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Hungry Hungry Purple Flying Hippos

Commander / EDH



Ever since I first saw Phelddagrif I loved it. From the silly art, to the strange mechanics. So of course I had to build a deck with him as the forefront. Hence this.

Cards for All

  • Jace Beleren: A handy +2 which everyone benefits from. An extra card is always good, and if the other players piss me off I can just -1.
  • Anvil of Bogardan: Infinite hand size for everyone, all you have to do is discard one card per turn, but it even gives you an extra on as repayment.
  • Temple Bell: Another extra card per turn, all I have to do is tap it.
  • Minds Aglow: Draws everyone cards depending on how much they want to draw cards.
  • Prosperity: Pay X, we all get X cards. Fairly simple. The C13 version also has really nice art.
  • Skyscribing: A lot like prosperity, but it has the advantage that I can get everybody 1 card from it each turn while still keeping it in my hand.
  • Windfall: One of the win conditions in this deck is with this. First I draw lots of cards, then I cast this to mill everyone out.
  • Temporary Truce: Lets everyone choose what they need most; cards or life. Or both. Both is an option too.
  • Vision Skeins: Very simple here, nobody gets the choice of drawing cards, no X costs, just draw 2 cards.
  • Fecundity: People keep killing your guys with cheap removal? While this won't prevent it, it will give you something back in return. Of course the Jund sacrifice combo players will love this, getting to draw their entire deck each turn.
  • Rites of Flourishing: Extra card at each upkeep. Extra land each turn. All for 3 mana.
  • Edric, Spymaster of Trest: Gives my opponents cards for beating each other up, so hopefully they won't attack me.
  • Heartwood Storyteller: Punishes the control players by letting everyone else draw a card when they counter things. Also punishes everyone else, but hey, cards for everyone.
  • Kami of the Crescent Moon: Another extra card each turn for everyone. How many of these things are there? Also he's a short, fat, blue guy and I thought that was kinda funny.
  • Selvala, Explorer Returned: Parley is an interesting mechanic, but it works well in EDH where you often have lots of players. So everyone draws a card, and I get mana and life.
  • Mikokoro, Center of the Sea: A land that gives cards, and if need be, mana. It also doesn't enter tapped, which is nice.

Lifegain for All

  • Dawn Charm: Doesn't actually gain life, but prevents combat damage, which can save a player from certain death. It's versatile though, so I could just as easily regenerate one creature instead of stopping all the damage.
  • Fog: Just like Dawn Charm, but with only one option of use.
  • Temporary Truce: Once again, this card. It still has the same purpose as before so I don't think I need to go over it again.
  • Arbiter of Knollridge: A great card, especially if you have a way to flicker him. You can reverse multiple turns of damage. Also works well if somebody else is playing Oloro, Ageless Ascetic.
  • Kami of False Hope: Like Fog, but as a creature.
  • Wall of Shards: It doesn't give everyone life each turn, instead giving steadily increasing life to one person each turn.

Mana for All

Protect Myself


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

49 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.77
Tokens 1/1 G Creature Hippo, Bird 2/2 U, Snake 1/1 G, Spirit 1/1 C
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