How? that?...whaat, are you kidding me?
First Gameplay in local store —Nov. 12, 2018
I played this deck in a casual multiplayer game last Friday and I very enjoyed it not because I've lost most of the games but because I was the villain. This deck is an amazing game changer! As soon as you cast War's Toll, you slow down the game and let other players establish their board slowly. This is the reason why most of the players then try to build a coalition against you, but sometimes they can't. This is because they know, that as soon as War's Toll leaves the game, one powerful opponent could kill another one suddenly. And while the game control continued, I Donated three of four Sorrow's Paths to one of my opponents and locked him completely out. Then, I tapped his lands until he lost the game. If the game winning is not your aim, then you have to try this out.
The games last week were very funny with this deck, but the next time I have to test this deck with a pillow fort strategy.
ChaosJester says... #2
Yeah Domzig138 Mark was a good ol' Johnny Player. Do you know where to find his Sorrow deck? Thanks for liking this!! :)
July 23, 2017 3:37 p.m.
He is a johnny thats why he made urza block so broken lol and unfortunately No, He never reveals his deck lists he just mentions all his old decks like His sorrows path deck and his Zurs weirding deck. Im contemplating emailing him to beg for decklists lol here is the article i got the info from though.
July 23, 2017 3:45 p.m.
Well, i emailed Mr.Rosewater and left a comment on his google+ account. "My friends and i love to read your blogs and listen to your awesome podcast but we were all wondering if you would ever share your sorrows path deck and your zur's weirding deck? I myself am i jank loving johnny and have tried to make a Zur's weirding deck but im very interested in doing it with old cards. My guess was maybe you used Fountain of youth for life gain but it was only assumtion.Thank you for making magic in many peoples lives and keeping magic on the right course." Hopefully he answers, we shall see if the mighty MARO remembers his decks from 30 years ago lol
July 23, 2017 5:28 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #5
Awesome idea. This is just hilarious. I can't really come up with any suggestions, but I might have an idea regarding that zur's weirding deck: I don't remember exactly if it was MaRo or some else who once wrote this article about a words of weirding deck using "tap-looters", Words of War and Zur's Weirding to win in a very frustrating way. If you haven't heard about the list yet, now you have. And this is a very funny concept as well I think.
October 29, 2017 11:17 a.m.
Recover819 says... #6
Makes me think of my Blue Valakut deck with Realmwright and walking atlas
October 30, 2017 10:12 a.m.
ChaosJester says... #7
seshiro_of_the_orochi holy crap this combo is amazing. I have to try this out. Thank you for sharing it with me and also thanks for upvoting my deck! :)
October 31, 2017 9:26 a.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #8
If you come up with a list, please tag me, i really wanna see it. I've been pondering with the idea for quite some time now, and i'll propably do something with fevered visions as well. One more card that seems sick for the deck as well is Search for Azcanta Flip. It's just too expensive for me now.
October 31, 2017 2:32 p.m.
this is amazing :D! Dude, you come up with the most insane ideas :) I don't think I could improve upon this. War's toll seems to work perfectly - and Smoke pairs up really nicely with it. my only concern is that you only have 4 ways to pawn off Sorrow's path. you could stick Harmless Offering, Mystical Tutor or Donate in there for more ways of getting the land into your opponent's hands.
stay frosty, friend!
September 24, 2018 12:05 a.m.
ChaosJester says... #10
Thank you bro for giving me some advice! I very appericate it! :)
September 24, 2018 5:54 p.m.
ChaosJester says... #11
Thank you bro for giving me some advice! I very appericate it! :)
September 24, 2018 5:55 p.m.
Oh my goodness this deck is fantastic. It's just...beautiful. I've got a friend I have to show this to and he'll probably want to make it asap haha. Idk what to advise short of what The7thBobba said. How has it been playing?
September 27, 2018 12:13 p.m.
ChaosJester says... #13
R.C. Thx for your upvote bruh. I very appericate your fantastic and positive comment! :D
Before this concept, I used 4x Icy Manipulators, 4x Twiddles, 4x Mana Shorts and similar cards. The problem I had is obviously: too mana intensive. So I lost most of my games. With War's Toll I don't have to pay for any instant or sorcery spell, because this Enchantment does the needed effect automatically.
My Playgroup are mostly playing creature-heavy ability decks like Allies or Elves. More casual, between 20 and 60 dollars and not competitive. When I playtested this deck for the first time in a Two-Headed Giant Game, I've noticed their funny faces. It was a typical what-the-fuck-moment for them. And I love these moments while playing underrated magic cards. :D
September 27, 2018 3:03 p.m.
ChaosJester says... #14
R.C. Oh, I forgot to answer your question: This deck is consistent in casual games. I've won some games with this deck. :)
September 27, 2018 3:10 p.m.
The best part of this deck? Watching the realization dawn on your opponent what exactly it is you're doing. The worst part of this deck? Arguing with the few who don't understand
I would +2 it if I could
October 4, 2018 4:31 p.m.
ChaosJester says... #16
FSims81 haha yesterday, I had a game like this. Thx for liking!
October 7, 2018 5:37 a.m.
Excellent concept. I'd probably run Foresee over Risk Factor, because you're REALLY looking for specific cards when you play this deck.
October 8, 2018 9:50 a.m.
ChaosJester says... #18
Grumbles wow, this card is a beast! I will definitely use it. Thank you!
Domzig138 says... #1
No way i love sorrows path!!!! I always wanted that card, Mark Rosewater had a Sorrows path deck back in the day and he said he could only make it work by making the opponent play it. Very cool deck!! +1!
July 23, 2017 2:23 p.m.