The point of this deck is to kill them by giving them creatures. The only effect I know that of that this is printed on is Blood Seeker and Suture Priest.
I'm combining these cards and stuff like Forbidden Orchard and Hunted Troll or Hunted Phantasm to just pretty much kill them.
A few synergies:Hunted creatures + Blood Seeker or Suture Priest = They end up dying, pretty muchMercy Killing + Illness in the Ranks = They have to sac target creature, basically. Gets around indestructibility, and could even kill them if you have the seeker out. Really good on turn 5 to throw out a blood seeker and cast this.Illness in the Ranks + Forbidden Orchard = Free 5 color fixing that also kills your opponent. Very good against control, because they won't counter the seemingly harmless enchantment, and they can't counter the land.
Drown in Sorrow means you can live better against aggro if you don't manage to draw Illness and a Hunted creature, as well as helping to filter the draws (this deck can have some bad hands) and can even kill the Hunted Horror's pro-green tokens if you do have the enchantment out.
The first version of this deck was more heavily white because I had Hunted Lammasu in an attempt to synergize more with Mercy Killing, but I never wanted to cast it, it just ended up being really really bad (which tbh I should have realized).
So now here we are. I'm more of a BGuw build now, in an effort to address the mana concerns. If I could I'd try fitting in Hunted Dragon, I feel like he is probably the best since he has haste, but don't have any other red cards in here, and I think it would be greedy to splash just off the Forbidden Orchards.
I'm mainly looking for additional ways to give them tokens, maybe so I could shift this to be more of a combo build instead of mid-rangey. I really like how it is now, but I can't shake the feeling I'm missing some real gems.
A big issue is the horrible manabase. I threw Cultivate in there to help out with that, as we have some heavy splashing going on. I'd love to hear about some other fixing that is budget friendly (aside from terramorphics, I don't want to many tapped lands) that I wouldn't have to run as cards.
Of course stuff like Twilight Mire and Sunken Ruins would be ideal, however until I have enough spare cash lying around to make that happen I'll have to settle for stuff like the guildgates or Llanowar Wastes, Underground River.
Something I will mention is I'm not playing Torpor Orb on purpose, if I wanted to I would just throw in Eater of days and call it a day. What I'm really looking for here is more synergies with Blood Seeker, Suture Priest, and Illness in the Ranks.
Thanks for taking a look at my deck, I'm really looking forward to some feedback.