Hybrid Elves

Legacy Sam_I_am


Spoofed says... #7

Finally someone makes a proper elf ball deck on TO.


October 24, 2011 7:59 p.m.

MTimao says... #8

This deck is Awesome, one guy in the place that I play have one of it, it is the best Deck that I've ever seen rolling. Very hard to beat it.

November 2, 2011 10:48 p.m.

dende333 says... #16

ok get it =) i like the deck anyway. perhaps you can think about some natural orders + progenitus. you could also add fauna shaman to tutor a card you need and bring progenitus back to your libary.

December 20, 2011 7:45 a.m.

Sylvan Messenger is my card drawer in elves, my deck is actually quite similar, only more crossroads and less forests

December 22, 2011 6:15 p.m.

nrutter94 says... #18

Also, if Glimpse of NatureMTG Card: Glimpse of Nature is too expensive. You can always go with RecycleMTG Card: Recycle. Its a cheaper card except your hand size reduces. But, that generally doesn't matter in an elf deck because you are playing your entire hand very, very quickly. Personally, I would also try and find away around the summoning sickness. I would suggest some sort of burn spell. That way, you don't have to wait the additional turn for summoning sickness to wear off and to smack your opponents in the face. Just a thought.

February 23, 2012 12:43 a.m.

Good match v.s. Crimson and Ash. Sideboard some lifegain. Also, it wouldn't hurt to add in Eye of UginMTG Card: Eye of Ugin or another way of tutoring out Emrakul.

March 20, 2012 2:53 p.m.

maxy_10 says... #20

It isn't a good deck in legacy :S

April 24, 2012 8:08 p.m.

flyingltd says... #21

any elf deck that needs or uses nissa is not really a good deck to begin with nissa is a bad card end of story

June 12, 2012 9:38 p.m.

flyingltd says... #22

@maxy_10 play test it against yours its and good as any legacy deck under 200 you cant even touch ravager under 200 besides this thing is a beast and a half

June 12, 2012 9:41 p.m.

Milosz says... #23

Just wicked. I'm generally a DIY kind of guy, but I'm so tempted to buy this. At below 200 this is really impressive. And a riot to playtest :)

June 25, 2012 11:33 p.m.

Milosz says... #24

I can see a turn 2 Tangleroot working in a Modern rewrite of this. As it stands though, there's nothing I'd take out for it. If I get some time this week, I'm gonna try my hand at a Modern rewrite that's at least half effective as this beast and let you know about it :D

Unfortunately, Glimpse of Nature is banned in Modern, so that will be a serious blow to the deck's effectiveness.

June 29, 2012 10:57 a.m.

OpalineBlade says... #25

This deck is wicked explosive, but it needs more ways to generate card advantage. Harmonize would fit in amazing

Also, it seems to me that a Mindbreak Trap would completely ruin Emrakul, and an Slagstorm or card:Black Sun's Zenith would be absolutely devastating, often deciding the winner immediately.

If you have the money, it would be an amazing addition to be running fetch lands like Verdant Catacombs for mana thinning, because with only 12 lands in the maindeck, the mana thinning would be even more relevant. (they can be pretty pricey though) But it never hurts to run a playset of panoramas Jund Panorama .

Anyways, it still looks like a solid build, Very impressive. Looks like it would absolutely annihilate some control builds, but is also consistent enough to survive aggressive combo decks like Living End and Dream Halls .

July 4, 2012 12:59 a.m.

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