My new idea to play a Human deck which breaks the legs of all drunken people in a bar.
I played it first with the Precinct Captain and Hamlet Captain (I love the Hamlet Captain and he may comes back).
After a few weeks playing and testing the Deck i knew how to win with my humans.
1: Champion of the Parish with tons of Counters.The only way to make this is to play as much Humans as possible and then use Rancor/Selesnya Charm and/or the Silverblade Paladin to hit him twice.
2: Precinct Captain with Double Strike and may Trample to get 2 Tokens and not 1. The problem is, that the tokens are soldiers. They don't fit with the Mayor of Avabruck
or Hamlet Captain and are just there to block aggro Decks. The second "problem" is that he costs WW.
3: Silverblade Paladin+Trample. Pair the paladin with something and use trample to run over the blockers. The Problem is that the paladin is the only one with Double Strike.
My idea to fix those squishy conditions.
1: Play one- and two-drops. I had the Thraben Doomsayer in my deck to put counter on my Champion of the Parish and pray for the faithfull hour. He is now gone because of the 1WW.
2 and 3: Use the Fencing Ace. The Precinct Captain had to be paired with a Paladin to hit twice. The Fencing Ace is sick with a Rancor or a Charm without any other Help. Playing the Mayor of Avabruck
to let him grow is just nice to have but not as important as play the Paladin for the Precinct Captain.
It's still under construction and i would be happy if you would help me building a better Human deck before Dragon's Maze comes and forces me to play B/W or Junk ;). I tried Gather the Townsfolk, Faith's Shield, Rest in Peace, Ray of Revelation, Boros Elite and Experiment One (I can't bring him to 2 counters) too, but i think it should be stronger now with Divine Deflection and the other ideas.
Hamlet Captain or Forcemage?:
Hamlet Captain:
Turn 1 - Champion of the Parish.
Turn 2 - Hamlet Captain (Champion hits for 2).
Turn 3 - Fencing Ace (Champion and Captain=6).
Block with Ace 1/1 Double Strike.
Turn 1 - Champion of the Parish.
Turn 2 - Fencing Ace (Champion hits for 2).
Turn 3 - Forcemage bound with Ace (Champion and Ace=7).
Block with Forcemage 3/3.