Safely hidden behind walls of deception and merfolk troops lies Skola Vale, a sleepy town known for its deadly hydra population. All is peaceful in little Skola Vale until the Scourges are ready to eat. Spirits, barriers, and merfolk are all fair game for the hungry scourge who will stop at nothing to have their appetite satisfied.
Once meal time has ended the Scourges rampage through the neighboring towns, leaving a wake of destruction.
(yeah, I know it's not the scourge artwork, I couldn't find an image of it... this is close enough)
Basic idea is to get your blocks up early on (
Hover Barrier
Murmuring Phantasm
). Then, eat a spare blocker or two with
Scourge of Skola Vale
and start swinging in for big damage.
Triton Tactics
is an important piece that makes my blocks more effective early game, gives me extra counters if i eat something that's been targeted by it, triggers heroic on
Triton Fortune Hunter
for card advantage, and most importantly lets me untap my scourge meaning I can eat something, untap, and then swing in the same turn.
Some other explanations:
Simic Charm is an all-around swish army knife. It can trigger heroic, save me from spot removal, provide a nice combat trick (didn't expect that wall to kill your creature did you?), or pumps a guy for a beefed up attack who I can then sac to the scourge for 3 extra counters.
Dissolve is nice to have for halting anything really scary my opponent might have.
Jace, Architect of Thought is manly here for extra draw, but thanks to all the blockers and Simic Charm (which gives hexproof to PERMANENTS) I can often get Jace to ultimate.
Rapid Hybridization provides removal, plus I dont need to worry about the 3/3 it leaves behind because it wont be getting through my walls.
Deadbridge Goliath
is a cheap big body, giving me a good blocker or attacker towards the top of my curve. Also, I can sac it to the scourge and then add even more counters with its scavenge cost.
Prognostic Sphinx
gives me another big blocker and/or threat in the air. It also can ensure that I'm drawing what I need thanks to the scry 3.
The sideboard changes our strategy completely. I'll bring in 3 Phenax, God of Deception, Jace, Memory Adept, 1xDivination, 1xOpportunity, 1xDissolve, 2xNegate, and 2xWatery Grave
Deadbridge Goliath
, 3xSimic Charm, 2xPrognostic Sphinx, 1x
Scourge of Skola Vale
, and 2x
Triton Fortune Hunter
This gives the deck a heavy mill focus. The 6 counter spells post-sideboard lets me control and protect my board. Then, when I drop Phenax, God of Deception I can begin doing huge mill.
Triton Tactics
allows for something like this to be in play:
Phenax, Hover barrier and murmuring phantasm in play, Triton tactics in hand. Tap barrier and phantasm, mill 11, cast Tactics, untap barrier and phantasm, tap again, mill 17.
Please +1 and comment! I'd love help making the transformational sideboard more effective.