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Atog's may be cute, but having one as a house pet is a terrible idea. They will literally eat your house.

So unfortunately Affinity banned artifact lands and made this deck "illegal"... but it continues to be one of my all time favorites to play. It is a modified version of "Sacrificial Bam", a preconstructed deck from the original Mirrodin block. You could remove the lands to make it Modern and still have a good ol' time if you wanted to. The land actually only functions as a finisher with Megatog if the game actually goes that long.

Anyway, the main components here are the Disciple of the Vault, Myr Retriever, Locket of Yesterdays , and Atog . You can sacrifice a Myr to put one in your graveyard, then if you play and sac another one you can bring back the first Myr and replay and resac as many times as you can afford. With locket, you can do it once for every mana you have available. With either two lockets or a second Myr in the graveyard, you can do it infinitely. With a Disciple on the board, you've won. Without, you just barrel over your opponent with an intensely large Atog. Megatog having Trample takes care of chump blockers, or really any blockers since he gets WAY bigger.

The Moriok Rigger becomes a growing threat all on his own if the main combo isn't working due to some kind of control since he gets counters every time an artifact dies (which happens all the time), and Lodestone Myr allows you to just tap the artifact before you sac it for a quick buff and a second Trampler on the board to mow down the opposition.

Pyrite Spellbomb and Necrogen Spellbomb are awesome here since they can sac themselves to either deal direct damage to a creature or player, force a discard, or draw a card, all while fueling Disciple, Rigger, Lodestone, or just more food for an Atog. So very flexible.

Leaden Myr, Iron Myr, and Talisman of Indulgence are all nice ramp that double as food.

Shrapnel Blast is crazy powerful and can win the game all by itself since you always have artifacts to detonate. Also, since it can hit creatures or players just like the Pyrite Spellbomb, it just adds to the control and can clear a path for Atog to hit for lethal damage. Love the card.

And that is it. The deck appears exactly as I have had sleeved for over a decade and continues to be a personal favorite. If I wanted to change anything, I would include Ashnod's Altar as another means of infinite combo with the Myr Retriever and Disciple of the Vault. I just don't have any, and this requires a little more to set up, which allows me to actually play this deck without people saying its unfairly broken. I don't lose very often though :)

Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think in the comments. I'd also be curious to see what you've done to any classic precon decks to make them better.

The best part of this deck is you can actually purchase my version from TCG for less than $15, so it's even cheaper than the original MSRP and it includes a much more powerful combo. On an extreme budget, this deck will dominate your home games :)

I recently put this together on MTGO for less than 3 TIX as it is minus the Moriok Rigger because I can't find them and I replaced the artifact lands with regular swamps and mountains because of restrictions and budget. I replaced the Riggers with a 4th each of Pyrite Spellbomb and Necrogen Spellbomb , it works just as good, just with one less fatty on the table. I have won games as early as turn 4 but consistently between turn 5 and 7 it's all wrapped up.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors WUG

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

28 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
Folders MTGO, Build In Paper, Cool decks
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