Inspired by Oath of Teferi and the new legendary sorceries, I wanted to see if I could make a UW Planeswalker/Legendaries deck. The goal of the deck is to keep your planeswalkers alive using cards like Eight-and-a-Half-Tails and Baird, Steward of Argive. At the same time the goal is to also ramp up the planeswalkers using Oath of Teferi, Ajani Steadfast, Tezzeret's Gambit, and The Chain Veil, so that you can win after ulting with each planeswalker.

I have yet to put the deck together, but before I start investing in it, I wanted to know if there were any changes I should make?

Thanks for the help!


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 0 Rares

7 - 0 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.49
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Emblem Ajani Steadfast, Emblem Dovin Baan, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Emblem Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Emblem Narset Transcendent, Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Kor Ally 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 W
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