Hydras, the most bad ass monsters in Greek mythology, and now they're here to kick you ass.
Corpsejack Menace darling that he is doubles the counters that i put on my lovely hydras and works beautifully with both Kalonian Hydra and Gyre Sage to make my hydra's even bigger, and increase my mana ramp.
Elvish Mystic 1 drop green manawhore not much else to say.
Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
is for one thing a 4/4 with first strike and haste as long as she's unleashed, also gives all of my hydras haste (except Polukranos).
Gyre Sage eveolves into a monster manawhore thanks to Kalonian Hydra and Corpsejack Menace.
Kalonian Hydra provides counters galore for all creatures, especially if i already have a Corpsejack Menace out.
Mistcutter Hydra
a cheap hydra that can't be countered, plus with haste and protection from blue, what's not to like?
Nylea, God of the Hunt gives all my hydras trample because what good are enormous creatures if they just get chump blocked by tokens or whatever, also good mana dump to give my creatures a little extra boost
Polukranos, World Eater awesome hydra, 5/5 for four mana and potential removal. Plus with so much ramp he can just become an enormous creature.
Ruric Thar, the Unbowed is nice for shutting down other peoples game plans especially cause it has little effect on my own as i have very few non-creature spells.
Savageborn Hydra big old double striking hydra with potential to get even bigger, throw on some trample from Nylea, God of the Hunt and you're golden.
Sylvan Caryatid is a great mana ramper with built in resistance to removal
Domri Rade gives me draw power, potential removal, and if iget him up to his -7 makes my hydras even more beastly that they already are.
Xenagos, the Reveler is a mana whoring planeswalker who can also give me free tokens, and with his -6 tons of free creatures and lands.
I hope you like it, plus ones and suggestions are very much appreciated; Let me know what you think!