PrestonShilling says... #2
Could be good. I'm, trying to add more colored lands to the deck to alleviate the strain on the mana base. But City of Traitors could be good
January 31, 2015 9:51 a.m.
City of Traitors is good early-game, worse late-game. With your mana rock level, though, you don't really need to worry about colored mana as much.
January 31, 2015 12:15 p.m.
Also, one of my friends out here has a Nin deck that relies heavily on rocks as well. He pulled his deck all the way down to 24 lands and it was still killing me turn 5/6 with regularity. Here, check it out: Nin EDH.
January 31, 2015 12:17 p.m.
Very narrow targets but could be good if you are having problems with path and the like in your meta
March 19, 2015 11:29 p.m.
EndStepTop says... #8
It protects nekusar and the megrim effects, doesnt stop people from countering your combo, I think its subpar to the counter suite he uses.
March 20, 2015 8:26 a.m.
PrestonShilling says... #9
I actually just noticed that he removed his counters for more fuel for the combo .lol
March 20, 2015 10 a.m.
EndStepTop says... #10
At that rate Dispel would be stronger, fucks up path/plow and counterspells.
March 20, 2015 12:44 p.m.
Kozelek is right it is pretty narrow, if I had Dispel in the deck already and was looking for more defense that would be a consideration, I am at this time leaning more towards reanimation.
April 9, 2015 5:33 p.m.
not the Blood Pet he's so cute and Whip of Erebos is so kool, just imagine nekusar smaking biches with it!!!! =(
April 12, 2015 10:26 p.m.
EndStepTop says... #16
Imagine him burning book pages for fuel to cast more spells. Or using his own blood to draw power.
April 12, 2015 10:31 p.m.
EndStepTop says... #19
Why bother? A counterspell to simply protect Value as is more versatile. Or another out while storming.
April 12, 2015 10:56 p.m.
I am pretty much always tapping out to cast nekusar and I won't always have a cheap counter In my hand. a follow up next turn would be reanimate then with all this mana I still have I go off.
April 12, 2015 10:58 p.m.
EndStepTop says... #21
"Value as" should read Nekusar. New phone. Also Ad naus doesn't give two fucks about that junk player's removal.
April 12, 2015 10:58 p.m.
EndStepTop says... #22
Reanimate or animate dead are worthless outside of that niche though if you're really worried wait a turn and cast Neckusar with counter back up.
April 12, 2015 11 p.m.
I do think that I am dependent enough on nekusar being on the field that I warrants those cards .
Kozelek says... #1
Not worth the $55 price tag but if you already gots it use it
January 28, 2015 10:46 p.m.