I like Polukranos, but I traded all mine away to a guy building Gruul Monsters at my local store, so I don't have any more to put in this deck. Besides, I can't figure out exactly what he'd replace if he went in. I like all the Hydras I have too much to want to take any out.
About Dark Betrayal, my local FNM is VERY black-heavy, from Rakdos Aggro to MBD to Dimir Devotion to a couple of Jund players (besides myself), there is a lot of black I have to deal with. And ultimately I'd like to swap out the Dark Betrayal for Abrupt Decay if I can get any. And, unfortunately for Putrefy , there aren't enough artifacts in standard to make it worthwhile (although I may change that tune if Godsend becomes a thing around here), so I'd rather just maindeck Dreadbore over Putrefy.
And Mizzium Mortars are good, but the overload, aka, the reason I would play a damage spell and not an instakill like Dreadbore, has WAY too much red for this deck to reliably cast it. And I would say the same thing about Hero's Downfall . While I have it in my sideboard, I'm a little uncomfortable with it considering I might not have the colors to cast it too reliably.
Thank you for the input though. You got me thinking about stuff I hadn't thought of before.
April 11, 2014 11:50 a.m.
Dreadbore , Hero's Downfall , and Slaughter Games , might scew you mana quite a bit though. You can take the burn approach, which has the added benefit of being able to hit people's face, giving you extra reach. However, at best the damage is three to a creature, while fall of the hammer can potentially hit harder. I'd go with the former though. God of Revel might be a game ender, and easy enough to get devotion going. The Reveler might net you extra mana and emergency blockers though. Both would take away from you casting hydras though.
Archonbob says... #1
wouldn't main dark betrayal because that doesn't do anything if play against a deck that doesn't run black instead Putrefy , Mizzium Mortars ,Hero's Downfall are all much better removal also what about Polukranos, World Eater he's a hydra
April 11, 2014 2:54 a.m.