After How To Kick Ass With Codex Shredder 101 rotated out, I kinda fell out of Standard. Once Sphinx's Tutelage was spoiled, however, I knew I needed to rebuild something around this gem to honor the deck's passing and its legacy.
Budget. Mono-Blue. Creatureless. Mill. This is that deck.

As our win condition is to deprive our opponent of his or her library, our win conditions are the natural passing of turns, Sphinx's Tutelage, and Dictate of Kruphix. While Dictate of Kruphix allows the opponent to draw extra gas, you also draw some extra. And then Sphinx's Tutelage mills them for at least two cards every time you cast a spell. So while you deny them a spell a la Dissolve, you're also furthering your own win condition.
We have, of course our counterspells that are always staples in blue control shells. Dissolve, Dissipate, and
Clash of Wills
to get rid of anything our opponents may try to cast to wreck our game. Then we have
Perilous Vault
for instant-speed removal able to catch opponents off guard and get momentum back on our side. At sorcery speed we also have
Displacement Wave
for mass removal lategame and Whelming Wave fairly early game to help protect against fast decks. Finally,
rounds out the control cards by giving us a card that lessens the damage we take while also replacing itself.
What is a control deck without oodles of ways to draw cards? The aforementioned Dictate of Kruphix helps all players, but the rest of the draw spells we want to keep to ourselves. Also
, but that's merely replacing itself. We of course have the famous
Dig Through Time
, banned in Modern and the best selector of cards in Standard, but then there's its little friend Anticipate to help out in the early game or whenever the mana cost can be squeezed.
Just other little things to help us survive and round out the deck. Prism Ring helps us get some life back so we don't instantly die to aggro decks.
Radiant Fountain
is another source of colorless lifegain- every little bit helps! And
Foundry of the Consuls
generates a few chump blockers if the situation calls for it.
So yeah, that's the deck. Could use a bit more polishing and more minds on it though! Are there enough counterspells? Boardwipes good enough? Sideboard look fine? Does it lack something else?
Want a decklist that deals with creatures a little better? Try this, the new / version!
Standard GoldGhost012
SCORE: 15 |