I spent a week tinkering with the to, hopefully, be more aggressive.
I first replaced Pacifism, which has one of my favourite flavor text's, with Bonds of Faith. I wish I paid closer attention to this card when I originally built the deck. Previous, because I had three each of them, Pacifism, Oblivion Ring, and Arrest would crop up a lot early game and sit useless in my hand for several turns. Bonds of Faith, though, is rather versitile in a Human deck. I drop on my creatures for a boost or my opponent's creatures to change the tide of battle.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben seems like a great card. For two mana, you can slow down your opponent's early game and give yourself some breathing room. But, it slows down your ability to control the battelfield. I've also found that, by the time I want to cast it, my opponent has enough mana that Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is a minor annoyance. I took one of her out, for now, to help make room for Crusader of Odric.
I also took out all four of Unruly Mob and two of Thraben Sentry
Flip. These two card benefit when your creature's die. Whereas, my deck is focused on playing or creating creatures to benefit Champion of the Parish or Crusader of Odric. In the place of Unruly Mob and Thraben Sentry
Flip are four Gather the Townsfolk, and two Crusader of Odric.
Now, I want to find a better card than Hero of Bladehold because its token generation doesn't help too much. I also want to find good replacements for the remaining Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Thraben Sentry