Devour deck! Eat the weak!
This deck prefers to (but doesn't NEED to) set up a huge Mycoloth to pump out tokens so the dragons can eat them and power up. Other cards add tokens as well, but Mycoloth reliably puts them out for free every turn. Could use it to attack since it's a huge body, but it's got no evasion.
Preyseizer Dragon is the main beatstick, doubling as both a big creature and extra removal or direct damage. It should usually come in at +4/+4 or better, which means an 8/8 flier that can deal an extra 4 damage to a creature or player each attack.
Hellkite Hatchling is the backup, usually providing at least a 4/4 flying trample for 4 mana. Don't want to pump the Hatchlings too much, though, because the tokens are worth more to Mycoloth or Preyseizer.
Young Wolf does double duty - devour it and it comes back as a 2/2. Nest Invader provides two devourable bodies for 2 mana, including one that can be sacrificed for mana in a pinch.
Whisperer of the Wilds will tap for 2 as soon as any devour creature enters the battlefield, accelerating even more devourers. If/when the mana is no longer necessary, the Whisperers can be devoured too.
Skullmulcher gives some draws, and Rancor turns it and Mycoloth into reliable attackers.
Ranger's Guile provides a little cheap protection for Mycoloth and Preyseizer. It's not really worth spending on anything else.
The flaw of this first draft seems to be turn 3. With a turn 2 Whisperer of the Wilds I can drop a Hellkite Hatchling turn 3, but it won't have enough to devour yet to move Whisperer into Ferocious - so I'd rather use turn 3 to set up more creatures (ideally some combination of two Nest Invader and/or Dragon Fodder). But at that point I don't really need the Hellkite anymore because on turn 5 I could just drop Mycoloth or Skullmulcher instead. I'll have to think on that.
I'm always open to suggestions!