Ensnaring Bridge - With all the draw in this deck, we hope to be holding a grip at all times, which is too much of a nonbo with this card.
- AEther Barrier / Spelltithe Enforcer - Just a little bit of extra tax, they fit the deck nice, but no room.
- Lightmine Field - Really hoses go wide decks. Not as punishing for go tall decks.
- Unsettled Mariner - Another nice but not over the top tax effect.
- Dovin, Hand of Control - Like The Wanderer, another card I feel probably really belongs in the deck. Adds a one sided tax, and blanks a creature four or five times. What to take out?
- Leonin Arbiter - Ultimately went with Ashiok, Dream Render to shut down tutors and fetches but this is a close runner up.
- Nether Void - Another super (SUPER) expensive card I do not own and cannot justify buying.
- Frozen Aether / Kismet / Authority of the Consuls / Blind Obedience - I really debated adding one of these into the deck somewhere, as slowing down our opponents is definitely something we want to be doing. But I couldn't justify a cut somewhere else to fit any of them in.
- Wall of Denial / Fog Bank, etc. - Walls are great on defense (duh) but I wanted what little creatures I had to be doing something a little more proactive to the gameplay than just sitting there.
- Mystifying Maze - Blanks a creature for a turn, but at essentially 5 mana, it's too high a cost.

Forcing opponents to watch their permanents go bye bye is something the deck needs to do in order to control the mid and late game. Wether through sacrifice, destruction, or exile, we have to be able to control the tempo and keep things grindy.
Cards in the Deck
- Smokestack
- The card the archtype is named after. Rather $T4KS, or as some people call it Sac and Taxes. Totally oppressive card with a symmetrical effect we do our best to build and play around.
- Karmic Justice - Petty card that will make opponents think twice about killing our stuff.
- Containment Priest - Shuts down a lot of cards, and some decks in their entirety.
- Sheoldred, Whispering One - Recursion and Edict on one huge Praetor body. With Swampwalk. Usually draws out a removal spell or 10.
- Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite - Our other Praetor buddy makes our dudes a bit bigger, but the real reason she's included is watching opponents small tokens cease to exist.
Edict/Sacrifice Maybeboard
- Mana Vortex - Absolutely punishing card, if I ran a way heavier Mana Rock suite I'd definitely add one in.
- The Abyss - Next time I find $500 in the washing machine, I still probably won't buy this. But it sure would be good in the deck.
- Grave Pact / Dictate of Erebos / Butcher of Malakir / Martyr's Bond - All really great cards that detour opponents from killing our stuff. Seems like they should be in, cutting down to 99 was so dang hard.
- Dread - Another card that has actually been in and out of the deck, good beater that makes opponents think twice.
- Rest in Peace - The ultimate graveyard hoser. I went with Ashiok, Dream Render because it does a couple things instead of one, but I feel like this really belongs.
- Leyline of the Void - Similar to RIP that doesn't exile on ETB, but can be free if you draw it in your opener.
- Honor the Fallen - Same as above but it doesn't stick around.
- Fleshbag Marauder / Merciless Executioner - Great edicts to pitch a faerie token to. Just couldn't find a home for them.
- Descent into Madness - Another card I don't own, seems really good if not a little mad.

If opponents can somehow get things to stick, we'll need to weaken their resolve and annihilate them via Single Target Removal or Boardwipes. Counters are included in this section because we certainly can use them to counter board threats, though they're mainly included to protect our own board state against enemy wipes.
Cards in the Deck
- Anguished Unmaking - The loss of 3 life is completely irrelevant in this deck. Exiling a permanent at instant speed is unbeatable.
- Utter End
- One mana more than Anguished Unmaking, which makes it a bit worse, but it's still really good.
- Vindicate
- Destroy is definitely not as good as exile, but it still targets all permanents, not just creatures.
- Cyclonic Rift - One of the best cards in EDH. If you're in blue, it's an obvious auto-include.
- Damnation - It's Wrath of God, but black. And it kills creatures dead.
- Wrath of God - It's Damnation, but white. And it kills creatures dead.
- Swan Song - For one blue, this protects us against most things we'd be worried about blowing us out. Mainly Cyclonic Rift, Merciless Eviction, Austere Command, Vandalblast, and the like.
- Negate
- Same as above, but costs one generic more.
- Disallow - A bit more expensive, but can hit absolutely everything including planeswalker loyalty abilities, cast triggers, crewing vehicles, fetchland activations, and more.
Removal/Counter/Boardwipe Maybeboard
- Swords to Plowshares - One of the best targeted removal spells there is. I just had to cut down to include counters and wraths so this got cut because it only targets creatures, not permanents.
- Path to Exile - The only slightly less amazing brother to Plowshares. Same reason as above.
- Unmake - Targeting a creature and not a permanent. Again. You could make the argument all three of the above belong in the deck and you'd probably be right. What would I take out?
- Declaration in Stone - Super good but Sorcery speed.
- Hero's Downfall - Another great removal spell that hits walkers too.
- Mortify / Go for the Throat / Murder / Doom Blade / Victim of Night, etc. - All considered, just no room.
- Darksteel Mutation - Cast on an opposing commander to really shut them down if they rely on their general too hard. Really hard to get rid of. Right there with Plowshares on the bubble of inclusion.
- Imprisoned in the Moon - Really similar to Darksteel Mutation, but traps the opposing general in a land instead of a bug.
- Return to Dust - Great card that we hope doesn't get cast targeting us.
- Supreme Verdict - There was only room for 3 wipes and this one was just on the bubble for being uncounterable, but the casting cost is a little harder to get done.
- Toxic Deluge - All the copies I have are in other decks, need to get more.
- Merciless Eviction - Super powerful card that we ourselves need to be diligent about.
- Force of Will / Force of Negation / Pact of Negation - The big three. All amazing, but in this deck they aren't worth the setbacks they offer. Exiling another blue card isn't efficient in this deck. Spending 5 mana is worth saving our board, but there are better options.
- Mana Drain - Absolutely great card, unfortunately, I don't own one.
- Cryptic Command - Great card, but UUU is just a little too hard to get to and leave open in this deck.
- Flusterstorm - I'll put this in as a meta call when a player I know and all his own blue shenanigans take a seat at the table.
- Counterspell - The OG, obviously great but I chose negate because it's easier to cast and leave mana open for.
- Summary Dismissal - Good spell but lost out to Disallow.
- Stubborn Denial / Void Shatter / Remand / Render Silent / Mana Leak / Mana Tithe / Spell Pierce / Dissolve, etc. - All options, I just didn't think they were quite as good.

If we're going to be denying our opponents (and ourselves by extension) access to land based mana, we're gonna need other ways to produce. The idea is to have more options that our opponents do under our oppressive blanket, putting us further ahead. This is a category that I may have skimped on a bit, I'm thinking maybe 10 rocks in addition to the other effects is closer to the magic number. Due to the high amount of cuts I agonized over when building, the only way to know for sure is to playtest.
Cards in the Deck
- Sol Ring - If you're not playing Sol Ring, I don't know what you're doing with your life. Probably the one auto-include card in every EDH deck, ever.
- Orzhov Signet / Dimir Signet / Azorius Signet - The signets are nearly as ubiquitous to EDH as Sol Ring, and are a must-run in the deck.
- Arcane Signet - This superstar signet is fast on the rise to being included in every multicolored EDH deck as well. Especially 3 color and up.
- Chromatic Lantern - Staple rock that gets us all our colors all the time.
- Gilded Lotus - Another pretty staple mana rock that helps us a lot when it comes to casting Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Necropotence, and other double and triple pip spells.
- Smothering Tithe - Fast becoming a staple if you're running white, this insane ramp card stacks up Treasure alarmingly fast, generating huge amounts of colored mana. And groans.
- Black Market - Another enchantment that has the ability to generate a ton of mana pretty quickly, especially with Smokestack doing its thing.
- Bolas's Citadel
- Part of a sweet combo (more on that below) and also card advantage, but I put this card in this section because paying life to cast cards is mana advantage, and in this deck we're not worried about the life we're losing. Completely essential.
- Mana Crypt / Mana Vault - Unfortunately I own neither of these, and I need them for every edh deck I have. Sad face. Same with all the old Moxes, I own none of them.
- Mishra's Workshop / Grim Monolith / Ancient Tomb - The first two I don't own, the last I own 1 of, and that's in another deck.
- Land Tax - This card could be great in the deck, but when it came to cutting cards, it was one that my gut felt like needed to go. I'm not 100% on that though, and am open to suggestions.
- Talisman of Hierarchy / Talisman of Dominance / Talisman of Progress - Effectively another set of painlands, the talismans are right on the bubble, and only didn't make the final cut because I don't own them all. I think they are actually better than the signets in this deck as the pain damage we take is nullified by the lifegain in the deck.
- Orzhov Locket / Dimir Locket / Azorius Locket - The lockets were either right behind, or adjacent to, the talismans and signets.
- Thran Dynamo - It's a bit cheaper than Gilded Lotus, but the fact that it only produces colorless mana makes it not good enough for the deck.
- Pyramid of the Pantheon - "Builded Lotus" as the kids all it. Technically 1 mana cheaper to get to tapping for 3. But takes a while to get online. Definitely a better early play than Gilded Lotus could be, though.
- Paradise Plume - Taps for a color and works into our life gain sub theme. At 4 mana, it's a bit too expensive.
- Coalition Relic - Neat rock that makes either 1 or a bunch of colored mana. I just don't own one.
- Azor's Gateway
- Loots (kind of), then turns into a massive single colored mana source. Just couldn't free up a slot for it.
- Commander's Sphere / Darksteel Ingot / Obelisk of Esper - 3 for 1 just isn't a very good rate for a rock, even with other stuff stapled to it.
- Everflowing Chalice / Mind Stone / Fellwar Stone / Worn Powerstone, etc. - For one reason or another, they're each suboptimal in the deck.
- Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - A combo that makes a ton of mana, and one I love. I have two copies of this combo, and they're both in other decks. They are (along with a lot of other stuff) on the to-buy-list.

We always want to make sure we have a full grip of cards (and then some). You can't control the board if you don't have options, and keeping a full hand with blue mana open, even if a bluff, is often enough to scare opponents from casting their stuff.
Cards in the Deck
- Rhystic Study - You either love it, or you hate it, depending on wether you're in control of it or not. It draws a million cards over time, and a million groans every time you have to ask someone if they're going to pay.
- Necropotence - One of my favorite cards. Normally you have to be careful about hurting yourself too much, but not so in this deck. Digging for pieces of the doom machine with this powerful enchantment feel so right. Either draw up to 7, or dig deep for an answer.
- Phyrexian Arena - A safer and more fair Necropotence, this card reliably blows through the deck at a completely negligible cost. Used in conjunction with Necro, you still get a draw on your upkeep.
- Consecrated Sphinx - Another groan-worthy card that draws cards constantly. Together with Rhystic Study and Smothering Tithe, we have an engine of "Whenever you do something, I do something too" that makes people insane.
- Alhammarret's Archive
- Just off the top, gaining 4 life every upkeep is super good. We're usually going to draw at least another card on the turn starting midgame, so now it's two. And that's just the floor of this card's potential, it stacks with our other effects nicely.
- The Immortal Sun
- This card is a sort of a Swiss Army Knife for us, shutting down planeswalkers, drawing two cards on upkeep, and reducing our own casting costs. The +1/+1 mode isn't as relevant unless we have a bunch of faerie token out and are trying to go wide, but it is there.
- Scroll Rack
- Together with Necropotence and Bolas's Citadel, we can rearrange a HUGE portion of our library, and set up a powerful chain of casting cards for basically free. Gotta have the life available to play that game, but we should be good to go.
- Sensei's Divining Top - Everyone already knows how great Top is. But like Scroll Rack, together with Bolas's Citadel and Aetherflux Reservoir you can draw your whole deck for free, gain an absurd amount of life, and use that life to kill the table. I'll explain the combo in the Wincon section.
- Sen Triplets - Not draw, but advantage. Shutting down the player that can shut you down is great, casting their answers so they can't is even better. With Mycosynth Lattice, you can cast literally anything, but we're not running that card in the deck.
- Dark Confidant - I don't own one, otherwise it would be in the deck.
- Ad Nauseam - Better known as a combo card, and not how I want to win, usually.
- Ancestral Vision - It costs 0 mana and it draws three cards, but it's a one-time effect and it's too slow.
- Underworld Connections - The actual cost is 1 mana and 1 life, since you have to tap down a land to activate it. Good in black devotion though.
- Greed - Just a bit expensive, even with the lifegain.
- Erebos, God of the Dead - Even more expensive than Greed, but at least it shuts down opponent lifegain.
- Mesa Enchantress - Decent but a bit too narrow.
- Sphinx's Revelation - This one-shot spell checks two boxes for the deck, but at the end of the day, it is a one-shot.

Having the right card for the right situation is always crucial for any deck, but more so for this one, as finding the right Stax, Pillowfort, Control, or Finishing pieces will likely be critical to grinding the game down and ultimately winning. I didn't put a lot into the maybe board, as I don't want to run more than about 5 tutors for my meta.
Cards in the Deck
- Demonic Tutor - The Grand Daddy. I run one in every black deck I have. Unless I'm looking for something specific, my first target is usually Avacyn, Angel of Hope.
- Mystical Tutor - There's a few things to go get but usually, it's gonna be Cyclonic Rift.
- Enlightened Tutor - Great tutor that gets even better with Bolas's Citadel.
- Idyllic Tutor - Not quite as good as Enlightened as it can't get an artifact, but it puts it in your hand, so it's still worthy of a slot.
- Zur the Enchanter - Tutoring an enchantment straight to the battlefield is exactly what the deck wants to be doing. Try to get as many swings in as you can before he's removed.

This section is kind of a catch-all for the cards that don't easily fit in other categories.
Cards in the Deck
- Paradox Haze
- Two upkeeps means so much for this deck. Double Oloro lifegain, double Smokestack, double Bitterblossom tokens, double everything.
- Bitterblossom
- The loss of life is negated by the gain of life from our commander sitting in the command zone, and the faerie tokens made are perfect to sacrifice to Smokestack.
- Oona, Queen of the Fae
- While a 5/5 flyer can definitely do some damage, Oona is in the deck for her ability to exile chunks of opponents deck and create faerie tokens to sac to Smokestack.
- Alela, Artful Provocateur
- You guessed it, We're making more faerie tokens to sac to Smokestack. Making the tokens a bit bigger is nice I guess, and the lifelink is relevant.
- Aetherflux Reservoir - Part of a sweet combo, but also just sits there and gains us a ton of life, which is a resource we're going to use a lot of.
- Avacyn, Angel of Hope
- I often go get Avacyn with Demonic Tutor. Making our entire board indestructible is a HUGE part of our resiliency. We just have to watch out for exile and bounce, and keep a counter up.
- Teferi's Protection - Another card that's only in the deck to protect the board we worked so hard to build. Feels so great to cast this in response to Cyclonic Rift or Merciless Eviction.
- Venser's Journal - I feel like this may really deserve a slot. It gains a ton of life, especially with how much card draw we have and with Paradox Haze it's just nanners. Plus not forcing us to discard makes a lot of the draw cards in the deck even better. What should I take out?
- Sun Titan - One of the cards I had a really hard time cutting, as I feel it definitely should be included. Vigilant beater and gets enchantments back after a wrath.
- Aura Thief - Gaining control of all enchantments can be absolutely amazing, or it can completely whiff. For that reason, it's not in at the moment.
- Sanguine Bond - It should definitely be in the deck but I took it out to "power down" just a bit for my meta. I've played it before and the feelbads were very real. That's not even touching the combo.
- Exquisite Blood - Combos with Sanguine Bond for a finisher. I am not running either card because it's a bit much for my meta.
- Medomai the Ageless - I had this in for a while, extra turns are cool.
- Thing in the Ice
- Combos well with Solemnity to flip straight away. a 7/8 beater for 2 mana is really good, but it just didn't do anything else oppressive, and I'm already running Dark Depths.

Aside from durdling all day long, the deck needs a way to win. In addition to the (small amount of) beaters in the deck, we need a plan B. This is the section I felt the most indecisive about, and in the end I don't really have a lot of noncombat wincons, or rather, there's quite a few more in the maybeboard. I'm just not too sure what my meta will consider ok to lose to. As a result, this section will probably see the most flux. Suggestions in this area are very welcome.
Cards in the Deck
- Exsanguinate - Classic EDH finisher.
- Debt to the Deathless - Really the same as above, a bit harder to cast but twice the effect.
- Dark Depths
- Drop this after resolving Solemnity and you get the flying, indestructible 20/20 Marit Lage for free.
- Bolas's Citadel
+ Sensei's Divining Top + Aetherflux Reservoir - With all three out, tap top to draw and put top on top of your library. Cast top for 1 life with the Citadel, and gain 1 life with Aetherflux. Tap top again, draw, and put top on top of your library again. Cast top for one life with the Citadel, and this time gain 2 life with Aetherflux. And so on and so on, gaining 1 more life each time. When you have enough life, usually around 15-17 activations, you can do 50 damage to 3 opponents.
Wincon Maybeboard
- Torment of Hailfire - Similar to Exsanguinate and Debt to the Debtless, but gives the opponents a choice. If I put in It that Betrays, it gets a lot better, good enough to replace Debt.
- Death Cloud - Another card that is on the bubble, but seems just not quite as good.
- Approach of the Second Sun - This used to be in, and I have won with it twice in concert with Necropotence. As such, I took it out so I don't win with the same combo over and over with the same group. But the two cards together is a very good wincon.
- Felidar Sovereign - I'm also only not running this because it's a bit too easy to win the turn it comes down if I have it in my opening hand. I'd rather have a little more of a game.
- Crested Sunmare - This one was hard for me to cut, as I've been able to leverage it before to seal up the game. Creating an Indestructible 5/5 every turn reliably is very, very good. I was also running Swiftfoot Boots before not for Oloro, but the horse.
- It That Betrays - As Eldrazi go, I want to run this one even more than I want to run Void Winnower. Annihilator 2, synergizes super good with Smokestack... eventually I'm gonna have all your stuff. Unless I can get some big mana online, this big boy seems a little like a pipe dream. On the other hand, I do have some ways of making a lot of mana. Do you think it's worth a slot?
So that's the deck! Like most EDH decks it's still very much in flux, but despite some indecision I'm feeling that it's closer to where I want it to be now. Obviously I'm still on the fence about a few things, a couple things are meta calls, and I have a few things I probably won't add because my meta isn't cEDH.
Comments and +1’s are very much appreciated! Thanks for looking!