How to Wake Your Dragon

Casual* Emrakool

SCORE: 149 | 97 COMMENTS | 35891 VIEWS | IN 75 FOLDERS

sheamagic says... #1

Cool man, cool. No Hellkite Tyrant ? He wants love too :( Also, Furnace Whelp , Dragon Hatchling , and decendants path want in here.

April 7, 2013 1:16 p.m.

Emrakool says... #2

Nah Hellkite Tyrant was getting into some weird stuff over on Ravnica. I mean, artifacts? Who needs those?

I did consider Archwing Dragon , but Deadbridge Goliath serves this deck better dead or alive. Maybe I could use Moonveil Dragon as well, though I'd rather be dumping my mana into Kessig Wolf Run .

April 7, 2013 1:34 p.m.

Ilovespiders says... #3

I agree with sheamagic on Descendants' Path , and agree with you on Kessig Wolf Run over Moonveil Dragon because you have very limited red mana, and the trample helps a ton. But love the deck! Nice to actually see some of these seldom played cards see some action! +1

April 7, 2013 6:44 p.m.

Emrakool says... #4

Thanks for the +1!

I do love Descendants' Path and have used it in a couple decks already, though I apologize in advance for this explanation why I'm not using it. My problem with it here over cheaper tribal decks is that it loses some of its effectiveness. If someone kills off my Slumbering Dragon , I could be sending a card to the bottom of my library, then draw an Utvara Hellkite that I can't afford to play yet. Using other tribal decks I'm more likely to afford casting another creature if I lose my only creature in play.

Since other tribal decks are more likely to be able to cast multiple creatures per turn, Esper or Bant control countering that free spell doesn't shut the deck down quite as much. Here dragons kill people, and I only have 11 in the deck as opposed to 25-30 humans, etc. In this situation I feel that casting a dragon with Cavern of Souls would be more important than having a chance to cast one for free.

Also, to make room for Descendants' Path the odd card out would probably be Brimstone Volley . Being able to cast it early, I feel it'd help me stick around against Naya Blitz and other speed aggro in games when I don't have a Gyre Sage I can pump up or a Deadbridge Goliath I can drop T3 to stop the bleeding. Brimstone Volley can also be that ninja burn spell nobody's expecting when I have them down to 3-5 life. Domri Rade might be a potential replacement.

On the plus side, if things get into the late game I run into big card advantage with Garruk, Primal Hunter , Soul of the Harvest , and those little Elvish Visionary . At which point if my other elves are still around I can likely cast multiple dragons per turn.

April 7, 2013 8:31 p.m.

Steve.Corell says... #5

this looks like a sick deck to play. I love the interaction between Slumbering Dragon and Increasing Savagery . brilliant.

April 7, 2013 11:15 p.m.

Emrakool says... #6

Thanks! I'd been trying to brew this deck off and on, and my opinion on Slumbering Dragon has always been that whatever I use to add counters to it had better add all five counters in one shot. Deadbridge Goliath offers an alternative, though I don't have a way to discard it. But hey, who wouldn't want to kill a 5/5?

Increasing Savagery also can help counteract life gain decks, especially after the flashback. A 13/14 Gyre Sage dumping mana into Kessig Wolf Run is no laughing matter. :)

April 8, 2013 12:23 a.m.

didit23 says... #7

i like this deck!

but I have a suggestion.. i think Blessings of Nature might find a place in this deck..

April 8, 2013 1:30 a.m.

Emrakool says... #8

I like Blessings of Nature but 5's the magic number here. Sure it can be good with other creatures, but Slumbering Dragon 's the only one here that really needs counters to become a problem for someone. Blessings of Nature would be forcing me to use two cards to accomplish what Increasing Savagery or Deadbridge Goliath do in one.

April 8, 2013 1:51 a.m.

eheitzman says... #9

Personally I'd like one less Elvish Visionary and one more Elvish Archdruid , since he evolves Gyre Sage .

Would you consider -1x Brimstone Volley and +1x Signal the Clans ? Looks like you could potentially have a ton of many, and being able to dump all that mana into removing two creatures and melting face is certainly appealing.

Moldgraf Monstrosity looks like a pretty weak sideboard card to me, because you have so many mana dorks that reviving two random creatures isn't going to be that much of a blessing. I'd consider Elderscale Wurm instead (a few decks have a hard time coping with it), or Craterhoof Behemoth for the win-right-now effect. Craterhoof might even be stronger than the Balefire Dragon , though obviously off-theme (and I suppose if you tap all your mana dorks to get him out then you won't have as much to swing with).

April 8, 2013 5:26 a.m.

Emrakool says... #10

Actually Elvish Archdruid 's static effect is applied before Gyre Sage 's triggered effect. Gyre Sage would become a 2/3 before it has the chance to evolve.

I'm assuming you meant Clan Defiance instead of Signal the Clans . Definitely been considering it as an SB card. Brimstone Volley 's really there to burn off Champion of the Parish and friends before they become a problem. Against midrange I suppose Clan Defiance would be much more effective.

Elderscale Wurm might work, I was looking for something to recover from a board wipe actually. May go back to my old friend Creeping Renaissance . The Craterhoof's too much fun, and as you mentioned off-theme. I've already stuck the hoof up someone's ass on many occasions. See I Am Sofa King We Todd Ed for details. :)

April 8, 2013 12:17 p.m.

dbrannon says... #11

Forced Adaptation might be a more viable option than Increasing Savagery

April 8, 2013 1:06 p.m.

Emrakool says... #12

Seems alright, but then wouldn't I be waiting 5 turns to swing with Slumbering Dragon when Increasing Savagery would let me swing the turn I cast it?

April 8, 2013 1:08 p.m.

dbrannon says... #13

No it will force you're opponent to do one of two things. One stall till 5 turns are up or attack forcing your dragon to wake up. Either way it will wake. Increasing Savagery will make you wait till you either have the Mana to cast it or have the dragon and the Mana producers and the card itself. Forced Adaptation needs one Mana, can stack and will potentially wake your dragon at the same speed as Increasing Savagery because of the Mana cost

April 8, 2013 1:43 p.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #14

Check out Waking Dragons thought you made a version but I got some more efficiant ways to do this gangnum style

April 8, 2013 4:50 p.m.

DarkHero says... #15

check out my deck Alpha Dragon. pretty much nailed this shit down.

April 8, 2013 4:56 p.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #16

Blessings of nature costs 1 for miracle and with 4 it will happen and if you get stuck with 1 in opener so what you pay 1 more than savagery for that one or loot it. With stomping Ground you can get turn 1 Slumber turn 2 miracle and they are now screwed unless playing black or turn 4 lucky day supreme verdict.

April 8, 2013 4:56 p.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #17

About the flasback you wont need it with only 4 slum dragons anyway

April 8, 2013 4:58 p.m.

Emrakool says... #18

The flashback's around for 2 reasons. First is if I have 2 Slumbering Dragon s on the battlefield, naturally I'd want both to be able to attack. I'd rather have Increasing Savagery waiting patiently in my graveyard for the right moment than praying for a miracle. The other is for Gyre Sage , giving me huge amounts of mana to dump into Kessig Wolf Run . Want to block a 12/1 trampling Arbor Elf ? Me neither.

Also in the late game with enough mana I can throw down a Thundermaw Hellkite and cast or flashback Increasing Savagery , making even some life gain players cringe.

April 8, 2013 8 p.m.

lil_cheez says... #19

You, sir, made my day on TappedOut.

April 8, 2013 8:40 p.m.

alecc says... #20

Man, i Loved the Deck, i was Trying to do a deck Powerfull, Faster, Reletless and Fun, you ideia proved it is possible +1 Certanly !!, please, if you have a time, give me Tips for my two real decks i will very Pleased [UG] Ramp and Rampage (5th and 8th Place) Gruul Thanks man !!

April 9, 2013 10:16 a.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #21

In R/U/G this build can utilize zameck guildmage and master biomancer at 2 and 4 mana so blessings of nature for miracle is either going to target biomancer making slumbering and everything else ready to go and the early plan is to use this 1 drops insane stats to fight smaller stuff with domri's and ulvewalds fight machanic. Then theres the lockdowns and card draw using zamecks second ability and hydra and predator ooze. I assure you there are more efficiant ways to get more aggressive earlier. Waking Dragons is a faster more efficiant plan I think..just wanted you to give it another look. It has alot of room for tweeks but I believe im set on its core cards.

April 9, 2013 12:05 p.m.

Emrakool says... #22


I like your idea, but we're also looking at 2 very different decks. Yours appears to be built around +1/+1 counters with Slumbering Dragon happening to be in the deck. This is built around dragons with Slumbering Dragon happening to be in the deck.

In this case I decided to put less focus on making a slow 1cmc dragon useful, but rather focus elsewhere and still accomplish the same feat potentially at the same speed or a little slower with less cards.

@lil_cheez and alecc

Thank you! alecc I'll be sure to give your decks a look as soon as I get the chance. :)

April 9, 2013 1:38 p.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #23

I like that other m13 dragon that has haste and returns to you hand. It would be good mid to late game with my biomancers. Your deck is very close to mine and I agree with your comment I just think my idea has synergy with your deck it could impliment it. In my opinion you got too many big drops and your running Green Red with no farseek and no burning-tree. There realy needs to be some ramp here in my opinion lets see who else agree'$

April 9, 2013 2 p.m.

Emrakool says... #24

Arbor Elf , Gyre Sage , and Elvish Archdruid all provide ramp. I've kept trying out Farseek , but I'm still iffy on it. Elvish Visionary at least nets me a card, provides an early chump blocker against fast aggro, and has synergy with Elvish Archdruid .

I will say that I also like Archwing Dragon , especially for the chance of triggering evolve multiple times. Why I don't love it is because it's not around during an opponent's attack phase. Deadbridge Goliath gives me a large blocker that also doubles as Slumbering Dragon fodder if someone manages to kill it off.

April 9, 2013 4 p.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #25

gyre isnt bad here but farseek and burning tree to pay its cost is better and if you ran zameck guildmage with the addition of steam vents and breeding pool you could grab those off farseek and draw cards when needed off counters with zameck. Just need creatures that produce counters fast to get card advantage and boom.

April 9, 2013 4:09 p.m.

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