

This deck is centered around combos with Deadeye Navigator. In addition, all of the creatures either have flying, hit hard, or both. To top it off, a fair amount of protection comes from control. I have found this deck to be extremely fun to play!

While the mana curve may look to be too high, I usually have no mana problems (4x Sol Ring helps a lot). After a lot of casual testing, I've found that this deck tends to handle burn, control, and aggro without a problem, and I have identified major weaknesses in the mainboard to include intimidate and trample. Much of the sideboard was tailored to help with those two. Even though mill-resistant decks are frequently a pain to play against when milling, I enjoy doing it with this deck due to Jace's Mindseeker .


1) Infinite mana:  Deadeye Navigator + Peregrine Drake
2) Infinite mill:  Deadeye Navigator + Geralf's Mindcrusher
Deadeye Navigator + Jace's Mindseeker
3) After infinite mana:  Grozoth + Inkwell Leviathan (maybe!)

Turn #1:  Play Island, then play at least 2 Sol Rings.
Turn #2:  Play Island, then play Deadeye Navigator.
Turn #3:  Play Island, then play Peregrine Drake and soulbond it to Deadeye Navigator. Exile the Peregrine Drake repeatedly to fill your pool with an infinite amount of mana, then play Jace's Mindseeker or Geralf's Mindcrusher and soulbond it to Deadeye Navigator. Now mill all opponents back to the stone age.

I'm still playing with my sideboard here and there, and as always I would love comments and/or suggestions. I am very intrigued with the Grozoth + Inkwell Leviathan idea. Does anyone know of any other good 9-drops that may fit in with that? Thanks in advance!


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

13 - 10 Rares

20 - 4 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.50
Folders Decks, Liked Decks
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