Hurricane Nekusar

Commander / EDH* Weirdhat


Kozelek says... #1

I like Seizan, Perverter of Truth and Arcane Laboratory in my nekusar deck Did you brain your hurt when you down fell? check it out it's quite well balanced and seems to do ok in multi player (not as good 1vs1 though :-( so any suggestions are welcomed)

June 12, 2014 9:55 a.m.

EndStepTop says... #2

Fastest. Nekusar. Deck. Ever.

June 12, 2014 10:33 p.m.

K34 says... #3

Love +1

June 13, 2014 7:31 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #4

Thanks for the suggestions Kozelek , I tried cards with upkeep effects but they weren't doing enough and didn't add to the idea of blowing up and killing people in one turn. The Arcane Laboratory doesn't work because I need to be able to cast several spells on one turn.

June 13, 2014 11:39 p.m.

hereticloki says... #5

Shah of Naar Isle and Indentured Djinn are ideal creature choices in this deck. Even if they're nothing more than a few cheap fatties to hide behind while Nek does horrifying things to your opponents. Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind is also nasty with all the extra drawing going on.

Here's my setup, it's a little more focused on a mix between upkeep effects and spell effects to cycle hands, but it intends to do all its damage via drawn cards like yours.

Homer's Donut Hell. Might be some other inspiration in there for you.

June 17, 2014 6:03 p.m.

Kozelek says... #6

What about stuff with "madness" like Fiery Temper /Obsessive Search /Call to the Netherworld /Circular Logic /Dark Withering /Violent Eruption ...... The list goes on but I figured with you having 2 dif combos that requires discarding you mite like to be able to play them as you discard them

June 17, 2014 8:48 p.m.

EndStepTop says... #7

Pyretic Ritual Desperate Ritual Seething Song to get going faster and Mana Vault maybe a Burning Wish or Cunning Wish based sideboard Yawgmoth's Will because it wins games.

June 17, 2014 10:22 p.m.

hereticloki says... #8

Also forgot to mention this, in my setup Teferi's Puzzle Box is a spectacular card. Wheel of Fortune EVERY TURN!

June 17, 2014 10:34 p.m.

EndStepTop says... #9

Memory Jar also does goofy shenanegians.

June 17, 2014 10:35 p.m.

hereticloki says... #10

June 17, 2014 10:39 p.m.

EndStepTop says... #11

Magus of the Jar might not be fast enough, with out haste. But resundency is awesome in EDH.

June 17, 2014 10:45 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #12

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm looking for copies of Seething Song , Time Spiral , Lake of the Dead , Memory Jar , and Grim Monolith . To make the deck faster, and more consistent. I'm seriously considering Teferi's Puzzle Box , and Yawgmoth's Will . I really like the idea of Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind sounds awesome hereticloki. The madness cards sound alright by the problem is that putting them in the deck would mean taking some other card out. Thanks for all the feedback.

June 21, 2014 5:05 p.m.

EndStepTop says... #13

Yawg will over tehfiri? Tehfiri is nuts but I think yawg will would find more relevence more often. I don't know if you want help cutting cards.

June 21, 2014 8 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #14

I have decided on getting rid of the Mind Over Matter combo with Otherworld Atlas or Temple Bell . Teferi is also being considered. Goblin Electromancer is also going by the wayside, and after that it's Lim-Dul's Vault , and Impulse

June 21, 2014 10:06 p.m.

EndStepTop says... #15

I only run tehfiri in Damia because I combo off with tooth and nail and can often cheat him in for free with little set backs to how I'm going to win.

June 21, 2014 10:08 p.m.

EndStepTop says... #16

The atlas stays, its foil.

June 21, 2014 10:08 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #17

I'm afraid I can't do that Gspot

June 22, 2014 6:23 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #18

I'd cut the diamonds, they are slow and I can't imagine them being too useful. Try Helm of Awakening , Chromatic Lantern , and Long-Term Plans instead.

June 23, 2014 1:03 a.m.

Weirdhat says... #19

I have the diamonds in because they ramp for 2 mana even though they enter the battlefield tapped. I had cards like Chromatic Lantern but the extra mana cost was a bit much and since tweaking up my land sources I haven't been badly mana screwed . Helm of awakening sounds pretty freaking awesome, Except where some of the copy spells are concerned but that didn't stop Nightscape Familiar from being amazing. I'm always looking for cheap ways to make sure i draw into another wheel and Long-Term Plans definitely helps, it is being seriously considered. Thanks for the suggestions.

June 23, 2014 11:54 a.m.

+1 I'm glad someone took Nekusar in the same direction that I did. Lol. Have you considered actual storm cards? I'm playing Mind's Desire and Tendrils of Corruption and love both of them. Also I'm trying out Past in Flames (haven't actually drew it yet so idk how I will like it, or if I'll have enough mana to cast spells... I'm hopin that flashing back the mana ramp spells will do enough work to let me coming off) table a look at mine and see why you think. Nekusar's Perfect Storm

July 10, 2014 1:19 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #21

A heavy black spell presence makes chaining wheel effects very beneficial with Waste Not out. When anywhere between 30-40% of a deck is land that's a lot of lands discarded. Nevermind the Zombie tokens and card draw.

I've also recently added Mirari and Melek, Izzet Paragon to my Nekusar deck Set your Mind Ablaze! and the copies have begun to flow. If you have time I wouldn't mind some feedback.

Storm seems like a great way to use Nekusar. +1

July 17, 2014 4:46 p.m.

DMR says... #22

I don't think you understand, you NEED Yawg-Win. It's too good. Also, I'd strongly recommend Goblin Electromancer . Waste Not should really find a place in there too, with all the discarding, you'd get so much value out of it, for just 2 mana!

July 17, 2014 4:59 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #23

I'm definitely getting Waste Not just a matter of when. I'm trying to keep my mana cost low with some protection, because I need a way of dealing with stax. I'm cutting anything that isn't a wheel with a cmc of five or over.while those cards are great I'm not getting enough time to setup but thats mostly because I've been playing 1v1 or 1v1v1 games where the other players are always fast to react. Storm sounds awesome but I've decided to use those slots for counter spells and the like . Thanks for the suggestions.

July 17, 2014 5:05 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #24

I will reconsider Yawgmoth's Will the reason why I decided against it was because all cards played after it are exiled from the graveyard. But that isn't that bad late game

July 17, 2014 5:14 p.m.

DMR says... #25

Once you play with it, you'll understand the power of it. It doesn't matter if the cards are exiled, because you already won? Playing every card in your graveyard again will 90% of the time kill the table.

July 17, 2014 5:19 p.m.

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