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Hydra Ramp (Multiplayer)

Modern Mono-Green Multiplayer Ramp



Hydra Ramp (designed for Multiplayer):

This Deck aim's to ramp into huge, growing Hydras.

Our playgroup generally plays with Modern legal decks. A lot of those are designed to be fast. In Games with more than one opponent you can often get away with slower decks. I build this deck for fun around the kitchen Table.

How does it play?

  1. Play some Dorks
  2. Get some board presence
  3. Swing for the win

A lot of ramp and a lot of (technically infinitly) big hydras are the idea of the deck.

  • You really want to stick one of the big Hydras (preferably Managorger or Primordial). To Protect them I put in Heroic Intervention. It even works against some of the board wipes.
  • Once you have a board developed, you can use Hunter's Insight to refill your hand (or in some cases draw half of your deck). Your hoping to find Kalonian Hydra or Asceticism to basically win the game
  • Courser of Kruphix helps you hit Land drops early on, gains you live and prevents you from drawing dead late game
  • Quest for Renewal is easy to trigger with dorks and allows you to swing in while still keeping blockers up
  • Once you got a big creature, Lure basically works as removal. You can also use it to ensure your damage goes through, but the Hydras have Trample anyway.

Otherwise just some Forests.


No Sideboard right now. The deck is not for competetive play, so I dont really need it. Maybee I'll build one later.

Considerations for the Future:

  • I did not yet face any Mana issues ever with this deck, therefore I kind of want to take out Sylvan Caryatid. Maybee for 2 more Courser of Kruphix.
  • After that maybee taking some of the dorks out for Hardened Scales
  • I would also like more cards for protection (backing up Heroic Intervention)
  • There are certainly some places for Utility Lands in the Mana Base, but I don't know which ones yet

Suggestions welcome

Thank you for Looking at my Deck. Please feel free to comment any questions or suggestions.



Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

13 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.37
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