I took this deck to my first-ever FNM since taking up Magic. Apparently the local meta is VERY heavy on aggro!
Match 1: Lost both rounds very quickly to a Jund aggro deck. I was steamrolled by Strangleroot Geist and Dreg Mangler. Whenever I managed to kill something, he always had Tragic Slip ready.
Match 2: Lost both rounds to a Golgari scavenge deck. Dreg Mangler + Rancor made it through my Fog Bank every time. Nothing else really stands out. I just wasn't drawing the removal I needed.
Match 3: The guy was a no-show.
Match 4: Went 1-2-0 vs. a Red/Blue/White deck with emphasis on Boros Reckoner, Geist of Saint Traft, Boros Charm
, and Supreme Verdict. In the first round, I held off his Geist's angel tokens with Fog Bank, milled, played Consuming Aberration, then played Essence Harvest for an instant win. The next two rounds, I was able to slow down his Reckoners with Fog Bank, but he still got me in the end.
Match 5: Went 2-1-0 vs. an Esper control deck. Nephalim Drownyard really shined in the first round, and I milled him to death before his AEtherling could kill me. The second round, his control worked perfectly and he whittled me down with Augur of Bolas and Snapcaster Mage. The third round, I countered him several times with Psychic Strike and milled him again for another win.
TLDR: My deck seems to work ok against other slow decks, but gets steamrolled by quick aggro decks (which make up most of the local meta).