Nightshift Peddler is not intended for the mainboard, it is only a substitute for the moment for Attended Knight (M13 Card) as Tappedout has not yet included it in its database..
An aggro Human Deck. Main concept of the deck is to attack relentlessly while pumping your creatures and possible evasion of blocking creatures thru Champion of Lambholt and Odric, Master Tactician.
Has 7 Cards with first strike ability namely Elite Inquisitor, Attended Knight and Odric, Master Tactician. With Elite you get to attack and block with first stike, one pump is all it needs to be stable and decent to last.
Includes cloudshift support for double exiling ability of Fiendhunter, mana fixing ability of Borderland Ranger, Bouncing creatures for additional counters for Champion of parish and lambholt (especially Attended Knight -m13 for lambholt giving it +2 counters in one bounce thru cloudshift) and also acts as your defense against creature removal spells.
Includes Ranger's Guile support for defense against creature removal spells and acts as offense combined with wild defiance.
Wild Defiance pumps your creatures insanely in one turn thru Travel preparations targeting up to four creatures in one turn if you use its flashback ability. Also, best against direct damage spells almost nullifying its effects.
Pumping made easy with Travel preparations, Mikaeus, Gavony township, Ajani.
Has Oblivion Ring and Fiend Hunter as defense - your own creature removal spell. The trick here is holding unto your Fiend Hunter, O Ring or Cloudshift for creature threats that your opponent might drop since you dont have a counterspell.