
Veeery casual deck. I designed this with the idea of a multiplayer format with 4-6 players, with this deck acting as an accelerator and power checker. I find a lot of games with more then 4 players are both slow and unbalanced, since people with aggro or just passable control always take out a player or two without any interesting game play. While it doesn't run Phelddagrif, it does accelerate cards with Edric, Spymaster of Trest and Rites of Flourishing. Rites also accelerate mana, which is fun when it's only turn three and everyone's happy because TWO CARDS EVERY TURN! Watching people's favorite decks work, seeing huge game changing plays, makes for a more social and more fun game.

I did mention about power checking though, right? Mystic Snake and Voidslime keep most infinite combos out of the game, which I appreciate. Simic Charm is defensive most of the time, with hexproof or bouncing being my primary use. I also have a soft lock of Capsize when I have six or more lands, which is much more powerful than you would think, and is often underestimated.

It's main win condition is beating down with Horizon Chimera and/or River Hoopoe. Infiltrator has a neat combo with Edric, Spymaster of Trest, netting an extra card per turn. Apart from Horizon Chimera, most of the creatures are inoffensive for attacking, which often makes people underestimate the deck.

The most powerful card here is Prophet of Kruphix, who makes the extra cards you draw much easier to cast, and makes cards like Capsize and River Hoopoe very strong. She is also the main card people will target, as she makes the rest of the deck tick.

If you want to win with big creatures or just 1v1, this probably isn't the deck for you. If you play a lot of casual, kitchen table magic with anywhere from 3-6 players, you'll probably like this deck a lot. It typically sticks around for a long time, since it's inoffensive and can net everyone cards. It might win with over 50 life, if you have enough Horizon Chimeras out. But you won't be doing anything super flashy with the deck. It works, it works well, and people typically enjoy games where it's played.


I haven't updated this deck in a long time, but I have been using it still, and trying to improve it. A lot of the main cards are still here, but a few have changed, with River Hoopoe replacing Jhessian Infiltrator in the mainboard, Trygon Predator replacing Beetleform Mage , and a little adjustment to the lands, mainly that I can afford to spend more than $1 per land. However, the deck is still pretty cheap, and you really don't need fancy duels or fetches.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

22 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.08
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