Part of the fun of Magic is being able to play with the cards you put in your deck, but sadly you can't just goldfish and play solitaire forever (unless you're playing Modern). Sadly, to play Magice you must let other players play with the cards in their deck too because in this game each player shares taking turns and that sucks. In EDH this is even worse because with 4 players you're only playing 25% of the game. But not anymore friends! Thanks to Medomai the Ageless you can now take all the turns and play all glorious Magic you want! This Sphinx (with a startlingly real face) gives you an extra turn every time he hits an opponent's face, which with 3 other players and Flying will most likely be the case. This deck is based around taking far too many extra turns and getting the most advantage out of those turns to drown your opponents in value with some control thrown in to make sure we get there. This deck is the Magic equivalent to Bill Murray on Groundhogs Day, but this time your audience probably won't want to be around to watch and see what happens.

Before we get to the value goodness this deck can achieve first, lets introduce how we plan on playing more Magic than our opponents by stealing their turns. Medomai himself is an obvious way to start playing EDH by yourself but the deck has a plethora of ways to keep the turns coming.

Part the Waterveil : Is by far one of the best cards in the deck due to the fact that it can be both an extra turn as well a 5/5 Haste creature to beat our opponents down with. This card seals games more often than not.

Temporal Mastery : At 7 mana this card isn't awful to cast but with the Miracle cost it essentially becomes Time Walk , which seeing how that card is banned seems like a pretty good addition to the deck. With Brainstorm and Mystical Tutor in the deck (as well as a small Miracles subtheme I'll address later) this card is typically being cast at a discount.

Temporal Trespass : Similar reasoning, Delve helps the deck make use of it's graveyard and the potential to cast this for less than even 5 is good enough to include in this deck.

Walk the Aeons : A self recurring extra turn card we can cast over and over to get back in the game in case of a flood is definitely a card worth running. Sadly, this is the only card in the deck that has a land synergy so while I see suggestions such as Crucible of Worlds I don't exactly see that as being worth the inclusion.

Karn's Temporal Sundering : We have enough Legendary creatures and planeswalkers in this deck to justify this card's inclusion, and the fact that it can get rid of a nonland permanent can be enough to help us get through for a win.

Beacon of Tomorrows : Pretty expensive for an extra turn, but it helps keeps the density of extra turn spells high and hypothetically can give us infinite extra turns.

Battle Mastery : This card signifies the second part of the extra turn plan, which sees us suiting up Medomai to get more out of the initial extra turn trigger. If Medomai deals combat damage twice, we get two extra turns and this card does exactly that. If not Medomai, we can enchant another creature to get more value out of their combat damage triggers.

Silverblade Paladin : See Battle Mastery .

Fireshrieker : See Silverblade Paladin .

Strionic Resonator : Same reasoning as Battle Mastery, this card allows us to pay an extra two mana to copy Medomai's extra turn trigger as well as copy any other triggers this deck runs.

Plea for Power : Usually just draws you three cards, but sometimes you can get the table to give you an extra turn so this card makes the list off of technicality alone. Similar to Walk the Aeons, not worth running "voting matters" cards in the deck because of this one card.

Lighthouse Chronologist : I'm not a big fan of extra turn creatures because they can be removed, but Aquaman's Dad makes the cut because he's cheap and once online swings the game so hard in your favor that you basically can't lose.

Magosi, the Waterveil : This card is basically in here for the memes, I've only skipped my turn with this card once (and won, albeit) but in all honesty this card is pretty bad but it can surprise your opponent with an instant speed extra turn effect.

This is a deck that relies on playing a plethora of 6+ mana spells to win the game, and while we have ramp to get there we also need to make sure we don't die to our opponents and that Medomai can resolve without being immediately killed. This means that while Medomai costs 6, we may want to wait to cast it until we have 8-10 mana to hold up protection. The goal of these cards is to prevent us and Medomai from dying.

Path to Exile / Swords to Plowshares : Most efficient removal spells in the game, can get rid of almost any threats coming your way.

Swiftfoot Boots / Lightning Greaves : Making Medomai untargetable is good enough alone for an include, but the additional Haste makes these cards must runs for the deck.

Terminus / Devastation Tide : These boardwipes are good enough on their own to help keep our opponents down, but thanks to our small amount of Miracles support these cards become absurd when timed correctly and allows us to rebuild ahead of our opponents.

Wrath of God : Got to love the classics. Cheap and effective at what it does.

Planar Outburst : The Awaken ability on this card can be relevant, as this deck is creature light and swinging with a 4/4 after a wiped board is pretty sweet.

AEtherize : Easily my favorite of these cards, this card saves my ass so many times and can even be used as a political tool to save opponents. Not only can bounce attacking creatures your opponents control, but it can also save your own creatures from a blowout if needed. Extremely underplayed card for what is essentially a boardwipe.

Counterspell / Negate / Disdainful Stroke : Classic counterspell suite to help us protect Medomai from being killed for a full board rotation.

Delay : Pretty fun counter spell, the game will change drastically three turns (or could potentially never reach that point) so the spell exiled typically either becomes useless or has less of an impact on the table.

Cryptic Command : This card is expensive, but it also prevents us from losing the game so it's worth running. Being able to tap all creatures down for a clear strike is also relevant in this deck in particular.

Render Silent : Slightly expensive counterspell, but being able to effectively skip an opponent's turn can help secure us the win.

So, while playing the game by ourselves while 3 other people watch is fun and all, we need to make sure that we're doing something with all the turns that we're going to end up taking. This is where the value engines of the deck get us to the point where just the simple notion of taking a turn becomes absurd.

Augury Adept : This card encapsulates most of the cards on this list, in that it's a creature that draws us cards and gains us life when it deals combat damage, which when backed up by an extra turn helps keep the hand full.

Deepfathom Skulker : Mono Colored (Err no colored?) Edric is pretty nuts with this deck even if it just draws us a few cards, and the fact that we can give Medomai unblockable with the activated ability makes this card even more of a star include.

Howling Golem : This guy draws our opponents cards, but with our extra turn effects that won't matter because they will never get the chance to use them.

Ephara, God of the Polis : The card advantage train keeps on coming, Ephara's upkeep trigger combined with a card like Geist of Saint Traft is pretty insane to do on each turn we normally take, let alone the extra ones.

Nyx-Fleece Ram : Incidental lifegain on an early blocker isn't terrible, might end up cutting this guy but I wanted more effects besides drawing cards and the 0/5 body isn't to be taken lightly.

Tandem Lookout : This card lets 2 of our creatures draw cards on combat damage, and stacks with our other creatures already drawing us cards.

Dictate of Kruphix : This group hug card not only helps out in the political game but also turns into a great engine once we get the extra turns going, allowing us to draw more cards than our opponents will be drawing.

Narset Transcendent : Card advantage planeswalker that can also Rebound a boardwipe or draw spell if we need it, and in rare cases a Walk the Aeons . High loyalty and an ult that wins us the game are reason to play her, plus planeswalkers in an extra turns deck become absurd value engines on their own.

Tezzeret, Artifice Master : The other planeswalker in the deck, this card was once Mulldrifter but ultimately I found that the repeatable 1/1 Fliers were better in this deck and drawing 2 cards every turn thanks to our high density of artifacts I found to be better than a 2/2 Flier we can sometimes flicker with Deadeye Navigator .

Thassa, God of the Sea : Letting us scry every upkeep with a Miracle subtheme and making our creatures unblockable is exactly what this deck wants, of course this card was going to be in the deck.

Keeper of Keys : The Monarch is a broken mechanic with multiple end steps, and making a creature unblockable is exactly what this deck wants.

Sword of the Animist : Pretty much an EDH staple at this point, but in this deck being able to ramp lands each turn with an extra turn stapled onto it makes this card more absurd than it would be in the average deck.

Daxos of Meletis : The other copy of Augury Adept in the deck, Daxos takes cards from our opponent's library and gains us life for it, which can be handy by giving us an effect or value engine Azorius doesn't have access to.

Clever Impersonator : Same logic used with Daxos, being able to clone a threat or a value enchantment not available in our colors can prove to be very strong in giving us an edge over our opponents.

While we all love to play Magic, alas the game must eventually come to an end. Because Medomai can't attack on extra turns, we need some method of ending the game so the table can shuffle up and do it all again next round! Besides Part the Waterveil and a rare Voltron win, these cards help us close the game down.

Deadeye Navigator + Identity Thief + Medomai the Ageless : This is an infinite extra turns combo that allows us to instantly win the game if needed. Essentially, Identity Thief can exile and become a copy of Medomai on attack to get around the "can't attack on extra turns" clause but when Medomai reenters play, Identity Thief will still be considered a copy and require one of the two to be sacrificed by the legend rule. However, Deadeye Navigator can blink the Identity Thief to get around this ruling and thus provide infinite turns. Each card is good on their own, and a 16 mana creature combo with no tutors to search for them makes this combo feel more fair than some others.

Sun Titan : A repeatable recursion engine on a 6/6 body can be pretty nuts on a single body, and with extra turn spells this card will not only beat your opponents into submission but also beat them out by providing the deck with repeatable resources to use. Typically can bring back one of our card advantage engines killed earlier in the game to keep our advantage rolling.

Geist of Saint Traft : This guy is generally cracking in for 6 damage a turn, and being Hexproof makes this guy a bitch of an itch to remove. With extra turns and some unblockable effects, this ghost can easily close out a game.

Herald of the Host : Myriad is absurd with extra turns, as this card effectively puts all opponents on a clock while being able to block thanks to Vigilance. Absolutely a sleeper card of this deck that has won many a games once the extra turn train starts rolling.

This deck is a lot like a snowball rolling through the snow in a Charlie Brown Christmas special in that if it isn't stopped it just keeps getting bigger until you can't stop it. Extra turns has a bit of a stigma in EDH because of how long turns and kills can take, so be sure to play somewhat quickly when playing this deck so your playgroup isn't too annoyed. While the deck wants you to play EDH by yourself, it's important to make sure you have others to watch you do it.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.62
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Copy Clone, Emblem Narset Transcendent, Emblem Tezzeret, Artifice Master, The Monarch, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders Fun playstyle, Decks I Like, Decks to try, decks, Decks to beat, EDH/Commander Decks, decks i like, idk, Favorites (EDH), Modern?
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