Hunted Harmony

Modern* ArchFline

SCORE: 164 | 80 COMMENTS | 10684 VIEWS | IN 52 FOLDERS

ArchFline says... #1

I see the use but given how most games go my hunted tend to meet heavy and immediate removal due to their threat level. Knowing how the deck functions I simply see Flickerwisp a win-more kind of card which does not warrent an inclusion on principle.

March 8, 2017 11:13 a.m.

WolverineSR_71 says... #2

Supernatural Stamina for flicker.

May 29, 2017 8:44 p.m.

WolverineSR_71 says... #3

Sorry I don't know what to take out for it.

May 29, 2017 8:45 p.m.

ArchFline says... #4

Personally I like Cloudshift and Eldrazi Displacer more but this deck simply does not need flicker mechanics as they serve only as a win-more strategy.

May 30, 2017 noon

WolverineSR_71 says... #5

lol I see.

May 30, 2017 2:18 p.m.

willis1234 says... #6

Shrivel could get rid of the tokens for your opponents.

October 12, 2017 10:45 a.m.

ArchFline says... #7

It seems like a bad Golgari Charm to me.

October 12, 2017 10:55 a.m.

MrSilk says... #8

I think Authority of the Consuls could be really sexy in this deck... You can life and your opponent's tokens come out tapped.. All for the cost of one white.

October 12, 2017 10:55 a.m.

Faradin says... #9

I've been playing this deck for the past week on xmage, and after hitting the learning curve and listening from mistakes, I think it's incredibly well positioned in the modern meta right now. The fact that you can't just surgical one part of the combo makes it incredibly resilient, and the ability to surprise your opponent with a life swing of8+ cannot be more important. The survivability is off the charts, as every drain we do gives us an extra torn to keep chipping. I love this deck, and thank you for thinking on the concept. I'm going to keep refining and give suggestions as I keep testing.So far only change I've done is a gruul charm + and a dagger -. A lot of games the dagger didn't do much other than make 2 plants don't die unless I got 2 illness on the field. I found I wanted more -1/-1 most of the time... As well as fantastic enchantment hate. Blood moon, sanctity, phyrexian unlife. Can't stress the effectiveness of those circumstances enough.Also, -2 overgrown tombs for +2 whatever the blue black dual is. I kept finding myself wanting a second blue, but either not having groves or just having one blue and waiting on the second. This makes blue available from the fetch, which I'm surprised wasn't included already.I think this deck could be more frivolous with its life - especially for card draw, as decks that took apart my hand seemed to be the hardest matches.Anyways, continue the good work - I'll be coming back here often.

November 17, 2017 9 a.m.

ArchFline says... #10

@Faradin I'm happy that you like the deck. I will see about taking some of your recommendations to heart. To deal with hand disruption better I have added Leyline of Sanctity to the sideboard. As we do run both Forbidden Orchard and the flip from our daggers we should be able to support the leyline.

November 18, 2017 10:12 a.m.

Shagoth says... #11

So, this is a variant on Dagger Burn? It reminds me a lot of my version with Ratchet Bomb and Mercy Killing. IDK about Blood Artist, wouldn't a Suture Priest be more reliable? There's a solid argument for both of them, though.

December 22, 2017 5:16 p.m.

ArchFline says... #12

The primary reason we do not use Suture Priest is to protect against the clear counter to any four color deck Blood Moon. Simply put the excessive diversification of our mana base would limit our ability to deal with the rampant land destruction and mooning that currently appears in some 20% of all modern competitive decks. Yes Priest is a better choice than Blood Artist however the artist gives our field spikes that allow us to capitalize on another form of attack that works reasonably well and punishes our opponents for the use of wrath spells (which they would absolutely board in game 2).

December 22, 2017 5:31 p.m.

ArchFline says... #13

Simply put a 3 color base (while perhaps not as capable in terms of raw power) is more reliable and therefore consistent. This conclusion has come from countless hours of play testing that have brought this deck through multiple iterations the first 5 of which actually where 4 color. As a side note this is not a variation on dagger burn as it is more a variation on hunted decks which have existed for some time before dagger was printed. The new printings only serve to better solidify and empower what already existed. Its a bit of a nuance I know but something that deserves attention given the age of forcefeed strategies.

December 22, 2017 5:38 p.m. Edited.

How does the manabase feel for you guys who've been playing a lot more with this deck then I've done? Played some matches, but drew very little land, and even harder to get the double blue for the Hunted Phantasm. 20 Mana sources might be a little too tight, especially in a 3 colour deck, but as I said, haven't played enough with it to really be able to judge the mana base, just wondering how you feel about it.

January 2, 2018 6:03 p.m.

ArchFline says... #15

I generally dont have an issue with the mana draw as this deck effectively can run nearly all aspects of itself on 3 mana which is perfectly reasonable for a 20 mana base. There exists 14 means by which to generate or get to blue mana in this deck which has not been much of a problem for me either outside of when I fight Blood Moon decks but we do run both the basics to cast or the mana to float to use our 9 main board answers for that card. The greatest issue may come from gathering the mana to cast Panharmonicon but proper use of Dowsing Dagger  Flip and Phyrexian Metamorph will usually solve that problem. The mana bad is certainly tight but this is a midrange deck that utilizes life swings and Omni-purpose removal to dismantle our opponents strategies while we set up our own. The biggest problem I see when people pilot this deck is that they go heavy Aggro and never leave up mana which results in poor performance.

January 2, 2018 9:15 p.m.

sg_86 says... #16

What about other hunted creatures like Hunted Horror or Hunted Troll?

February 11, 2018 9:34 a.m.

ArchFline says... #17

Hunted Horror is a generally bad card as it gives our opponent something that we would have difficultiy killing while offering us only 2 etb or death triggers. Hunted Troll was in the original build of this deck, however his high mana cost and low toughness caused him to be dropped in favor of Phyrexian Metamorph which gives us more options while also being able to duplicate both our Hunted Phantasm and Dowsing Dagger  Flip.

February 11, 2018 10:59 a.m. Edited.

sg_86 says... #18

What about Crafty Cutpurse? It allows you to steal the tokens from the Hunted Phantasm, which is very powerful.

February 11, 2018 11:46 a.m.

ArchFline says... #19

I am aware of the cutpurse however at 4 mana (effectively looking at a 7mana combo) I dont see its inclusion fast enough for the modern format.

February 11, 2018 2:11 p.m.

sg_86 says... #20

If you do not run Crafty Cutpurse which makes complete sense, I dont see why you shouldnt run a playset of Ratchet Bomb. You wont be making any tokens yourself, so it will basically be a 2 mana sweeper for the opponents tokens. Also do you plan on winning through Trespasser's Curse? It is the only particularly obvious wincon.

February 12, 2018 8:48 a.m.

ArchFline says... #21

The win cons are beat down with the unblockable illusion which is increased by the dagger. Pinging from treaspassers curse and from death triggers off of boos artist. Its pretty consistent.

February 12, 2018 5:01 p.m.

Bennymarty says... #22

With only 10 creatures, I feel like Search for Azcanta is a must right? Just trying to help, thought I was the only one building this deck oh well, thx for the Ratchet bomb idea, it fixes everything considering I was using Displacement Waves witch messed with my mana (xUU). Anyhow good luck!

March 23, 2018 1:33 a.m.

ArchFline says... #23

I am happy to see another working on a similar deck. I have recently created an Esper colored varian of this one by the same name that you can note on my profile. Certainly I had thought thought to add Search for Azcanta  Flip but found it to be ultimate to slow or what I was looking to accomplish. This deck fields a fair bit of removal and control, however much of our early turns are already well spent. The 2 mana slot for this deck is filled with an extensive list of combo pieces and removal such that Azcanta would seldom be played early unless I had little other choice. Certainly the scrying and potential mana/draw power is meaningful, however we ideally are winning sooner than what Azcanta generates value to us at. For us the value gained from Opt is enough add the additional consistency that we like. Luckily our deck utilized a great deal of redundancy for its combo pieces such that its rare for us not to have a realativly quick clock.

March 23, 2018 4:10 p.m.

Dango says... #24

Honestly instead of Bontu's Last Reckoning for your boardwipe I feel like Polymorphist's Jest is more suitable and better in a deck like this since you're protecting your creatures and you should ideally have Illness in the Ranks in play, but if not you of course still have Golgari Charm for that. I really like this brew and I think it has potential to become meta since it can likely hold it's own against top tier archetypes. A well earned +1 from me.

March 24, 2018 8:37 a.m.

Faradin says... #25

Illness wouldn't work on jest unfortunately, due to the frogs not being creature tokens.

March 24, 2018 12:27 p.m.

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