Match 1 - Aristocrats
Ironically enough I was literally paired with the same person from Match 1 the night prior. Knowing that I was going to be seeing a lot of aggro today I was mainboarding Izzet Staticaster and quickly took down both games.
Match 2 - Esper Control
Pretty typical controlling mirror, game 1 was a grindy mill out, game 2 I stuck a threat and defended it until lethal and game 3 went to turns ending in a draw, though it was extremely close in his favor.
Match 3 - Bant Control
Had a pretty ridiculous game 1, where a Plasm Capture from my opponent led into a Sphinx's Revelation for 13, but game 2-3 he drew a lot of lands and I found a few repeating threats like Garruk, Primal Hunter and Progenitor Mimic.
Match 4 - BW Zombies
Same deck as the prior night, tore it up with a lot of removal. Mainboard pillar of flames was a big help.
Match 5 - ID into Top 8 RG Aggro
Played for fun and barely lost 1-2, RG has a ton of reach, and boros recokoner
Top 8 Match 1 - Junk Reanimator
Valued out of game 1 with a recurring Thragtusk, game 2 was extremely close with a Progenitor Mimic on Thragtusk keeping me barely alive from the flyer beats. Finally crafted a final turn of Snapcaster Mage + Turn / Burn on his Angel of Serenity with no blocks because it had another Angel of Serenity under it, though I'm not 100% about that interaction. - EDIT looked it up I could have blocked since there would be no LTB trigger. I swung back with my growing army of Thragtusk tokens for the win.
Match 2 - BW Zombies
Well after having cleaned this deck up 2-0 the last two times I faced it, just everything went wrong this time. Mana came out awkwardly and answers were not what they needed to be.
Based on my experiences for the past few days I made some changes to the exact numbers in the deck and the sideboard.