4x Intangible Virtue?? Really? True Conviction is a bit pricey mana wise. How many Mentor of the Meek? I cant tell.
March 21, 2012 1:18 p.m.
minosmagnus says... #3
Yes, the token production you're making is good and steady. Maybe a Requiem Angel or two. and just one less mentor. and I know it is, but as soon as it comes out it's a game changer.
March 21, 2012 2:02 p.m.
Would be helpful if you would check out my other decks and give me some tips :)
March 21, 2012 4:02 p.m.
minosmagnus says... #11
Don't worry, shall do. And that's michigan state? Well I'm from Belleville, Ontario, yeah for being Canadian lol and too bad, commons it is! ;)
March 21, 2012 11:49 p.m.
Nooo! :D Yeah mich state!! I gotta go to bed, good night!
March 22, 2012 12:08 a.m.
shifterfox says... #13
As usual, Vs. Methodical Mind Games 2 ....at until I start focusing on another deck. xD
Game 1: I go first!I got mana flooded. xD and drew both gems when I was needing a bonfire of damned to clean your field. Just 1 bonfire would have been enough to hold ya off.
Game 2: I go first again!due to hands of almost nothing but plains, you had to mulligan to 4 cards. You played out 2 creatures. I sweeped your field. You never drew another land until after I already had enough mana, and your life down to 14 with having 2 creatures of mine hitting open...with 2 devil's plays in hand. umm...win con I mentioned got you. = 18 dmg over 2 turns, actually, without a pike. summary: flooded for mulligans, droughted on draws. shrugs
Game 3: You go first!damn! xD I was struggling. I held you off for like 4 turns straight while I dangled at 1 life. Finally, however, my luck ran out and I drew a ghostly flicker when I needed ANY sweep. rolling temblor would have been perfect, actually. I drew ANOTHER gem that I never had time to play...and both bolas. I'm gonna drop a gem for another temblor...or a bonfire would work better...idk... anyway xD I didn't draw enough removal in early game during this game, causing you to overrun me. by the time I "recovered" it was short lived. :3
August 27, 2012 7:10 p.m.
Strangelove says... #14
I've always really liked Angelic Overseer but I haven't made use of her yet. You should definitely have Divine Reckoning and Day of Judgment in here. Divine Reckoning (target Champion of the Parish with a Angelic Overseer out) yields huge board advantage. Day of Judgment when you only want the Overseer to survive.
In fact, I'll make a deck with her right now, this'll be sick.
August 30, 2012 12:35 p.m.
Ok I'll check it out when it's done! Give me the link! :D.
August 30, 2012 10:23 p.m.
Angelic Overseer is kind of meh, I tried using it in my Humans deck but it didn't really work out. I would board it and replace it with some Accorder Paladins. When I had put those in my deck I started doing insane damage. In most cases you should be able to win or have your opponent nearly dead long before you can summon the Overseer.
Also you NEED a 4th Champion of the Parish, just chuck out Nevermore (I almost never had a real use for it, if you like it that much just board it). CoP is too amazing to pass up.
October 8, 2012 10:42 a.m.
cartwheelnurd says... #18
want to go new standard on this now? I, being a human, like humans almost as much as zombies, so +1 from me =P
October 23, 2012 8:12 p.m.
Yeah, I haven't looked at this deck in awhile. Suggestions on how to standard-ize it?
October 23, 2012 9:35 p.m.
nice deck! I play a mono white deck too in current standard... Human Angel Aggro
I would drop the 2 Goldnight Commander for 2 more Silverblade Paladin s... these guys really kick ass!
I would love to hear how Mentor of the Meek works ... unfortunately I hadn't had time to try them out but they seemed to be very useful to me.
Add Ajani, Caller of the Pride if you have any.
Same reason as the Paladin!
January 6, 2013 3:59 p.m.
Some adjustments: -2 Goldnight Commander +1 Silverblade Paladin +1 Elite Inquisitor .
January 7, 2013 11:09 a.m.
Infiltration Lens instead of Mentor of the Meek and take off Boros Elite , it is illegal :(
Some humans who is nice: Riders of Gavony , Pentarch Paladin , Mirran Crusader , Knight of the White Orchid , Hero of Bladehold .
January 7, 2013 11:49 a.m.
ehrm... Boros Elite gets legal in Feb. ... but your cards are not legal anymore since Oct. ...
January 7, 2013 11:58 a.m.
@Lacco. Almost all of your suggested cards are illegal in the standard format. This gearing up for GTC, so Boros Elite stays ;).
minosmagnus says... #1
Needs 1)True Conviction, 2)-2xGideon's Lawkeeper, 3)+3xIntangible Virtue,4)+3xElite Inquisitor,5)-1xMentor of the Meek,6)+1xDoomed Traveler
March 21, 2012 1:15 p.m.